android Programming Glossary: old
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars do an update on its java installation and now some of my old jars like javax.mail and apache.commons.httpclient is throwing.. If you have problems with external jars then create one folder named libs copy and paste all needed jar files in that folder... named libs copy and paste all needed jar files in that folder. it will automatic included. as updated here share improve..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager cursor in. The framework will take care of closing the old cursor once we return. mAdapter.swapCursor data public void.. new cursor in. The framework will take care of closing the old cursor once we return. mAdapter.swapCursor data ListView lv..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? background thread is trying to change the state on the old one. It may also be having trouble because your background thread..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader new cursor in. The framework will take care of closing the old cursor once we return. Log.d DEBUG_TAG onLoadFinished mAdapter.swapCursor.. new cursor in. The framework will take care of closing the old cursor once we return. Log.d DEBUG_TAG onLoadFinished mAdapter.setStringConversionColumn..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps guy in English The first thing I tried was to use a good old PopupWindow. It's quite easy one only has to listen to the OnMarkerClickListener.. also quite ugly and I'm not sure how would it work on some older slow devices but I suspect that even the map framework itself..
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio? such as Sherlock ABS to the Android Studio not to the old ADT Eclipse based bundle but to the new Android Studio android.. named Open module settings if you right click on a module folder in the project section of android studio I'm using the version..
Why doesn't System.out.println work? (in Android) and printed using Log.i . This may not be true on very old or custom Android versions. Original There is no console to..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache and added a numDays parameter so you can control how old the files must be that are pruned helper method for clearCache.. returns number of deleted files static int clearCacheFolder final File dir final int numDays int deletedFiles 0 if dir.. recursively if child.isDirectory deletedFiles clearCacheFolder child numDays then delete the files and subdirectories in..
How can I get zoom functionality for images? Note I've removed my prior answer which included some very old code and now link straight to the most updated code on github...
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? to start a new activity rather than bringing back the old one. So essentially I want the Back button to act the exact..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity GMT Turned off Norton Internet Security Deleted the sdk folder installed the starter pack and all the API levels. Deleted.. the built in maps application. UPDATE 1920 GMT I had an older SDK saved to a memory stick. I copied this to a temp directory.. change PATH but clicked on the SDK Manager in this temp folder and started up an existing API level 7 AVD. The browser and..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? Example if I have a Preference setting for Discard old messages that specifies the number of days after which messages.. In the PreferenceActivity I'd like the user to see Discard old messages title Clean up messages after x days summary where..
When to call activity context OR application context? tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you.. ServiceConnection which has an implicit reference to the old Activity and the old Activity cannot be garbage collected. Some.. has an implicit reference to the old Activity and the old Activity cannot be garbage collected. Some developers use custom..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager adapter and must return POSITION_NONE when called with an old to be hidden fragment as argument. This also means that your..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? mechanism for those. So recreation mechanism calls old fragments onAttach onCreateView etc with my callback interface..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions to get around the problem. Android OS 2.2 replaced the old media player code with the FrightCast player which probably..
Google Maps API Version difference V3 for route steps between two points. Before I was using Old Google Maps API and following request gives perfect result http..
storing android application data on SD Card path of the SD card as mentioned in the answers below. Old Answer so the comments on this make sense Adding sdcard to the..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? sure you don't add 100000s of data values to the datasets. Old data can be removed from the datasets in order to gain performance...
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically sitecode FEDEXNYUSA 7 siteaddress 65 Old Indian Rd Milton USA companyname sitecode FEDEXNYMEX..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? want the ARM support. It'll work perfectly fine by itself. Old Zips v1.0 http CL4os6 Mirrors share improve this answer..
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component android layout_height wrap_content android text Old Buccaneer1The Old Sea dog at the Admiral BenbowSquire Trelawney.. layout_height wrap_content android text Old Buccaneer1The Old Sea dog at the Admiral BenbowSquire Trelawney Dr. Livesey and..
Change title bar text in Android Bar then this Style Generator tool can help you out. Old Earlier days Normal way you can Change the Title of each screen..
Two TextViews side by side, only one to ellipsize? layout_gravity right android inputType text LinearLayout Old TableLayout solution TableLayout android layout_width fill_parent..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 to newLocation.getPath else throw new IOException Old location does not exist when transferring oldLocation.getPath..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser Element objects. In any case I would work with POJOs Plain Old Java Objects which would hold your data. Here would be the POJOs..
Android broadcast receiver not working only by Intent objects that specify its exact class name. Old answer You should register what kind of actions you need in..
Form validation library for Android? jar from here and add it to your Android libs directory. Old Answer I have authored a library for validation. Here is the..
Android - creating custom launcher links with full source code which you can have a look at Old launcher source code New launcher source code Or take a look..
How to handle WiFi to Mobile network switch programatically? return networkStatus if networkInfo.isAvailable Old one if networkInfo.isAvailable networkInfo.isConnected New change.. return networkStatus if networkInfo.isAvailable Old one if networkInfo.isAvailable networkInfo.isConnected New change..
swap fragment in an activity via animation in advance. android share improve this question Old questiion and you probably already figured it out but for future..
