android Programming Glossary: parcelable.creator
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method that implements these two methods public static final Parcelable.Creator CarDetail CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator CarDetail public CarDetail.. static final Parcelable.Creator CarDetail CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator CarDetail public CarDetail createFromParcel Parcel in return..
Problem unmarshalling parcelables start dest.writeLong end public static final Parcelable.Creator LayoverType CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator LayoverType public.. static final Parcelable.Creator LayoverType CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator LayoverType public LayoverType createFromParcel Parcel in return.. lat dest.writeDouble lng public static final Parcelable.Creator LocationType CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator LocationType public..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? that implements these two methods public static final Parcelable.Creator MyParcelable CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator MyParcelable public.. static final Parcelable.Creator MyParcelable CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator MyParcelable public MyParcelable createFromParcel Parcel in..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes that makes Parcelables from a Parcel public static final Parcelable.Creator SavedState CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator SavedState public.. static final Parcelable.Creator SavedState CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator SavedState public SavedState createFromParcel Parcel in return..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity getName Log.d TAG getName return name public static final Parcelable.Creator address CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator address public address.. public static final Parcelable.Creator address CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator address public address createFromParcel Parcel in Log.d TAG..
Example of Implementing Parcelable [closed] this.grade public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator public Student createFromParcel.. public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator public Student createFromParcel Parcel in return new Student..
Android Parcelable — return null int flags dest.writeList product public static final Parcelable.Creator Product CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator Product public Product.. public static final Parcelable.Creator Product CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator Product public Product createFromParcel Parcel in Product.. void setTest int test this.test test public static final Parcelable.Creator MyListClass CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator MyListClass @Override..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method to regenerate your object. All Parcelables must have a CREATOR that implements these two methods public static final Parcelable.Creator CarDetail CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator CarDetail public CarDetail createFromParcel Parcel in return new CarDetail in.. must have a CREATOR that implements these two methods public static final Parcelable.Creator CarDetail CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator CarDetail public CarDetail createFromParcel Parcel in return new CarDetail in public CarDetail newArray int size return..
Problem unmarshalling parcelables Parcel dest int flags dest.writeParcelable location flags dest.writeLong start dest.writeLong end public static final Parcelable.Creator LayoverType CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator LayoverType public LayoverType createFromParcel Parcel in return new LayoverType.. location flags dest.writeLong start dest.writeLong end public static final Parcelable.Creator LayoverType CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator LayoverType public LayoverType createFromParcel Parcel in return new LayoverType in public LayoverType newArray int size.. locid dest.writeString desc dest.writeString dir dest.writeDouble lat dest.writeDouble lng public static final Parcelable.Creator LocationType CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator LocationType public LocationType createFromParcel Parcel in return new LocationType..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? to regenerate your object. All Parcelables must have a CREATOR that implements these two methods public static final Parcelable.Creator MyParcelable CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator MyParcelable public MyParcelable createFromParcel Parcel in return new MyParcelable.. must have a CREATOR that implements these two methods public static final Parcelable.Creator MyParcelable CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator MyParcelable public MyParcelable createFromParcel Parcel in return new MyParcelable in public MyParcelable newArray int..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes out flags out.writeInt this.stateToSave required field that makes Parcelables from a Parcel public static final Parcelable.Creator SavedState CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator SavedState public SavedState createFromParcel Parcel in return new SavedState.. required field that makes Parcelables from a Parcel public static final Parcelable.Creator SavedState CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator SavedState public SavedState createFromParcel Parcel in return new SavedState in public SavedState newArray int size..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity getState Log.d TAG getState return state public String getName Log.d TAG getName return name public static final Parcelable.Creator address CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator address public address createFromParcel Parcel in Log.d TAG createFromParcel return.. state public String getName Log.d TAG getName return name public static final Parcelable.Creator address CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator address public address createFromParcel Parcel in Log.d TAG createFromParcel return new address in public address newArray..
Example of Implementing Parcelable [closed] Parcel dest int flags dest.writeStringArray new String this.grade public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator public Student createFromParcel Parcel in return new Student in public Student newArray.. new String this.grade public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator public Student createFromParcel Parcel in return new Student in public Student newArray int size return new Student..
Android Parcelable — return null return 0 public void writeToParcel Parcel dest int flags dest.writeList product public static final Parcelable.Creator Product CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator Product public Product createFromParcel Parcel in Product prod new Product Bundle.. Parcel dest int flags dest.writeList product public static final Parcelable.Creator Product CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator Product public Product createFromParcel Parcel in Product prod new Product Bundle b in.readBundle Product.class.getClassLoader.. read test read.readInt public int getTest return test public void setTest int test this.test test public static final Parcelable.Creator MyListClass CREATOR new Parcelable.Creator MyListClass @Override public MyListClass createFromParcel Parcel source return..