android Programming Glossary: parserconfigurationexception
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException import org.apache.http.HttpEntity import org.apache.http.HttpResponse.. new StringReader xml doc db.parse is catch ParserConfigurationException e Log.e Error e.getMessage return null catch SAXException..
android get duration from directions catch SAXException e e.printStackTrace catch ParserConfigurationException e e.printStackTrace java android google maps duration map..
Android: Trying to get data from youtube api catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch ParserConfigurationException e e.printStackTrace catch SAXException e e.printStackTrace..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch ParserConfigurationException e e.printStackTrace catch SAXException e e.printStackTrace ..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues import import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.. SAXParser sp null try sp spf.newSAXParser catch ParserConfigurationException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch SAXException..
Reading big chunk of xml data from socket and parse on the fly e.printStackTrace postSuccessfullParsingNotification catch ParserConfigurationException e e.printStackTrace postSocketDisconnectionBroadcast break catch..
Need a simple tutorial for android/webservice work? Exceptions need to be handled MalformedURLException ParserConfigurationException IOException SAXException catch Exception e System.out.println..
Parsing CDATA in android new StringReader xml doc db.parse is catch ParserConfigurationException e Log.d XML parse Error e.getMessage return null catch SAXException..
Sax - ExpatParser$ParseException url lxmlr nodo LibraryXMLReader lxmlr .getNodoActual catch ParserConfigurationException e System.err.println Error de parseo en e catch..
NetworkOnMainThread new StringReader xml doc db.parse is catch ParserConfigurationException e Log.e Error e.getMessage return null catch SAXException..
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException import org.apache.http.HttpEntity import org.apache.http.HttpResponse import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException.. InputSource is new InputSource is.setCharacterStream new StringReader xml doc db.parse is catch ParserConfigurationException e Log.e Error e.getMessage return null catch SAXException e Log.e Error e.getMessage return null catch IOException..
android get duration from directions e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch SAXException e e.printStackTrace catch ParserConfigurationException e e.printStackTrace java android google maps duration map directions share improve this question Use the new Directions..
Android: Trying to get data from youtube api cell catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch ParserConfigurationException e e.printStackTrace catch SAXException e e.printStackTrace finally EDIT Problem solved. Forgot to add internet permissions..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s 3 use the default color catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch ParserConfigurationException e e.printStackTrace catch SAXException e e.printStackTrace @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed TODO Auto generated..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues import import import import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory import org.xml.sax.Attributes import org.xml.sax.InputSource.. ioe.getMessage ioe SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser sp null try sp spf.newSAXParser catch ParserConfigurationException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch SAXException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace..
Reading big chunk of xml data from socket and parse on the fly postSuccessfullParsingNotification catch SAXException e e.printStackTrace postSuccessfullParsingNotification catch ParserConfigurationException e e.printStackTrace postSocketDisconnectionBroadcast break catch IOException e postSocketDisconnectionBroadcast e.printStackTrace..
Need a simple tutorial for android/webservice work? if spf null sp spf.newSAXParser sp.parse inputStream this Exceptions need to be handled MalformedURLException ParserConfigurationException IOException SAXException catch Exception e System.out.println Exception e e.printStackTrace finally try if inputStream..
Parsing CDATA in android dbf.newDocumentBuilder InputSource is new InputSource is.setCharacterStream new StringReader xml doc db.parse is catch ParserConfigurationException e Log.d XML parse Error e.getMessage return null catch SAXException e Log.d Wrong XML File Structure e.getMessage return..
Sax - ExpatParser$ParseException DefaultHandler lxmlr new LibraryXMLReader sp.parse url lxmlr nodo LibraryXMLReader lxmlr .getNodoActual catch ParserConfigurationException e System.err.println Error de parseo en e catch SAXException e System.err.println Error de sax
NetworkOnMainThread InputSource is new InputSource is.setCharacterStream new StringReader xml doc db.parse is catch ParserConfigurationException e Log.e Error e.getMessage return null catch SAXException e Log.e Error e.getMessage return null catch IOException e..