android Programming Glossary: mprogress
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock SherlockActivity Handler mHandler new Handler Runnable mProgressRunner new Runnable @Override public void run mProgress 2 Normalize.. mProgressRunner new Runnable @Override public void run mProgress 2 Normalize our progress along the progress bar's scale int.. int progress Window.PROGRESS_END Window.PROGRESS_START 100 mProgress setSupportProgress progress if mProgress 100 mHandler.postDelayed..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? extends Activity implements Runnable public ProgressDialog mProgress UI has a button that when pressed calls send public void send.. has a button that when pressed calls send public void send mProgress this Please wait Please wait true true.. Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg mProgress.dismiss Stack E WindowManager 244 Activity MyAct has leaked..
How to parser json for image url [duplicate] extends AsyncTask String Void String ProgressDialog mProgress @Override protected void onPreExecute mProgress new ProgressDialog.. mProgress @Override protected void onPreExecute mProgress new ProgressDialog MainActivity.mContext mProgress.setTitle.. mProgress new ProgressDialog MainActivity.mContext mProgress.setTitle Fetech Page mProgress.setMessage Please Wait... mProgress.setCancelable..
Maintain WebView content scroll position on orientation change objectToSave new OrientationChangeData objectToSave.mProgress calculateProgression mWebView return objectToSave Container.. final static class OrientationChangeData public float mProgress 3 Restore the position of the WebView when it's recreated Get.. private boolean mHasToRestoreState false private float mProgressToRestore @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock is from Demos sample app of ABS public class Progress extends SherlockActivity Handler mHandler new Handler Runnable mProgressRunner new Runnable @Override public void run mProgress 2 Normalize our progress along the progress bar's scale int progress.. extends SherlockActivity Handler mHandler new Handler Runnable mProgressRunner new Runnable @Override public void run mProgress 2 Normalize our progress along the progress bar's scale int progress Window.PROGRESS_END Window.PROGRESS_START 100 mProgress.. 2 Normalize our progress along the progress bar's scale int progress Window.PROGRESS_END Window.PROGRESS_START 100 mProgress setSupportProgress progress if mProgress 100 mHandler.postDelayed mProgressRunner 50 private int mProgress 100 @Override..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? roughly what my real program does public class MyAct extends Activity implements Runnable public ProgressDialog mProgress UI has a button that when pressed calls send public void send mProgress this Please wait Please wait.. implements Runnable public ProgressDialog mProgress UI has a button that when pressed calls send public void send mProgress this Please wait Please wait true true Thread thread new Thread this thread.start public void run.. mHandler.sendMessage msg private final Handler mHandler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg mProgress.dismiss Stack E WindowManager 244 Activity MyAct has leaked window DecorView@433b7150..
How to parser json for image url [duplicate] parse json for image url closed 2 answers class LoadWebPage extends AsyncTask String Void String ProgressDialog mProgress @Override protected void onPreExecute mProgress new ProgressDialog MainActivity.mContext mProgress.setTitle Fetech Page.. class LoadWebPage extends AsyncTask String Void String ProgressDialog mProgress @Override protected void onPreExecute mProgress new ProgressDialog MainActivity.mContext mProgress.setTitle Fetech Page mProgress.setMessage Please Wait... mProgress.setCancelable.. ProgressDialog mProgress @Override protected void onPreExecute mProgress new ProgressDialog MainActivity.mContext mProgress.setTitle Fetech Page mProgress.setMessage Please Wait... mProgress.setCancelable false @Override protected..
Maintain WebView content scroll position on orientation change Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance OrientationChangeData objectToSave new OrientationChangeData objectToSave.mProgress calculateProgression mWebView return objectToSave Container class used to save data during the orientation change private.. class used to save data during the orientation change private final static class OrientationChangeData public float mProgress 3 Restore the position of the WebView when it's recreated Get the progress from the orientation change data private boolean.. recreated Get the progress from the orientation change data private boolean mHasToRestoreState false private float mProgressToRestore @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main..