android Programming Glossary: myactivity.this
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? mListAdapter new MyAdapter MyActivity.this myCur setListAdapter mListAdapter private class MyAdapter extends..
Android list view Right / Left swipes like call logs OnSwipeTouchListener public void onSwipeTop Toast.makeText MyActivity.this top Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText.. .show public void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText MyActivity.this right Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText.. .show public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText MyActivity.this left Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeBottom Toast.makeText..
Inside OnClickListener I cannot access a lot of things - how to approach? improve this question Replace this in your code with MyActivity.this where MyActivity is the class name of your Activity subclass...
How to send email from my Android application? ex Toast.makeText MyActivity.this There are no email clients installed. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show..
Remove ListView items in Android long id AlertDialog.Builder adb new AlertDialog.Builder MyActivity.this adb.setTitle Delete adb.setMessage Are you sure you want to..
Android ASync task ProgressDialog isn't showing until background thread finishes protected void onPreExecute pDialog MyActivity.this Please wait... Retrieving data ... true protected Void doInBackground..
android set style in code with style like this TextView myText new TextView MyActivity.this null however when i do this the text view does.. object . I've also tried using myText.setTextAppearance MyActivity.this but it also doesn't work android coding style..
Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures OnSwipeTouchListener public void onSwipeTop Toast.makeText MyActivity.this top Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText.. .show public void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText MyActivity.this right Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText.. .show public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText MyActivity.this left Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeBottom Toast.makeText..
Android change layout dynamically Animation fadeOutAnim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation MyActivity.this R.anim.fadeout introLayout.startAnimation fadeOutAnim introLayout.setVisibility..
Updating progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask in my main my activity dialog MyActivity.this title text new MyTask .execute request where then later in MyTask..
handling links in a webview MailTo mt MailTo.parse url Intent i newEmailIntent MyActivity.this mt.getTo mt.getSubject mt.getBody mt.getCc startActivity i..
Android: Cancel Async Task void onPreExecute uploadingDialog new ProgressDialog MyActivity.this uploadingDialog.setMessage uploading uploadingDialog.setCancelable..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android Void Void private ProgressDialog dialog new ProgressDialog MyActivity.this private String result protected void onPreExecute dialog.setMessage..
When to call activity context OR application context? in an Activity and need a Context . Rather than using MyActivity.this to get at the outer class' this they use getApplicationContext..
Use of Context to start another Activity context parameter a couple of options are available Use MyActivity.this or just this Use getApplicationContext Use getBaseContext And..
change dialog position on the screen null AlertDialog infoDialog new AlertDialog.Builder MyActivity.this .setView view .create With above code the..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? Cursor myCur null myCur do_stuff_here_to_obtain_a_cursor_of_query_results mListAdapter new MyAdapter MyActivity.this myCur setListAdapter mListAdapter private class MyAdapter extends ResourceCursorAdapter public MyAdapter Context context..
Android list view Right / Left swipes like call logs void onSwipeBottom USAGE imageView.setOnTouchListener new OnSwipeTouchListener public void onSwipeTop Toast.makeText MyActivity.this top Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText MyActivity.this right Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public.. void onSwipeTop Toast.makeText MyActivity.this top Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText MyActivity.this right Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText MyActivity.this left Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public.. void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText MyActivity.this right Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText MyActivity.this left Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeBottom Toast.makeText MyActivity.this bottom Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show ..
Inside OnClickListener I cannot access a lot of things - how to approach? Seems odd to have to do that all the time java android share improve this question Replace this in your code with MyActivity.this where MyActivity is the class name of your Activity subclass. Explanation You are creating an anonymous inner class when..
How to send email from my Android application? startActivity Intent.createChooser i Send mail... catch android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex Toast.makeText MyActivity.this There are no email clients installed. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Otherwise you'll have to write your own client. share improve..
Remove ListView items in Android public void onItemClick AdapterView a View v int position long id AlertDialog.Builder adb new AlertDialog.Builder MyActivity.this adb.setTitle Delete adb.setMessage Are you sure you want to delete position final int positionToRemove position adb.setNegativeButton..
Android ASync task ProgressDialog isn't showing until background thread finishes is as follows class AddTask extends AsyncTask Void Item Void protected void onPreExecute pDialog MyActivity.this Please wait... Retrieving data ... true protected Void doInBackground Void... unused items parser.getItems for Item it items..
android set style in code set style in code I'm trying to use the TextView constructor with style like this TextView myText new TextView MyActivity.this null however when i do this the text view does not appear to take the style I verified the style by setting.. take the style I verified the style by setting it on a static object . I've also tried using myText.setTextAppearance MyActivity.this but it also doesn't work android coding style share improve this question I do not believe you can..
Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures void onSwipeBottom Usage imageView.setOnTouchListener new OnSwipeTouchListener public void onSwipeTop Toast.makeText MyActivity.this top Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText MyActivity.this right Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public.. void onSwipeTop Toast.makeText MyActivity.this top Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText MyActivity.this right Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText MyActivity.this left Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public.. void onSwipeRight Toast.makeText MyActivity.this right Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText MyActivity.this left Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeBottom Toast.makeText MyActivity.this bottom Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show ..
Android change layout dynamically have this introLayout RelativeLayout findViewById Animation fadeOutAnim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation MyActivity.this R.anim.fadeout introLayout.startAnimation fadeOutAnim introLayout.setVisibility View.GONE You could make this run after..
Updating progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask as suggested by Android tutorials and showing a ProgressDialog in my main my activity dialog MyActivity.this title text new MyTask .execute request where then later in MyTask I post results back to activity class MyTask extends AsyncTask..
handling links in a webview WebView view String url if url.startsWith mailto MailTo mt MailTo.parse url Intent i newEmailIntent MyActivity.this mt.getTo mt.getSubject mt.getBody mt.getCc startActivity i view.reload return true else view.loadUrl url return..
Android: Cancel Async Task dialog written in onPreExecute method like this protected void onPreExecute uploadingDialog new ProgressDialog MyActivity.this uploadingDialog.setMessage uploading uploadingDialog.setCancelable true Ok when I press the back button..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android class ReceivingDataFromYoutube extends AsyncTask String Void Void private ProgressDialog dialog new ProgressDialog MyActivity.this private String result protected void onPreExecute dialog.setMessage Downloading... @Override protected Void..
When to call activity context OR application context? implement an inner class e.g. an OnClickListener for a Button in an Activity and need a Context . Rather than using MyActivity.this to get at the outer class' this they use getApplicationContext or getBaseContext to get a Context object. You only use getApplicationContext..
Use of Context to start another Activity like Intent i new Intent context class So to fill in the context parameter a couple of options are available Use MyActivity.this or just this Use getApplicationContext Use getBaseContext And I'm sure there are one or two more options. These options..
change dialog position on the screen in my Activity View view layoutInflater.inflate R.layout.my_dialog null AlertDialog infoDialog new AlertDialog.Builder MyActivity.this .setView view .create With above code the dialog shows at the about the center of the screen. I am wondering..