android Programming Glossary: myapptests
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory another that builds some testcases for that app called MyAppTests. They both build their own APKs and they both work fine from.. a previous question I used android create test project p MyAppTests m .. MyApp n MyAppTests to create the necessary build files.. used android create test project p MyAppTests m .. MyApp n MyAppTests to create the necessary build files to build and run my test..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory I have a module that builds an app called MyApp. I have another that builds some testcases for that app called MyAppTests. They both build their own APKs and they both work fine from within my IDE. I'd like to build them using ant so that I can.. Test module to compile and run. Using Christopher's tip from a previous question I used android create test project p MyAppTests m .. MyApp n MyAppTests to create the necessary build files to build and run my test project. This seems to work great once.. and run. Using Christopher's tip from a previous question I used android create test project p MyAppTests m .. MyApp n MyAppTests to create the necessary build files to build and run my test project. This seems to work great once I remove an unnecessary..