android Programming Glossary: params.putstring
upload video to facebook in android being thrown. I think there is a problem in the line params.putString filename selectedviedoPath AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncFbRunner.. raw bs.toByteArray bs.close params.putByteArray video raw params.putString filename selectedviedoPath mAsyncFbRunner.request me videos.. use method override if params.containsKey method params.putString method method if params.containsKey access_token String decoded_token..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android uid1 me order by birthday_date Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method fql.query params.putString query query FacebookUtility.asyncRunner.request.. Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method fql.query params.putString query query FacebookUtility.asyncRunner.request null params..
Android - Upload photo to Facebook with Facebook Android SDK 100 baos data baos.toByteArray Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner..
Post message to facebook wall from android fb sdk always error on their sample code Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message Test params.putString name American Virgin params.putString.. Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message Test params.putString name American Virgin params.putString link http 12345.. message Test params.putString name American Virgin params.putString link http 12345 params.putString description A Freshman..
How to post on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK, without opening dialog box message Post this to my wall Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message message mAsyncRunner.request me feed params POST new..
Android post picture to Facebook wall SDK . Here is what I have so far Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload Toast.makeText FacebookPoster.this getIntent.. postToWall String accessToken Bundle params new Bundle params.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken The byte array is the data of a picture...
Facebook friends birthdays in Android share improve this question Bundle params new Bundle params.putString fields birthday JSONObject jObject1 new JSONObject authenticatedFacebook.request..
Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error the following code to do this Bundle params new Bundle params.putString id brent Log.i In on click params.toString SampleDialogListener..
Post on user's friends facebook wall through android application void postToWall String userId Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message _messageInput.getText .toString params.putString caption.. params.putString message _messageInput.getText .toString params.putString caption actor just posted a secret message. params.putString.. caption actor just posted a secret message. params.putString description A secret message is waiting for you. Click the link..
upload video to facebook in android I can upload a picture from my gallery. There are no Exceptions being thrown. I think there is a problem in the line params.putString filename selectedviedoPath AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncFbRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner mFacebook Bundle params new Bundle.. int data 0 while data 1 bs.write data is.close byte raw bs.toByteArray bs.close params.putByteArray video raw params.putString filename selectedviedoPath mAsyncFbRunner.request me videos params POST new WallPostListener android facebook share improve.. instanceof byte dataparams.putByteArray key byte parameter use method override if params.containsKey method params.putString method method if params.containsKey access_token String decoded_token URLDecoder.decode params.getString access_token..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android from user where uid in select uid2 from friend where uid1 me order by birthday_date Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method fql.query params.putString query query FacebookUtility.asyncRunner.request null params new FacebookRequestListener.. uid2 from friend where uid1 me order by birthday_date Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method fql.query params.putString query query FacebookUtility.asyncRunner.request null params new FacebookRequestListener FacebookRequestListener.FRIENDS..
Android - Upload photo to Facebook with Facebook Android SDK ByteArrayOutputStream bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos data baos.toByteArray Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook..
Post message to facebook wall from android fb sdk always error fb here is the code snippet onClick function i made small modifications on their sample code Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message Test params.putString name American Virgin params.putString link http 12345 params.putString description.. function i made small modifications on their sample code Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message Test params.putString name American Virgin params.putString link http 12345 params.putString description A Freshman College Girl on a scholarship.. on their sample code Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message Test params.putString name American Virgin params.putString link http 12345 params.putString description A Freshman College Girl on a scholarship from an ... params.putString..
How to post on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK, without opening dialog box new OnClickListener public void onClick View v String message Post this to my wall Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message message mAsyncRunner.request me feed params POST new WallPostRequestListener public class WallPostRequestListener..
Android post picture to Facebook wall the picture nothing happens. I am using the Android Facebook SDK . Here is what I have so far Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload Toast.makeText FacebookPoster.this getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data .length Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. Auto generated method stub And the helper method private void postToWall String accessToken Bundle params new Bundle params.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken The byte array is the data of a picture. params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray..
Facebook friends birthdays in Android Facebook API SDK for Android Thanks. java android facebook share improve this question Bundle params new Bundle params.putString fields birthday JSONObject jObject1 new JSONObject authenticatedFacebook.request me friends params Now if you print the..
Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error that friends dialog is not allowed on touch devices. I am using the following code to do this Bundle params new Bundle params.putString id brent Log.i In on click params.toString SampleDialogListener mFacebook.dialog TestActivity.this friends params new SampleDialogListener..
Post on user's friends facebook wall through android application is null then to the currently logged in user's wall protected void postToWall String userId Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message _messageInput.getText .toString params.putString caption actor just posted a secret message. params.putString description.. void postToWall String userId Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message _messageInput.getText .toString params.putString caption actor just posted a secret message. params.putString description A secret message is waiting for you. Click the.. params.putString message _messageInput.getText .toString params.putString caption actor just posted a secret message. params.putString description A secret message is waiting for you. Click the link to decode it. params.putString name A Secret Message For..