android Programming Glossary: oldleft
How to get the available Screen Height minus Navigation Bar in HoneyComb? this setContentView newView @Override public void onLayoutChange View view int left int top int right int bottom int oldLeft int oldTop int oldRight int oldBottom Log.d LayoutTest left left top top right right bottom bottom On a Motorola Xoom running..
Layout Animation Android[Facebook] Display display private View fakeLayout private AnimationListener AL Values for after the animation private int oldLeft private int oldTop private int newleft private int newTop private int screenWidth private int animToPostion TODO change.. stub @Override public void onAnimationEnd Animation animation if menuOpen true Log.d Open topLayout.layout oldLeft oldTop oldLeft topLayout.getMeasuredWidth oldTop topLayout.getMeasuredHeight menuOpen false buttonSwitch.setClickable.. public void onAnimationEnd Animation animation if menuOpen true Log.d Open topLayout.layout oldLeft oldTop oldLeft topLayout.getMeasuredWidth oldTop topLayout.getMeasuredHeight menuOpen false buttonSwitch.setClickable true topLayout.setEnabled..