android Programming Glossary: mw
Custom ImageView with drop shadow canvas.drawRect r paint super.onDraw canvas @Override protected void onMeasure int w int h super.onMeasure w h int mH mW mW getSuggestedMinimumWidth getMeasuredWidth getMeasuredWidth getSuggestedMinimumWidth mH getSuggestedMinimumHeight getMeasuredHeight.. r paint super.onDraw canvas @Override protected void onMeasure int w int h super.onMeasure w h int mH mW mW getSuggestedMinimumWidth getMeasuredWidth getMeasuredWidth getSuggestedMinimumWidth mH getSuggestedMinimumHeight getMeasuredHeight.. super.onDraw canvas @Override protected void onMeasure int w int h super.onMeasure w h int mH mW mW getSuggestedMinimumWidth getMeasuredWidth getMeasuredWidth getSuggestedMinimumWidth mH getSuggestedMinimumHeight getMeasuredHeight getMeasuredHeight..
Is my Android App Draining Battery? PowerTutor . Check it out it sounds like this maybe what you are looking for the app tells you what you are using in mW J or relative to the rest of the system. Also results are broken down by CPU WiFi Display other radios installed . The only..
Where does Android View.scrollTo(x, y) scroll to? of the image. This way the top left corner of the image will be located at dX 2 dY 2 and the bottom right corner at mW dX 2 mH dY 2 . dX represents the difference between the widths of the image and the View . And dY represents the difference.. to see the bottom right corner and not go passed it lower or further to the right this is the proper call scrollTo mW ivW dX 2 mH ivH dY 2 The attached image shows the graphical representation of the View and Bitmap image positioning. share..