android Programming Glossary: oldstyle
Multiple TypeFace in single TextView void applyCustomTypeFace Paint paint Typeface tf int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle.. tf int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle.. Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD..
How can I use TypefaceSpan or StyleSpan with a custom Typeface? void applyCustomTypeFace Paint paint Typeface tf int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else.. int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle.. old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD..
Multiple TypeFace in single TextView TextPaint paint applyCustomTypeFace paint newType private static void applyCustomTypeFace Paint paint Typeface tf int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake.. static void applyCustomTypeFace Paint paint Typeface tf int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD 0 paint.setFakeBoldText true if fake Typeface.ITALIC.. applyCustomTypeFace Paint paint Typeface tf int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD 0 paint.setFakeBoldText true if fake Typeface.ITALIC 0..
How can I use TypefaceSpan or StyleSpan with a custom Typeface? paint applyCustomTypeFace paint newType private static void applyCustomTypeFace Paint paint Typeface tf int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if.. static void applyCustomTypeFace Paint paint Typeface tf int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD 0 paint.setFakeBoldText true if.. Paint paint Typeface tf int oldStyle Typeface old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD 0 paint.setFakeBoldText true if fake Typeface.ITALIC..