android Programming Glossary: mpoints
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) extends FragmentActivity private ArrayList MyMapPoint mPoints new ArrayList MyMapPoint @Override protected void onCreate Bundle.. R.layout.activity_main if savedInstanceState null mPoints.add new MyMapPoint 1 new LatLng 20 10 test point description.. MyMapPoint 1 new LatLng 20 10 test point description null mPoints.add new MyMapPoint 2 new LatLng 10 20 test point 2 second description..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations int mWidth public double mRoute new double public Point mPoints new Point Network connection is implemented in different ways..
Problem drawing a sphere in OPENGL ES float mVertices private static double DEG Math.PI 180 int mPoints The value of step will define the size of each facet as well.. this.mStep step sphereVertex FloatBuffer.allocate 40000 mPoints build Log.d ALIS CHECK COUNT mPoints public void draw GL10 gl.. 40000 mPoints build Log.d ALIS CHECK COUNT mPoints public void draw GL10 gl gl.glFrontFace GL10.GL_CW gl.glEnableClientState..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) in 0 0 point. The code MainActivity public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity private ArrayList MyMapPoint mPoints new ArrayList MyMapPoint @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main if savedInstanceState null mPoints.add new MyMapPoint 1 new LatLng 20 10 test point description null mPoints.add new MyMapPoint 2 new LatLng 10 20 test point.. if savedInstanceState null mPoints.add new MyMapPoint 1 new LatLng 20 10 test point description null mPoints.add new MyMapPoint 2 new LatLng 10 20 test point 2 second description null Fragment fragment MyMapFragment.newInstance mPoints..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations mName public String mDescription public int mColor public int mWidth public double mRoute new double public Point mPoints new Point Network connection is implemented in different ways on Android and Blackberry so you will have to first form url..
Problem drawing a sphere in OPENGL ES float sphere_parms new float 3 double mRaduis double mStep float mVertices private static double DEG Math.PI 180 int mPoints The value of step will define the size of each facet as well as the number of facets @param radius @param step public.. public Sphere float radius double step this.mRaduis radius this.mStep step sphereVertex FloatBuffer.allocate 40000 mPoints build Log.d ALIS CHECK COUNT mPoints public void draw GL10 gl gl.glFrontFace GL10.GL_CW gl.glEnableClientState GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY.. step this.mRaduis radius this.mStep step sphereVertex FloatBuffer.allocate 40000 mPoints build Log.d ALIS CHECK COUNT mPoints public void draw GL10 gl gl.glFrontFace GL10.GL_CW gl.glEnableClientState GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY gl.glVertexPointer 3 GL10.GL_FLOAT..