android Programming Glossary: omitted
When NOT to call super() method when overriding? example look at this basic SAX parser class where super is omitted in startElement characters and endElement public class SAXParser..
Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState omitted some other stuff if savedInstanceState null During initial..
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found based test nodes found return rects Rest of the part is omitted here... Notice that log message there I am guessing this code..
Android Actionbar Sherlock with Tabs and with SherlockFragment as tabs. Here is a sketch I omitted the usual Android activity stuff This is the tabview activity..
Need to handle uncaught exception and send log file this question Here's the complete solution almost I omitted the UI layout and button handling derived from a lot of experimentation..
android force close: ClassNotFoundException for Activity class package edit to clarify added the first line which I had omitted together with the imports package org.anselm.eickhoff.rhythm..
Possible to only load specific lines of code according to Android OS version? BUILD.VERSION.RELEASE.compareTo 2.0 0 exception handling omitted ... Method m c.getClass .getDeclaredMethod y m.invoke x Another.. the current platform. Class compatClass Exception handling omitted if BUILD.VERSION.RELEASE.compareTo 2.0 0 compatClass Class.forName.. compatClass Class.forName ...CompatV2 Exception handling omitted Compat compat Compat compatClass.newInstance The adapter object..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market and personal note. I don't understand why those infos are omitted completly and i hope that Google will act for detailing it...
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK __VA_ARGS__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern C #endif Comments omitted. void Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI JNIEnv..
Send HTTP GET request with header
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted server shall return latest supported version. documentation.. SectionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by server server shall return complete service.. minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by server server shall return service metadata..
Android - Keep ListView's item highlighted once one has been clicked that this simple task has proven so complicated. If I have omitted code that could be useful or if my question is lacking details..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior into place as I scroll up and down. The text information omitted from this snippet does not break. It works as one would expect...
When NOT to call super() method when overriding? and I really doubt they do it as a lack of knowledge. For example look at this basic SAX parser class where super is omitted in startElement characters and endElement public class SAXParser extends DefaultHandler public void startElement String..
Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment? extends FragmentActivity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState omitted some other stuff if savedInstanceState null During initial setup plug in the details fragment. DetailsFragment details..
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found if list.isEmpty LOGE Should not happen no rect based test nodes found return rects Rest of the part is omitted here... Notice that log message there I am guessing this code is for identifying the x and y axis vectors generated on clicks..
Android Actionbar Sherlock with Tabs with a SherlockFragmentActivity as tabview container and with SherlockFragment as tabs. Here is a sketch I omitted the usual Android activity stuff This is the tabview activity with two tabs public class TabViewActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity..
Need to handle uncaught exception and send log file 1 android exception handling logcat share improve this question Here's the complete solution almost I omitted the UI layout and button handling derived from a lot of experimentation and various posts from others related to issues..
android force close: ClassNotFoundException for Activity class Which surprises me because I have this class in the right package edit to clarify added the first line which I had omitted together with the imports package org.anselm.eickhoff.rhythm ... public class RhythmGameActivity extends Activity Called..
Possible to only load specific lines of code according to Android OS version? the Method and call invoke on it. For example X x ... if BUILD.VERSION.RELEASE.compareTo 2.0 0 exception handling omitted ... Method m c.getClass .getDeclaredMethod y m.invoke x Another way is to create a version compatibility adapter API for.. y X x x.y Code to instantiate the relevant adapter for the current platform. Class compatClass Exception handling omitted if BUILD.VERSION.RELEASE.compareTo 2.0 0 compatClass Class.forName ...CompatV1 else compatClass Class.forName ...CompatV2.. 2.0 0 compatClass Class.forName ...CompatV1 else compatClass Class.forName ...CompatV2 Exception handling omitted Compat compat Compat compatClass.newInstance The adapter object can be passed around as a parameter wrapped as a singleton..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK #define LOGE ... __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_ERROR LOG_TAG __VA_ARGS__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern C #endif Comments omitted. void Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI JNIEnv env jobject thiz std vector std string vec Go ahead and..
Send HTTP GET request with header
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? annotation sequence element name AcceptVersions type ows AcceptVersionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted server shall return latest supported version. documentation annotation element element name Sections type ows SectionsType.. annotation element element name Sections type ows SectionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by server server shall return complete service metadata Capabilities document. documentation annotation.. annotation element element name AcceptFormats type ows AcceptFormatsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by server server shall return service metadata document using the MIME type text xml . documentation..
Android - Keep ListView's item highlighted once one has been clicked of my ListItem stays the same color I can't believe that this simple task has proven so complicated. If I have omitted code that could be useful or if my question is lacking details feel free to point that out and I'll do my best to explain..
Custom ListView adapter, strange ImageView behavior other. It seems to be randomly picking ImageViews to chuck into place as I scroll up and down. The text information omitted from this snippet does not break. It works as one would expect. Here is the relevant method of my Adapter public View getView..