OnLocationChanged callback is never called provider if oldLocation null Log.v TAG Got Old location latitude Double.toString oldLocation.getLatitude longitude..
how to end up my outgoing call. oldNumber String msg Intercepted outgoing call. Old number oldNumber new number newNumber Toast.makeText context..
Carousel library for android view. @param h Current height of this view. @param oldw Old width of this view. @param oldh Old height of this view. @Override.. view. @param oldw Old width of this view. @param oldh Old height of this view. @Override protected void onSizeChanged..
Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars incompatible with external Jars I just allowed my mac to do an update on its java installation and now some of my old jars like javax.mail and apache.commons.httpclient is throwing class not found exceptions at RUN TIME Meaning they compile.. update . TIA java android osx share improve this question If you have problems with external jars then create one folder named libs copy and paste all needed jar files in that folder. it will automatic included. as updated here share improve..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager onLoadFinished Loader Cursor loader Cursor data Swap the new cursor in. The framework will take care of closing the old cursor once we return. mAdapter.swapCursor data public void onLoaderReset Loader Cursor loader This is called when the.. onLoadFinished Loader Cursor loader Cursor data Swap the new cursor in. The framework will take care of closing the old cursor once we return. mAdapter.swapCursor data ListView lv getListView lv.setFastScrollEnabled true lv.setScrollingCacheEnabled..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? create a new View. You're probably getting crashes because your background thread is trying to change the state on the old one. It may also be having trouble because your background thread isn't on the UI thread I'd suggest making that mHandler..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader onLoadFinished Loader Cursor loader Cursor data Swap the new cursor in. The framework will take care of closing the old cursor once we return. Log.d DEBUG_TAG onLoadFinished mAdapter.swapCursor data public void onLoaderReset Loader Cursor loader.. onLoadFinished Loader Cursor loader Cursor data Swap the new cursor in. The framework will take care of closing the old cursor once we return. Log.d DEBUG_TAG onLoadFinished mAdapter.setStringConversionColumn data.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps my bad English It's a little crazy to answer another Czech guy in English The first thing I tried was to use a good old PopupWindow. It's quite easy one only has to listen to the OnMarkerClickListener and then show a custom PopupWindow above.. delayed the button in it's pressed state a little. This is also quite ugly and I'm not sure how would it work on some older slow devices but I suspect that even the map framework itself does something like this. You can try it yourself when you..
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio? project to the Android Studio How do I add a library project such as Sherlock ABS to the Android Studio not to the old ADT Eclipse based bundle but to the new Android Studio android actionbarsherlock android library android studio share.. AndroidStudio is changing. I find out that exist a section named Open module settings if you right click on a module folder in the project section of android studio I'm using the version 0.2.10 thanks @gipi for the comment below share improve..
Why doesn't System.out.println work? (in Android) and most devices System.out.println gets redirected to LogCat and printed using Log.i . This may not be true on very old or custom Android versions. Original There is no console to send the messages to so the System.out.println messages get..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache retrying in an infinite loop. I rewrote it to be truly recursive and added a numDays parameter so you can control how old the files must be that are pruned helper method for clearCache recursive returns number of deleted files static int clearCacheFolder.. must be that are pruned helper method for clearCache recursive returns number of deleted files static int clearCacheFolder final File dir final int numDays int deletedFiles 0 if dir null dir.isDirectory try for File child dir.listFiles first.. for File child dir.listFiles first delete subdirectories recursively if child.isDirectory deletedFiles clearCacheFolder child numDays then delete the files and subdirectories in this dir only empty directories can be deleted so subdirs..
How can I get zoom functionality for images?
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? But when a USER tries this I get Null Pointers as its trying to start a new activity rather than bringing back the old one. So essentially I want the Back button to act the exact same as the Home button and here is how I have tried so far..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity can anyone suggest what the problem might be UPDATE 1540 GMT Turned off Norton Internet Security Deleted the sdk folder installed the starter pack and all the API levels. Deleted c users Got rid of all the AVDS Recreated one.. Net result just the same errors browser won't connect nor will the built in maps application. UPDATE 1920 GMT I had an older SDK saved to a memory stick. I copied this to a temp directory I didn't change PATH but clicked on the SDK Manager in.. to a memory stick. I copied this to a temp directory I didn't change PATH but clicked on the SDK Manager in this temp folder and started up an existing API level 7 AVD. The browser and the built in maps application both worked fine. Filed bug..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? currently set value of the preference in the Preference summary. Example if I have a Preference setting for Discard old messages that specifies the number of days after which messages need to be cleaned up. In the PreferenceActivity I'd like.. number of days after which messages need to be cleaned up. In the PreferenceActivity I'd like the user to see Discard old messages title Clean up messages after x days summary where x is the current Preference value Extra credit make this reusable..
