android Programming Glossary: parent's
Is there an example of how to use a TouchDelegate in Android to increase the size of a view's click target? delegate.getParent new Runnable Post in the parent's message queue to make sure the parent lays out its children..
XML Drawable not expanded to View size, or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly, on Android API < 11 not expanded to View size or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly on Android API 11 Consider the following layout.. View containing bg2 . Or maybe the View won't accept its parent's height although I tried ImageView which changed nothing . The..
How to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions How can I size a view based on the size of its parent..
how to hide keyboard after typing in EditText in android? in android I have a TextView and button aligned to parent's bottom. When I enter text in it and press the button to save..
PreferenceScreen android:summary update ! asociated with the checkboxes I set the parent's preferenceScreen summary with Parent.setSummary string depending..
Sorting Android ListView and not have any externally visible effect on its parent's state. In the case of your problem I would tackle it at the..
Set ImageView's max width as a percent of its parent's width ImageView's max width as a percent of its parent's width I'm loading navigation from a website where each item.. 0.25f This means use 100 of the parent's height but 25 of the parent's width . share improve this answer..
How can I style an HTML INPUT tag so it maintains CSS when focused on Android 2.2+? The clone is in roughly the right position but most of its parent's CSS including of course position fixed is ignored. The cloned..
Meaning of Super Keyword it refers the immediate paren't property. super refers parent's constructor super.getMusic refers to the parent's method Read..
3D cube transition in Android [closed] mCamera.rotateY distance 40f you should divide by the parent's width so your rotation values are 0 rotation MAX_ROTATION mCamera.getMatrix..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width Update I solved this issue by using..
How can I work around Android issue 9161, where bottomRightRadius and bottomLeftRadius are swapped? I keep the button's background within the bounds of its parent's background drawable Or do you have any other suggestions on..
Is deprecated word the only difference between fill_parent and match_parent that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. match_parent means that the view wants to be.. that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. Only One difference I found that is fill_parent..
Android: Stretching rows in TableLayout programmatically layout share improve this question Your rows need the parent's LayoutParams tableRow.setLayoutParams new TableLayout.LayoutParams..
Is there an example of how to use a TouchDelegate in Android to increase the size of a view's click target? Here's what we came up with final View parent View delegate.getParent new Runnable Post in the parent's message queue to make sure the parent lays out its children before we call getHitRect public void run final Rect r new Rect..
XML Drawable not expanded to View size, or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly, on Android API < 11 Drawable not expanded to View size or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly on Android API 11 Consider the following layout FrameLayout xmlns android http apk.. LinearLayout ´s height and propagate that information to the View containing bg2 . Or maybe the View won't accept its parent's height although I tried ImageView which changed nothing . The Layout you see is really used for items in a list. The XML..
How to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions How can I size a view based on the size of its parent layout. For example I have a relativelayout that fills..
how to hide keyboard after typing in EditText in android? to hide keyboard after typing in EditText in android I have a TextView and button aligned to parent's bottom. When I enter text in it and press the button to save data the virtual keyboard does not disappear. Can any one guide..
PreferenceScreen android:summary update ! I select one of them and in the Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener asociated with the checkboxes I set the parent's preferenceScreen summary with Parent.setSummary string depending on the selection The thing is that when I return to the..
Sorting Android ListView list in getItem in my opinion a get.. method should be 'idempotent' and not have any externally visible effect on its parent's state. In the case of your problem I would tackle it at the point at which the tweets are added to the container. You haven't..
Set ImageView's max width as a percent of its parent's width ImageView's max width as a percent of its parent's width I'm loading navigation from a website where each item has a title description and image. I want to have all of the..
How can I style an HTML INPUT tag so it maintains CSS when focused on Android 2.2+? an infinite Z index and repaints it on top of the old tag. The clone is in roughly the right position but most of its parent's CSS including of course position fixed is ignored. The cloned INPUT tag is the wrong size and shape and when I scroll the..
Meaning of Super Keyword
3D cube transition in Android [closed] getChildStaticTransformation ... Camera mCamera mCamera.rotateY distance 40f you should divide by the parent's width so your rotation values are 0 rotation MAX_ROTATION mCamera.getMatrix matrix mCamera.restore So now to get your 3D..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width Update I solved this issue by using the method described in this answer I'm a bit stuck with this..
How can I work around Android issue 9161, where bottomRightRadius and bottomLeftRadius are swapped? rounded edge see Figure 3 . Figure 3 Take Two How can I keep the button's background within the bounds of its parent's background drawable Or do you have any other suggestions on how to work around the bug android rounded corners radius ..
Is deprecated word the only difference between fill_parent and match_parent and match_parent means the same thing fill_parent means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. match_parent means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. Only.. parent minus the parent's padding if any. match_parent means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. Only One difference I found that is fill_parent is deprecated starting from API Level 8 and is replaced..
Android: Stretching rows in TableLayout programmatically Screenshot of what I have what I expect android android layout share improve this question Your rows need the parent's LayoutParams tableRow.setLayoutParams new TableLayout.LayoutParams TableLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT TableLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..