android Programming Glossary: parentactivity
Android - Switch Tabs from within an Activity within a tab void switchTabInActivity int indexTabToSwitchTo MintTrack parentActivity parentActivity MintTrack this.getParent parentActivity.switchTab.. int indexTabToSwitchTo MintTrack parentActivity parentActivity MintTrack this.getParent parentActivity.switchTab indexTabToSwitchTo.. parentActivity parentActivity MintTrack this.getParent parentActivity.switchTab indexTabToSwitchTo If you would like a good example..
Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception new Intent getParent WebViewLink.class TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent edit.putExtra POSITION FAQ parentActivity.startChildActivity.. TabGroupActivity getParent edit.putExtra POSITION FAQ parentActivity.startChildActivity WebViewLink edit I am getting error like..
Android onActivityResult NEVER called Use this to get the tabGroupActivity TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent And then call startActivityForResult.. getParent And then call startActivityForResult from it parentActivity.startActivityForResult ... Finally put an onActivityResult listener..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) else if loggedOut 1 new AlertDialog.Builder Collections.parentActivity .setTitle Promotional Code .setView input .setPositiveButton.. new Intent getParent SavedCodes.class TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent parentActivity.startChildActivity.. parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent parentActivity.startChildActivity Saved Codes previewMessage Sets up the..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change class LoginFragment extends Fragment FragmentActivity parentActivity static ProgressDialog pd AsyncTask String Void Boolean asyncLoginThread.. UI State a NPE is thrown when looking for UI Objects. parentActivity getActivity @Override public void onAttach Activity activity..
Android - Switch Tabs from within an Activity within a tab internally to another tab I created the method below public void switchTabInActivity int indexTabToSwitchTo MintTrack parentActivity parentActivity MintTrack this.getParent parentActivity.switchTab indexTabToSwitchTo If you would like a good example of.. another tab I created the method below public void switchTabInActivity int indexTabToSwitchTo MintTrack parentActivity parentActivity MintTrack this.getParent parentActivity.switchTab indexTabToSwitchTo If you would like a good example of this code you.. void switchTabInActivity int indexTabToSwitchTo MintTrack parentActivity parentActivity MintTrack this.getParent parentActivity.switchTab indexTabToSwitchTo If you would like a good example of this code you can take a look at my MintTrack project here..
Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception i am starting new Activity using this way below Intent edit new Intent getParent WebViewLink.class TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent edit.putExtra POSITION FAQ parentActivity.startChildActivity WebViewLink edit I am getting error.. getParent WebViewLink.class TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent edit.putExtra POSITION FAQ parentActivity.startChildActivity WebViewLink edit I am getting error like this 08 19 13 44 49.955 ERROR AndroidRuntime 548 Uncaught handler..
Android onActivityResult NEVER called your current activity and then listen in the tabgroup activity. Use this to get the tabGroupActivity TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent And then call startActivityForResult from it parentActivity.startActivityForResult ... Finally.. TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent And then call startActivityForResult from it parentActivity.startActivityForResult ... Finally put an onActivityResult listener in the tabGroupActivity protected void onActivityResult..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) which Log.d AlertDialog Negative dialog.cancel .show else if loggedOut 1 new AlertDialog.Builder Collections.parentActivity .setTitle Promotional Code .setView input .setPositiveButton Confirm new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void.. public void onClick View v Intent previewMessage new Intent getParent SavedCodes.class TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent parentActivity.startChildActivity Saved Codes previewMessage Sets up the UI. private void.. previewMessage new Intent getParent SavedCodes.class TabGroupActivity parentActivity TabGroupActivity getParent parentActivity.startChildActivity Saved Codes previewMessage Sets up the UI. private void setupWidgets TODO If need any changes in the..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change but of course it isnt working. Here is the LoginFragment public class LoginFragment extends Fragment FragmentActivity parentActivity static ProgressDialog pd AsyncTask String Void Boolean asyncLoginThread public interface OnLoginSuccessfulListener public.. savedInstanceState is always null. Besides that when loading UI State a NPE is thrown when looking for UI Objects. parentActivity getActivity @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try loginSuccessfulListener OnLoginSuccessfulListener..