android Programming Glossary: mplayer
Read content from APK expansion file (from obb file) expansionFile.getAssetFileDescriptor test.mp4 MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer mPlayer.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC.. test.mp4 MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer mPlayer.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mPlayer.setDataSource.. mPlayer.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mPlayer.setDataSource fd.getFileDescriptor fd.getStartOffset fd.getLength..
MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 ivPause private ImageView ivBuffer private MediaPlayer mPlayer private ImageView ivInfo private AudioManager audio Initializing.. playSeekBar.setMax 100 playSeekBar.setVisibility View.GONE mPlayer new MediaPlayer Log.d TAG Create onErrorListener MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener.. break Log.d Streaming Media Reset media player mPlayer.reset We need to link the visualizer view to the media player..
How to play mp3 continuosly when application starts and stop when user close app in background any suggestion sample code would be helpful... MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer mediaPlayer MediaPlayer.create context R.raw.music_file.. void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub mPlayer MediaPlayer.create getApplicationContext R.raw.mymusic.mp3 mPlayer.start.. MediaPlayer.create getApplicationContext R.raw.mymusic.mp3 mPlayer.start Start playing the music buttonStop Button findViewById..
How do I play an mp3 in the res/raw folder of my android app? I needed to change perhaps in the manifest MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create FakeCallScreen.this R.raw.mysoundfile try.. FakeCallScreen.this R.raw.mysoundfile try mPlayer.prepare mPlayer.start catch IOException e handle this later.. FakeCallScreen.this R.raw.mysoundfile try mPlayer.prepare mPlayer.start catch IOException e handle this later android media player..
Android: How to stop media (mp3) in playing when specific milliseconds come? tv.setText Playing... setContentView tv final MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.nicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch.. mPlayer MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.nicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch.. e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace mPlayer.seekTo 6889 this is the start time mPlayer.start how can I end..
Android: Play mp3 file from raw resource on click of a TextView v switch v.getId case doStuff MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create null R.raw.aaanicholas try mPlayer.prepare.. mPlayer MediaPlayer.create null R.raw.aaanicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated.. e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace mPlayer.start nicholas.setText Nicholas Clicked break case
ListFragment OnListItemClick not being called player.getName called Get the player url String mPlayerUrl player.getPlayerUrl Log.d TAG Selected Player URL mPlayerUrl.. player.getPlayerUrl Log.d TAG Selected Player URL mPlayerUrl if mDualPane if getListView .getSelectedItemPosition listPosition.. ViewPlayerFragment vpf ViewPlayerFragment.newInstance mPlayerUrl ListTeamsFragment ltf ListTeamsFragment getFragmentManager..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions File mediaFile throws IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer example of mediaFile data data package cache.. FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mPlayer.prepare return mPlayer Current.. FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mPlayer.prepare return mPlayer Current status 1 It works fine from Android..
Read content from APK expansion file (from obb file) getApplicationContext 3 0 AssetFileDescriptor fd expansionFile.getAssetFileDescriptor test.mp4 MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer mPlayer.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mPlayer.setDataSource fd.getFileDescriptor fd.getStartOffset.. 3 0 AssetFileDescriptor fd expansionFile.getAssetFileDescriptor test.mp4 MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer mPlayer.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mPlayer.setDataSource fd.getFileDescriptor fd.getStartOffset fd.getLength.. test.mp4 MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer mPlayer.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mPlayer.setDataSource fd.getFileDescriptor fd.getStartOffset fd.getLength mPlayer.prepare mPlayer.start catch IOException e ..
MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 playSeekBar private ImageView ivPlay private ImageView ivPause private ImageView ivBuffer private MediaPlayer mPlayer private ImageView ivInfo private AudioManager audio Initializing the Media Player and Visualizer which is not the issue.. playSeekBar ProgressBar findViewById playSeekBar.setMax 100 playSeekBar.setVisibility View.GONE mPlayer new MediaPlayer Log.d TAG Create onErrorListener MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener errorListener new MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener.. break case 700 Log.d Streaming Media MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_TRACK_LAGGING break Log.d Streaming Media Reset media player mPlayer.reset We need to link the visualizer view to the media player so that it displays something mVisualizerManager new VisualizerManager..
How to play mp3 continuosly when application starts and stop when user close app in background user close an app. Please someone help me its much needed any suggestion sample code would be helpful... MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer mediaPlayer MediaPlayer.create context R.raw.music_file Button buttonPlay Button buttonStop buttonPlay Button.. buttonPlay.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub mPlayer MediaPlayer.create getApplicationContext R.raw.mymusic.mp3 mPlayer.start Start playing the music buttonStop Button findViewById.. onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub mPlayer MediaPlayer.create getApplicationContext R.raw.mymusic.mp3 mPlayer.start Start playing the music buttonStop Button findViewById buttonStop.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener..
How do I play an mp3 in the res/raw folder of my android app? to prepare start my activity crashes Was there something else I needed to change perhaps in the manifest MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create FakeCallScreen.this R.raw.mysoundfile try mPlayer.prepare mPlayer.start catch IOException e handle this.. to change perhaps in the manifest MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create FakeCallScreen.this R.raw.mysoundfile try mPlayer.prepare mPlayer.start catch IOException e handle this later android media player share improve this question When starting.. in the manifest MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create FakeCallScreen.this R.raw.mysoundfile try mPlayer.prepare mPlayer.start catch IOException e handle this later android media player share improve this question When starting the activity..
Android: How to stop media (mp3) in playing when specific milliseconds come? R.layout.main final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText Playing... setContentView tv final MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.nicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block.. this tv.setText Playing... setContentView tv final MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create this R.raw.nicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto.. Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace mPlayer.seekTo 6889 this is the start time mPlayer.start how can I end it at 7254 ms android media player share improve this..
Android: Play mp3 file from raw resource on click of a TextView handler new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v switch v.getId case doStuff MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create null R.raw.aaanicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch.. v switch v.getId case doStuff MediaPlayer mPlayer MediaPlayer.create null R.raw.aaanicholas try mPlayer.prepare catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO.. generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace mPlayer.start nicholas.setText Nicholas Clicked break case doStuff MediaPlayer mPlayer1 MediaPlayer.create null R.raw.aaawas..
ListFragment OnListItemClick not being called listPosition Log.i TAG Select Player listPosition player.getName called Get the player url String mPlayerUrl player.getPlayerUrl Log.d TAG Selected Player URL mPlayerUrl if mDualPane if getListView .getSelectedItemPosition listPosition.. player.getName called Get the player url String mPlayerUrl player.getPlayerUrl Log.d TAG Selected Player URL mPlayerUrl if mDualPane if getListView .getSelectedItemPosition listPosition Remove the selected item return Select the item.. listPosition true Log.d TAG Creating ViewPlayerFragment ViewPlayerFragment vpf ViewPlayerFragment.newInstance mPlayerUrl ListTeamsFragment ltf ListTeamsFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById FragmentTransaction..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions class . Check this piece of code private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer File mediaFile throws IOException MediaPlayer mPlayer new MediaPlayer example of mediaFile data data package cache playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile.. example of mediaFile data data package cache playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mPlayer.prepare return mPlayer Current status 1 It works fine from Android 1.6 to 2.1 but not in.. data package cache playingMedia0.dat FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile mPlayer.setDataSource fis.getFD mPlayer.prepare return mPlayer Current status 1 It works fine from Android 1.6 to 2.1 but not in the higher versions like Android..