android Programming Glossary: oldw
How to adjust text font size to fit textview @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh if w oldw refitText this.getText .toString w Attributes.. void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh if w oldw refitText this.getText .toString w Attributes private Paint..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh if mCurrentThumb.. int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh if mCurrentThumb null mCurrentThumb.setBounds w mThumbW..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees int @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh @Override protected.. int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh @Override protected void dispatchDraw Canvas canvas canvas.rotate..
Trying to get the display size of an image in an ImageView @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh Do you have any.. int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh Do you have any clues android imageview ondraw share..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? context attrs protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldh oldw @Override protected.. int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldh oldw @Override protected synchronized void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? angle. @Override public void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh screenW w screenH.. int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh screenW w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w.. true @Override public void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh This event method..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh if w oldw h oldh mNeedsResize true Register listener.. void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh if w oldw h oldh mNeedsResize true Register listener to receive resize..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically oHeight protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldw oldh protected void.. int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldw oldh protected void onLayout boolean changed int l int t int.. context attrs protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldh oldw @Override protected..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview before final int after refitText text.toString this.getWidth @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh if w oldw refitText this.getText .toString w Attributes private Paint mTestPaint share improve this answer..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer else invalidate viewWidth mThumbW y viewWidth y mThumbH @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh if mCurrentThumb null mCurrentThumb.setBounds w mThumbW 0 w mThumbH final RectF.. y viewWidth y mThumbH @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh if mCurrentThumb null mCurrentThumb.setBounds w mThumbW 0 w mThumbH final RectF pos mOverlayPos pos.left w mOverlayWidth..
Rotate View Hierarchy 90 degrees @see android.widget.FrameLayout#onSizeChanged int int int int @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh @Override protected void dispatchDraw Canvas canvas canvas.rotate 270 getWidth.. int int int int @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh @Override protected void dispatchDraw Canvas canvas canvas.rotate 270 getWidth 2 getHeight 2 This code will stretch..
Trying to get the display size of an image in an ImageView canvas int test this.getWidth int test2 this.getHeight @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh Do you have any clues android imageview ondraw share improve this question.. int test2 this.getHeight @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh Do you have any clues android imageview ondraw share improve this question None of the answers here actually..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? VerticalSeekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldh oldw @Override protected synchronized void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec.. attrs super context attrs protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldh oldw @Override protected synchronized void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec super.onMeasure heightMeasureSpec..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? Initial vertical position. angle 0 Start value for rotation angle. @Override public void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh screenW w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w h true Resize background.. value for rotation angle. @Override public void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh screenW w screenH h bgr Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bgr w h true Resize background to fit the screen. X int screenW 2.. 30 Set thread getHolder .addCallback this setFocusable true @Override public void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged w h oldw oldh This event method provides the real dimensions of this custom view. screenW w..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds If the text view size changed set the force resize flag to true @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh if w oldw h oldh mNeedsResize true Register listener to receive resize notifications @param listener public.. changed set the force resize flag to true @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh if w oldw h oldh mNeedsResize true Register listener to receive resize notifications @param listener public void setOnResizeListener..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically oHeight height this.setMeasuredDimension oWidth oHeight protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldw oldh protected void onLayout boolean changed int l int t int r int b super.onLayout.. oWidth oHeight protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldw oldh protected void onLayout boolean changed int l int t int r int b super.onLayout changed l t r b left l right r .. VerticalSeekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs protected void onSizeChanged int w int h int oldw int oldh super.onSizeChanged h w oldh oldw @Override protected synchronized void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec..