android Programming Glossary: mycontext.getassets
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open dbname Path to the just created empty db String outFileName..
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName..
copy database from assets to databases folder [duplicate] as the input stream InputStream myInput null try myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile..
Android Assets with sub folders Assets with sub folders InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open MyFolder MyFile.db3 I have a file in the assets folder..
Updating prepopulated database in Android null String outFilePath DB_PATH DB_NAME try iStream myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME oStream new FileOutputStream outFilePath byte..
missing table in SQLite with specific version of HTC DESIRE HD Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName..
Database not copying from assets Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName..
Access the phone internal storage to push in SQLite database file Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open your database file name Path to the just created empty..
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName..
Android Database Transaction void copyDataBase throws IOException InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME OutputStream..
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device private void copyDataBase String dbname throws IOException Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open dbname Path to the just created empty db String outFileName data data com.sample.view databases dbname Open the empty..
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? bytestream. private void copyDataBase throws IOException Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME Open the empty db as the output stream..
copy database from assets to databases folder [duplicate] OutputStream myOutput null int length Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput null try myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile myOutput new FileOutputStream DB_PATH DB_NAME while..
Android Assets with sub folders Assets with sub folders InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open MyFolder MyFile.db3 I have a file in the assets folder in a sub folder as above. It doesn't get the file though is..
Updating prepopulated database in Android void copyDataBase InputStream iStream null OutputStream oStream null String outFilePath DB_PATH DB_NAME try iStream myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME oStream new FileOutputStream outFilePath byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer..
missing table in SQLite with specific version of HTC DESIRE HD database private void copyDataBase throws IOException Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME Open the empty db as the output stream..
Database not copying from assets byte stream. private void copyDataBase throws IOException Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME Open the empty db as the output stream..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion bytestream. private void copyDataBase throws IOException Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME Open the empty db as the output stream..
Access the phone internal storage to push in SQLite database file name database folder . For copy file use below code try Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open your database file name Path to the just created empty db String outFileName data data your_app_package_name databases..
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? true false private void copyDataBase throws IOException Open your local db as the input stream InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME Path to the just created empty db String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME Open the empty db as the output stream..
Android Database Transaction null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false private void copyDataBase throws IOException InputStream myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME String outFileName DB_PATH DB_NAME OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName byte buffer new..