android Programming Glossary: oldwidth
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device Activity cxt BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable d double oldWidth bd.getBitmap .getWidth double scaleFactor width oldWidth int.. oldWidth bd.getBitmap .getWidth double scaleFactor width oldWidth int newHeight int d.getIntrinsicHeight scaleFactor int newWidth.. int d.getIntrinsicHeight scaleFactor int newWidth int oldWidth scaleFactor Drawable drawable new BitmapDrawable cxt.getResources..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] previousData jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels uint32_t oldWidth jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width uint32_t newWidth right left newHeight.. newHeight uint32_t whereToGet previousData left top oldWidth uint32_t whereToPut newBitmapPixels for int y top y bottom y.. whereToPut whereToGet sizeof uint32_t newWidth whereToGet oldWidth whereToPut newWidth done copying so replace old data with new..
Android Saving created bitmap to directory on sd card Bitmap _bitmapPreScale BitmapFactory.decodeStream buf int oldWidth _bitmapPreScale.getWidth int oldHeight _bitmapPreScale.getHeight.. 2592 int newHeight 1936 float scaleWidth float newWidth oldWidth float scaleHeight float newHeight oldHeight Matrix matrix.. _bitmapScaled Bitmap.createBitmap _bitmapPreScale 0 0 oldWidth oldHeight matrix true WANT TO SAVE _bitmapScaled to a folder..
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device it. public static Drawable scaleDrawable Drawable d int width Activity cxt BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable d double oldWidth bd.getBitmap .getWidth double scaleFactor width oldWidth int newHeight int d.getIntrinsicHeight scaleFactor int newWidth.. width Activity cxt BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable d double oldWidth bd.getBitmap .getWidth double scaleFactor width oldWidth int newHeight int d.getIntrinsicHeight scaleFactor int newWidth int oldWidth scaleFactor Drawable drawable new BitmapDrawable.. .getWidth double scaleFactor width oldWidth int newHeight int d.getIntrinsicHeight scaleFactor int newWidth int oldWidth scaleFactor Drawable drawable new BitmapDrawable cxt.getResources MainScreen.getResizedBitmap bd.getBitmap newHeight newWidth..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] handle if jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL return uint32_t previousData jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels uint32_t oldWidth jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width uint32_t newWidth right left newHeight bottom top uint32_t newBitmapPixels new uint32_t newWidth.. bottom top uint32_t newBitmapPixels new uint32_t newWidth newHeight uint32_t whereToGet previousData left top oldWidth uint32_t whereToPut newBitmapPixels for int y top y bottom y memcpy whereToPut whereToGet sizeof uint32_t newWidth whereToGet.. whereToPut newBitmapPixels for int y top y bottom y memcpy whereToPut whereToGet sizeof uint32_t newWidth whereToGet oldWidth whereToPut newWidth done copying so replace old data with new one delete previousData jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels newBitmapPixels..
Android Saving created bitmap to directory on sd card 11 16_18 57 18_989.jpg buf new BufferedInputStream in Bitmap _bitmapPreScale BitmapFactory.decodeStream buf int oldWidth _bitmapPreScale.getWidth int oldHeight _bitmapPreScale.getHeight int newWidth 2592 int newHeight 1936 float scaleWidth.. int oldHeight _bitmapPreScale.getHeight int newWidth 2592 int newHeight 1936 float scaleWidth float newWidth oldWidth float scaleHeight float newHeight oldHeight Matrix matrix new Matrix resize the bit map matrix.postScale scaleWidth.. the bit map matrix.postScale scaleWidth scaleHeight Bitmap _bitmapScaled Bitmap.createBitmap _bitmapPreScale 0 0 oldWidth oldHeight matrix true WANT TO SAVE _bitmapScaled to a folder on my SD card android image save share improve this question..