android Programming Glossary: mvn
Eclipse: multiple project from single source plugin ... ... plugins To build app barcelona.apk run mvn clean install Pbarcelona . To build app realmadrid.apk run mvn.. clean install Pbarcelona . To build app realmadrid.apk run mvn clean install Prealmadrid . To build other 1000 apks write shell..
Cant find maven dependency for Google APIs to use maps then manually install it to you local maven repository mvn install install file Dfile your artifact 1.0.jar DgroupId
Dynamic Apk In Android android plugin . Than you can just run some thing like mvn package or from java code and wait until maven compiles you..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments config.server.url properties profile profiles Then use mvn clean install Pxxx to build corresponding apk. share improve..
android-maven-plugin: Disable debug build for apk release or you could activate on the command line with e.g mvn clean deploy Dandroid.release true or if you use the release..
Import Facebook SDK for Android Studio 0.3.1 mavenCentral maven url 'https Goddchen mvn repo raw master ' dependencies compile '
Android: error including/repacking dependencies which reference javax core classes artifactId version 2.5.3 version dependency When I issue mvn install on the project I get the following error truncated trouble..
Android Maven Plugin apklib Mojo doesn't include compiled R in resulting apklib compiled R.class is not. Even more confusing is that the mvn clean install command generates the .apklib as well as a .jar.. as source code resource simply from a zip file. When doing mvn clean install in the android maven plugin 3.0.0 generate sources..
Speeding up the Android build process resources in string.xml you can create shell script run mvn deploy 5 time with each time copy one of your
Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles wants support for the skinning at build time. For example mvn clean install P Developer mvn clean install P Customer1 mvn.. at build time. For example mvn clean install P Developer mvn clean install P Customer1 mvn clean install P Customer2 In other.. clean install P Developer mvn clean install P Customer1 mvn clean install P Customer2 In other words different customer..
Eclipse: multiple project from single source assetsDirectory app.assets.dir assetsDirectory configuration plugin ... ... plugins To build app barcelona.apk run mvn clean install Pbarcelona . To build app realmadrid.apk run mvn clean install Prealmadrid . To build other 1000 apks write.. plugin ... ... plugins To build app barcelona.apk run mvn clean install Pbarcelona . To build app realmadrid.apk run mvn clean install Prealmadrid . To build other 1000 apks write shell script. Android Maven Plugin provides many configuration..
Cant find maven dependency for Google APIs to use maps use Android SDK Manager download the required map jar file then manually install it to you local maven repository mvn install install file Dfile your artifact 1.0.jar DgroupId DartifactId your artifact Dversion 1.0 Dpackaging..
Dynamic Apk In Android be maven project. To compile Android using maven I use maven android plugin . Than you can just run some thing like mvn package or from java code and wait until maven compiles you code with customized logos that you need. And you will have..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments
android-maven-plugin: Disable debug build for apk android maven plugin artifactId configuration release true release or you could activate on the command line with e.g mvn clean deploy Dandroid.release true or if you use the release plugin just add the above pom config to the release profile...
Import Facebook SDK for Android Studio 0.3.1 button or restart idea . MyProject MyApp build.gradle repositories mavenCentral maven url 'https Goddchen mvn repo raw master ' dependencies compile ' facebook 3.5.2' As you can see this is not official @aar library..
Android: error including/repacking dependencies which reference javax core classes groupId org.simpleframework groupId artifactId simple xml artifactId version 2.5.3 version dependency When I issue mvn install on the project I get the following error truncated trouble processing javax xml namespace NameSpaceContext.class..
Android Maven Plugin apklib Mojo doesn't include compiled R in resulting apklib contents of the res are included in the resulting .apklib the compiled R.class is not. Even more confusing is that the mvn clean install command generates the .apklib as well as a .jar file and the jar file has R.class but none of the contents.. jar dependency instead you are adding library dependency as source code resource simply from a zip file. When doing mvn clean install in the android maven plugin 3.0.0 generate sources goal android maven plugin will unzip you apklib dependency..
Speeding up the Android build process Project with different package app name app icon and some resources in string.xml you can create shell script run mvn deploy 5 time with each time copy one of your with proper other icon.png files into the project directory..
Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles I've got mavenized Android application and customer wants support for the skinning at build time. For example mvn clean install P Developer mvn clean install P Customer1 mvn clean install P Customer2 In other words different customer.. application and customer wants support for the skinning at build time. For example mvn clean install P Developer mvn clean install P Customer1 mvn clean install P Customer2 In other words different customer needs little bit different set.. wants support for the skinning at build time. For example mvn clean install P Developer mvn clean install P Customer1 mvn clean install P Customer2 In other words different customer needs little bit different set of images different strings appName..