android Programming Glossary: params.width
show the information in the middle of the call params.x 250 params.height LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.width LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.format PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT..
ActionBar in a DialogFragment .getAttributes params.height 850 fixed height params.width 850 fixed width params.alpha 1.0f params.dimAmount 0.5f activity.getWindow..
Setting the size of a DialogFragment params getDialog .getWindow .getAttributes params.width LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.height LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..
Creating a custom dialog in Android params dialog.getWindow .getAttributes params.width WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT dialog.getWindow .setAttributes..
VideoView in eclipse not playing on phone vView.getLayoutParams params.height arg0.getVideoHeight params.width arg0.getVideoWidth vView.setLayoutParams params vView.start..
ObjectAnimator animate LinearLayout width endValue ViewGroup.LayoutParams params v.getLayoutParams params.width num v.setLayoutParams params return num your client code ValueAnimator.ofObject..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? params LinearLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams params.width width params.height height view.setLayoutParams params Log.i..
Android: Notify Scrollview that it's child's size has changed: how? params LinearLayout.LayoutParams imageView.getLayoutParams params.width int startX scaleFactor params.height int startY scaleFactor..
show the information in the middle of the call PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT params.x 250 params.height LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.width LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.format PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT final Context ct c params.gravity Gravity.TOP params.setTitle..
ActionBar in a DialogFragment LayoutParams params activity.getWindow .getAttributes params.height 850 fixed height params.width 850 fixed width params.alpha 1.0f params.dimAmount 0.5f activity.getWindow .setAttributes android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams..
Setting the size of a DialogFragment dialog where I want and it is problematic. I use WindowManager.LayoutParams params getDialog .getWindow .getAttributes params.width LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.height LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT params.gravity Gravity.LEFT getDialog .getWindow .setAttributes..
Creating a custom dialog in Android parameters like this in the onCreateDialog method WindowManager.LayoutParams params dialog.getWindow .getAttributes params.width WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT dialog.getWindow .setAttributes params But again no luck. Can someone help me out..
VideoView in eclipse not playing on phone View.GONE ViewGroup.LayoutParams params params vView.getLayoutParams params.height arg0.getVideoHeight params.width arg0.getVideoWidth vView.setLayoutParams params vView.start public void onStop super.onStop vView.stopPlayback finish ..
ObjectAnimator animate LinearLayout width endValue int num Integer super.evaluate fraction startValue endValue ViewGroup.LayoutParams params v.getLayoutParams params.width num v.setLayoutParams params return num your client code ValueAnimator.ofObject new WidthEvaluator box box.getWidth v.getWidth..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? dimensions to match the scaled image LinearLayout.LayoutParams params LinearLayout.LayoutParams view.getLayoutParams params.width width params.height height view.setLayoutParams params Log.i Test done private int dpToPx int dp float density getApplicationContext..
Android: Notify Scrollview that it's child's size has changed: how? In the ScaleListener.onScale LinearLayout.LayoutParams params LinearLayout.LayoutParams imageView.getLayoutParams params.width int startX scaleFactor params.height int startY scaleFactor imageView.setLayoutParams params ... scrollView.scrollBy scrollX..