android Programming Glossary: mprogressbar
AsyncTask called from Handler will not execute doInBackground View.GONE mImageView2.setVisibility View.GONE animate mProgressBar .alpha 1.0f .setDuration 500 .start Log.d TAG Download preparation.. List String urls Log.d TAG download successful animate mProgressBar .alpha 0.0f .setDuration 500 .start mCurrentImageIndex 1 mImageUrls..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) static class RetainedFragment extends Fragment ProgressBar mProgressBar int mPosition boolean mReady false boolean mQuiting false This.. lock held so it doesn't disappear on us. mPosition max mProgressBar.getMax mProgressBar.setProgress mPosition Normally we would.. disappear on us. mPosition max mProgressBar.getMax mProgressBar.setProgress mPosition Normally we would be doing some work..
ProgressBar under Action Bar ProgressActivity extends Activity private ProgressBar mProgressBar @Override public void setContentView View view init .addView.. ViewGroup init super.setContentView R.layout.progress mProgressBar ProgressBar findViewById return ViewGroup.. protected ProgressBar getProgressBar return mProgressBar Layout progress.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..
Get the progress time of the video played under videoview? class VideoPlayActivity extends Activity ProgressBar mProgressBar VideoView mVideoView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. .toString String filename hr.3gp mProgressBar ProgressBar findViewById mProgressBar.setProgress.. mProgressBar ProgressBar findViewById mProgressBar.setProgress 0 mProgressBar.setMax 100 mVideoView VideoView findViewById..
AsyncTask called from Handler will not execute doInBackground null mSlideshowAnimation.cancel true mImageView1.setVisibility View.GONE mImageView2.setVisibility View.GONE animate mProgressBar .alpha 1.0f .setDuration 500 .start Log.d TAG Download preparation done. @Override protected List String doInBackground.. finished. return urls @Override protected void onPostExecute List String urls Log.d TAG download successful animate mProgressBar .alpha 0.0f .setDuration 500 .start mCurrentImageIndex 1 mImageUrls urls mSlideshowAnimation new SlideshowAnimation mSlideshowAnimation.execute..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) that sits around incrementing a progress indicator. public static class RetainedFragment extends Fragment ProgressBar mProgressBar int mPosition boolean mReady false boolean mQuiting false This is the thread that will do our work. It sits in a loop running.. it is important that we touch the progress bar with the lock held so it doesn't disappear on us. mPosition max mProgressBar.getMax mProgressBar.setProgress mPosition Normally we would be doing some work but put a kludge here to pretend like.. we touch the progress bar with the lock held so it doesn't disappear on us. mPosition max mProgressBar.getMax mProgressBar.setProgress mPosition Normally we would be doing some work but put a kludge here to pretend like we are. synchronized..
ProgressBar under Action Bar and a getProgressBar method Parent class public abstract class ProgressActivity extends Activity private ProgressBar mProgressBar @Override public void setContentView View view init .addView view @Override public void setContentView int layoutResID getLayoutInflater.. ViewGroup.LayoutParams params init .addView view params private ViewGroup init super.setContentView R.layout.progress mProgressBar ProgressBar findViewById return ViewGroup findViewById protected ProgressBar getProgressBar.. return ViewGroup findViewById protected ProgressBar getProgressBar return mProgressBar Layout progress.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android..
Get the progress time of the video played under videoview? id @ id Progressbar RelativeLayout public class VideoPlayActivity extends Activity ProgressBar mProgressBar VideoView mVideoView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. setContentView R.layout.main String path Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString String filename hr.3gp mProgressBar ProgressBar findViewById mProgressBar.setProgress 0 mProgressBar.setMax 100 mVideoView VideoView findViewById.. .toString String filename hr.3gp mProgressBar ProgressBar findViewById mProgressBar.setProgress 0 mProgressBar.setMax 100 mVideoView VideoView findViewById mVideoView.setVideoURI Uri.parse..