android Programming Glossary: mprefs.edit
Android getDefaultSharedPreferences Context.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor editor mPrefs.edit editor.putBoolean eulaKey true editor.commit in which case you..
How can I share a SharedPreferences file across two different android apps? Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE mEd mPrefs.edit mEd.putString test original send from prefs owner mEd.commit..
How to integrate Facebook in my android application? facebook acess_token SharedPreferences.Editor editor mPrefs.edit editor.putString access_token facebook.getAccessToken ..
Post to facebook after login fails Android facebook acess_token SharedPreferences.Editor editor mPrefs.edit editor.putString access_token facebook.getAccessToken ..
Android: How to reset FirstRun SharedPreferences when my app is updated? run public void setRunned SharedPreferences.Editor edit mPrefs.edit edit.putBoolean firstRun false edit.commit SharedPreferences.. setStatus String statustext SharedPreferences.Editor edit mPrefs.edit edit.putString status statustext edit.commit android share..
How Android SharedPreferences save/store object getPreferences MODE_PRIVATE To Save Editor prefsEditor mPrefs.edit Gson gson new Gson String json gson.toJson MyObject prefsEditor.putString..
Android Facebook.authorize don't call oncomplete method onComplete Bundle values SharedPreferences.Editor editor mPrefs.edit editor.putString access_token facebook.getAccessToken editor.putLong..
Android getDefaultSharedPreferences mPrefs mContext.getSharedPreferences myAppPrefs Context.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor editor mPrefs.edit editor.putBoolean eulaKey true editor.commit in which case you can specify your own preferences file name myAppPrefs and..
How can I share a SharedPreferences file across two different android apps? getApplicationContext .getSharedPreferences svcprefs Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE mEd mPrefs.edit mEd.putString test original send from prefs owner mEd.commit 2. Set up the backup file The getSharedPreferences method appears..
How to integrate Facebook in my android application? Function to handle complete event Edit Preferences and update facebook acess_token SharedPreferences.Editor editor mPrefs.edit editor.putString access_token facebook.getAccessToken editor.putLong access_expires facebook.getAccessExpires ..
Post to facebook after login fails Android Function to handle complete event Edit Preferences and update facebook acess_token SharedPreferences.Editor editor mPrefs.edit editor.putString access_token facebook.getAccessToken editor.putLong access_expires facebook.getAccessExpires ..
Android: How to reset FirstRun SharedPreferences when my app is updated? return mPrefs.getBoolean firstRun true store the first run public void setRunned SharedPreferences.Editor edit mPrefs.edit edit.putBoolean firstRun false edit.commit SharedPreferences mPrefs setting up preferences storage public void firstRunPreferences.. only this app can read these preferences public void setStatus String statustext SharedPreferences.Editor edit mPrefs.edit edit.putString status statustext edit.commit android share improve this question In my app I save in my shared preferences..
How Android SharedPreferences save/store object p google gson downloads list SharedPreferences mPrefs getPreferences MODE_PRIVATE To Save Editor prefsEditor mPrefs.edit Gson gson new Gson String json gson.toJson MyObject prefsEditor.putString MyObject json prefsEditor.commit To Retreive Gson..
Android Facebook.authorize don't call oncomplete method new DialogListener @Override public void onComplete Bundle values SharedPreferences.Editor editor mPrefs.edit editor.putString access_token facebook.getAccessToken editor.putLong access_expires facebook.getAccessExpires editor.commit..