android Programming Glossary: params1
android get adMob banner height when appears onReceiveAd Ad ad adView.setVisibility View.VISIBLE int alturaBanner adView.getHeight RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params1 android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams browse2 .getLayoutParams params1.setMargins 0 alturaBanner 0 0 Log.d LOG_TAG.. RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params1 android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams browse2 .getLayoutParams params1.setMargins 0 alturaBanner 0 0 Log.d LOG_TAG onReceiveAd Toast.makeText this onReceiveAd Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show java..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) mAccessToken user.getName UserName user.getName Log.d user name UserName Log.d user ID user.getId HttpParameters params1 mHttpOauthprovider.getResponseParameters String screen_name params1.getFirst screen_name Log.d screen_name screen_name.. Log.d user ID user.getId HttpParameters params1 mHttpOauthprovider.getResponseParameters String screen_name params1.getFirst screen_name Log.d screen_name screen_name oauth_verifier verifier what 0 catch Exception e Log.d TAG Error..
Horizontal scrolling grid view setContentView R.layout.main LinearLayout rl LinearLayout findViewById LinearLayout.LayoutParams params1 new LinearLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT for int i 0 i 4 i for int j 0 j 10 j.. this btn i j . setBackgroundResource R.drawable.icon btn i j .setMinimumWidth 20 btn i j .setMinimumHeight 20 params1.setMargins 5 5 5 5 rl.addView btn i j params1 System.out.println 1 btn i j .getTop System.out.println 2 btn i j .getLeft.. btn i j .setMinimumWidth 20 btn i j .setMinimumHeight 20 params1.setMargins 5 5 5 5 rl.addView btn i j params1 System.out.println 1 btn i j .getTop System.out.println 2 btn i j .getLeft System.out.println 3 btn i j .getRight System.out.println..
how to get html content from a webview? 100px height 100px border 1px red solid ' div body html text html utf 8 else if btcode v ViewGroup.LayoutParams params1 wvbrowser.getLayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams params2 txtcode.getLayoutParams if flagbtcode 1 params1.height 200 params2.height.. params1 wvbrowser.getLayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams params2 txtcode.getLayoutParams if flagbtcode 1 params1.height 200 params2.height 220 flagbtcode 0 txtcode.setText wvbrowser.getContentDescription else params1.height 420 params2.height.. 1 params1.height 200 params2.height 220 flagbtcode 0 txtcode.setText wvbrowser.getContentDescription else params1.height 420 params2.height 0 flagbtcode 1 wvbrowser.setLayoutParams params1 txtcode.setLayoutParams params2 public class..