android Programming Glossary: params.topmargin
Android Image View Pinch Zooming btnCamera.getHeight vMargin 2 params.leftMargin hMargin params.topMargin vMargin imageView.setLayoutParams params imageView.setImageDrawable..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works 62 getResources .getDisplayMetrics 1.0f params.topMargin int TypedValue.applyDimension TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP 1..
Android 4.2: back stack behaviour with nested fragments FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.topMargin 0 final TextView text new TextView this text.setLayoutParams.. FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.topMargin 100 final TextView text new TextView getActivity text.setLayoutParams.. FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.topMargin 200 final TextView text new TextView getActivity text.setLayoutParams..
set the absolute position of a view in Android new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 50 params.topMargin 60 rl.addView iv params More examples Places two 30x40 ImageViews.. new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 50 params.topMargin 60 rl.addView iv params iv new ImageView this iv.setBackgroundColor.. new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 80 params.topMargin 90 rl.addView iv params Places one 30x40 yellow ImageView at..
TranslateAnimated ImageView not clickable after animation [Android] android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.topMargin addLocationButton.getTop 100 ImageView.setLayoutParams params..
Android Image View Pinch Zooming hMargin 2 int displayMetrics.heightPixels btnCamera.getHeight vMargin 2 params.leftMargin hMargin params.topMargin vMargin imageView.setLayoutParams params imageView.setImageDrawable drawable Thanks in advance. Thanks and Regards Anish..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works 0 int TypedValue.applyDimension TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP 62 getResources .getDisplayMetrics 1.0f params.topMargin int TypedValue.applyDimension TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP 1 getResources .getDisplayMetrics params.bottomMargin int TypedValue.applyDimension..
Android 4.2: back stack behaviour with nested fragments params new FrameLayout.LayoutParams FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.topMargin 0 final TextView text new TextView this text.setLayoutParams params text.setText fragment 1 wrapper1.addView text setContentView.. params new FrameLayout.LayoutParams FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.topMargin 100 final TextView text new TextView getActivity text.setLayoutParams params text.setText fragment 2 wrapper2.addView text.. params new FrameLayout.LayoutParams FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.topMargin 200 final TextView text new TextView getActivity text.setLayoutParams params text.setText fragment 3 wrapper3.addView text..
set the absolute position of a view in Android iv new ImageView this RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 50 params.topMargin 60 rl.addView iv params More examples Places two 30x40 ImageViews one yellow one red at 50 60 and 80 90 respectively RelativeLayout.. ImageView this iv.setBackgroundColor Color.YELLOW params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 50 params.topMargin 60 rl.addView iv params iv new ImageView this iv.setBackgroundColor Color.RED params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30.. new ImageView this iv.setBackgroundColor Color.RED params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 80 params.topMargin 90 rl.addView iv params Places one 30x40 yellow ImageView at 50 60 and another 30x40 red ImageView 80 90 relative to the..
TranslateAnimated ImageView not clickable after animation [Android]