android Programming Glossary: parentwidth
How to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize.. heightMeasureSpec this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth 2 parentHeight this.setLayoutParams new ParentLayoutType .LayoutParams.. this.setLayoutParams new ParentLayoutType .LayoutParams parentWidth 2 parentHeight super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int height getMeasuredHeight.. height getMeasuredHeight refitText this.getText .toString parentWidth this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth height @Override protected.. .toString parentWidth this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth height @Override protected void onTextChanged final CharSequence..
Android: How to get a custom View's height and width? [duplicate] super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize..
Android: Expand/collapse animation @Override public void initialize int width int height int parentWidth int parentHeight super.initialize width height parentWidth parentHeight.. parentWidth int parentHeight super.initialize width height parentWidth parentHeight initialHeight height @Override public boolean willChangeBounds..
Android ImageView size not scaling with source image size by scaling the width depending on the height. But the parentWidth and parentHeight being passed into the function were the dimensions.. onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize..
TextView expand animation like in Android Market @Override public void initialize int width int height int parentWidth int parentHeight super.initialize width height parentWidth parentHeight.. parentWidth int parentHeight super.initialize width height parentWidth parentHeight @Override public boolean willChangeBounds return..
Authorative way to override onMeasure()? onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize.. heightMeasureSpec this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth 2 parentHeight On the other hand as per this post the correct.. onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize..
How to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions parent type not your view's type. @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth.. MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth 2 parentHeight this.setLayoutParams new ParentLayoutType .LayoutParams parentWidth 2 parentHeight super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec.. this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth 2 parentHeight this.setLayoutParams new ParentLayoutType .LayoutParams parentWidth 2 parentHeight super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec I believe the only time you'll have problems with the..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int height getMeasuredHeight refitText this.getText .toString parentWidth this.setMeasuredDimension.. int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int height getMeasuredHeight refitText this.getText .toString parentWidth this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth height @Override protected void onTextChanged final CharSequence text final int start.. widthMeasureSpec int height getMeasuredHeight refitText this.getText .toString parentWidth this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth height @Override protected void onTextChanged final CharSequence text final int start final int before final int after refitText..
Android: How to get a custom View's height and width? [duplicate] void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth..
Android: Expand/collapse animation v.getLayoutParams .height newHeight v.requestLayout @Override public void initialize int width int height int parentWidth int parentHeight super.initialize width height parentWidth parentHeight initialHeight height @Override public boolean willChangeBounds.. @Override public void initialize int width int height int parentWidth int parentHeight super.initialize width height parentWidth parentHeight initialHeight height @Override public boolean willChangeBounds return true But with this solution I have a..
Android ImageView size not scaling with source image so that I could create image views of the necessary size by scaling the width depending on the height. But the parentWidth and parentHeight being passed into the function were the dimensions of the screen and not of the LinearLayout container... not of the LinearLayout container. @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec Calculations followed by calls..
TextView expand animation like in Android Market _view.getLayoutParams .height newHeight _view.requestLayout @Override public void initialize int width int height int parentWidth int parentHeight super.initialize width height parentWidth parentHeight @Override public boolean willChangeBounds return..
Authorative way to override onMeasure()? setMeasuredDimension . For example @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth.. MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth 2 parentHeight On the other hand as per this post the correct way is to use MeasureSpec call setMeasuredDimensions followed.. to super.onMeasure . For example @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int parentWidth MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int parentHeight MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec this.setMeasuredDimension parentWidth..