

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:25

android Programming Glossary: nextactivity

Android - Calling an ordinary object method from an activity


call the changeActivity method of GameManager object with nextActivity argument and changeActivity will start that Activity. I am getting..

Issue with displaying TabHost Layout in new Intent


second intent NextActivity with extras as follows Intent nextActivity new Intent MainActivity.this NextActivity.class Bundle b_next.. b_next new Bundle b_next.putString s_string myString nextActivity.putExtras b_next In my NextActivity.java file I get the extras..

System services not available to Activities before onCreate?


activityTitle.setText ADVISORY CIRCULATORS searchList nextActivity Runnable doIfMounted ORDER_ASC StorageStateChecker.performExternalStorageOperation..

How can I Reuse Methods for ListViews?


ADVISORY CIRCULATORS storageState searchList nextActivity Check to See if the SD Card is Mounted Loads Default List Order.. Starts the Next Activity public void nextActivity final ListView lv getListView lv.setTextFilterEnabled true lv.setClickable..

test if a button starts a new activity in android junit (pref without robotium)?


and open next activity. button.performClick NextActivity nextActivity getInstrumentation .waitForMonitorWithTimeout activityMonitor..

Android - Calling an ordinary object method from an activity


my purpose is that while in an activity menuOut method will call the changeActivity method of GameManager object with nextActivity argument and changeActivity will start that Activity. I am getting errors consistently and did not find a solution. Here..

Issue with displaying TabHost Layout in new Intent


app_name Within the first activity MainActivity I start the second intent NextActivity with extras as follows Intent nextActivity new Intent MainActivity.this NextActivity.class Bundle b_next new Bundle b_next.putString s_string myString nextActivity.putExtras.. new Intent MainActivity.this NextActivity.class Bundle b_next new Bundle b_next.putString s_string myString nextActivity.putExtras b_next In my NextActivity.java file I get the extras and try to display the TabHost View public class NextActivity..

System services not available to Activities before onCreate?


activityTitle TextView findViewById R.id.titleBarTitle activityTitle.setText ADVISORY CIRCULATORS searchList nextActivity Runnable doIfMounted ORDER_ASC StorageStateChecker.performExternalStorageOperation doIfMounted Check to See if the SD Card..

How can I Reuse Methods for ListViews?


TextView findViewById R.id.titleBarTitle activityTitle.setText ADVISORY CIRCULATORS storageState searchList nextActivity Check to See if the SD Card is Mounted Loads Default List Order private void storageState if android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState.. this.setListAdapter databaseListAdapter Starts the Next Activity public void nextActivity final ListView lv getListView lv.setTextFilterEnabled true lv.setClickable true lv.setOnItemClickListener new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener..

test if a button starts a new activity in android junit (pref without robotium)?


new Runnable @Override public void run click button and open next activity. button.performClick NextActivity nextActivity getInstrumentation .waitForMonitorWithTimeout activityMonitor 5 next activity is opened and captured. assertNotNull nextActivity..