When to call activity context OR application context? instances via onRetainNonConfigurationInstance . Android internally tracks bindings via these ServiceConnections and holds references to the Contexts that create the bindings. If you bind from the Activity then the new Activity instance will.. then the new Activity instance will have a reference to the ServiceConnection which has an implicit reference to the old Activity and the old Activity cannot be garbage collected. Some developers use custom subclasses of Application for their.. instance will have a reference to the ServiceConnection which has an implicit reference to the old Activity and the old Activity cannot be garbage collected. Some developers use custom subclasses of Application for their own global data which..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager work getItemPosition needs to be overridden in your adapter and must return POSITION_NONE when called with an old to be hidden fragment as argument. This also means that your adapter always needs to be aware of which fragment that should..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? all these fragments keeped somewhere where and starts recreation mechanism for those. So recreation mechanism calls old fragments onAttach onCreateView etc with my callback interface call for initiating data via Activity's implemented method...
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions doing that rather than using this double buffering technique to get around the problem. Android OS 2.2 replaced the old media player code with the FrightCast player which probably is acting differently in this case. The line numbers in your..
Google Maps API Version difference route between two places I want to used Google Places API V3 for route steps between two points. Before I was using Old Google Maps API and following request gives perfect result http maps f d hl en saddr 19.5217608 99.2615823..
storing android application data on SD Card use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory to get the root path of the SD card as mentioned in the answers below. Old Answer so the comments on this make sense Adding sdcard to the root your path should direct your Android application to..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? written dynamic charting using it. However you need to make sure you don't add 100000s of data values to the datasets. Old data can be removed from the datasets in order to gain performance. It is definitely reasonable to paint the 5 or so line..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically FEDEXNYMEX 10 siteaddress 3736 Kellogg Rd Cortland USA companyname sitecode FEDEXNYUSA 7 siteaddress 65 Old Indian Rd Milton USA companyname sitecode FEDEXNYMEX 9 siteaddress 3736 Kellogg Rd Cortland USA companyname..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device?
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Old Buccaneer1The Old Sea dog at the Admiral BenbowSquire Trelawney Dr. Livesey and the rest of these gentlemen having asked.. android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Old Buccaneer1The Old Sea dog at the Admiral BenbowSquire Trelawney Dr. Livesey and the rest of these gentlemen having asked me to write down..
Change title bar text in Android Bar And if you would want to generate styles for Action Bar then this Style Generator tool can help you out. Old Earlier days Normal way you can Change the Title of each screen i.e. Activity by setting their Android label activity android..
Two TextViews side by side, only one to ellipsize? layout_width wrap_content android layout_weight 0 android layout_gravity right android inputType text LinearLayout Old TableLayout solution TableLayout android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android stretchColumns..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 .getName Error closing files when transferring oldLocation.getPath to newLocation.getPath else throw new IOException Old location does not exist when transferring oldLocation.getPath to newLocation.getPath and the layout file as follows xml..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser have to define the XML structure using the RootElement and Element objects. In any case I would work with POJOs Plain Old Java Objects which would hold your data. Here would be the POJOs needed. public class Channel implements Serializable..
Android broadcast receiver not working The absence of any filters means that it can be invoked only by Intent objects that specify its exact class name. Old answer You should register what kind of actions you need in the manifest. Ex receiver android name com.mytest.intentRec.MyIntentRec..
Form validation library for Android? as @Email @IpAddress @NumberRule etc. You can download the jar from here and add it to your Android libs directory. Old Answer I have authored a library for validation. Here is the associated blog and the project . I have sucessfully used it..
Android - creating custom launcher
How to handle WiFi to Mobile network switch programatically? connetion is available else Log.d Log connetion is not available return networkStatus if networkInfo.isAvailable Old one if networkInfo.isAvailable networkInfo.isConnected New change added here if netType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI .. connetion is available else Log.d Log connetion is not available return networkStatus if networkInfo.isAvailable Old one if networkInfo.isAvailable networkInfo.isConnected New change added here if netType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI ..
swap fragment in an activity via animation FragB fragmentTransaction.commit Looking for some clue. Thanks in advance. android share improve this question Old questiion and you probably already figured it out but for future reference here's what you use to set a custom animation..
OnLocationChanged callback is never called location service Location oldLocation locationManager.getLastKnownLocation provider if oldLocation null Log.v TAG Got Old location latitude Double.toString oldLocation.getLatitude longitude Double.toString oldLocation.getLongitude waitingForLocationUpdate..
how to end up my outgoing call. String newNumber this.getResultData if newNumber null newNumber oldNumber String msg Intercepted outgoing call. Old number oldNumber new number newNumber Toast.makeText context msg Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show this.abortBroadcast what it does..
Carousel library for android with the old values of 0. @param w Current width of this view. @param h Current height of this view. @param oldw Old width of this view. @param oldh Old height of this view. @Override protected void onSizeChanged final int w final int h.. Current width of this view. @param h Current height of this view. @param oldw Old width of this view. @param oldh Old height of this view. @Override protected void onSizeChanged final int w final int h final int oldw final int oldh mCoveflowCenter..