android Programming Glossary: mpos
Setting up Alarm Manager is creating 2 Instances of my Main Activity playMusic PLAY_MUSIC intentAlarm.putExtra mPos mPos intentAlarm.putExtra result ALARM_SET setResult RESULT_OK.. playMusic PLAY_MUSIC intentAlarm.putExtra mPos mPos intentAlarm.putExtra result ALARM_SET setResult RESULT_OK intentAlarm.. getIntent if intent.hasExtra playMusic intent.hasExtra mPos playMusicFlag intent.getStringExtra playMusic mPos intent.getIntExtra..
Filtering a cursor the right way? so private int filterMap new int 0 1 3 5 6 private int mPos 1 @Override public int getCount return filterMap.length @Override.. boolean moved super.moveToPosition filterMap pos if moved mPos pos return moved @Override public final boolean move int offset.. public final boolean move int offset return moveToPosition mPos offset @Override public final boolean moveToFirst return moveToPosition..
Setting up Alarm Manager is creating 2 Instances of my Main Activity Y Intent intentAlarm new Intent this MainActivity.class intentAlarm.putExtra playMusic PLAY_MUSIC intentAlarm.putExtra mPos mPos intentAlarm.putExtra result ALARM_SET setResult RESULT_OK intentAlarm pIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 12345.. intentAlarm new Intent this MainActivity.class intentAlarm.putExtra playMusic PLAY_MUSIC intentAlarm.putExtra mPos mPos intentAlarm.putExtra result ALARM_SET setResult RESULT_OK intentAlarm pIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 12345 intentAlarm.. if VERBOSE Log.v TAG IN onResume super.onResume Intent intent getIntent if intent.hasExtra playMusic intent.hasExtra mPos playMusicFlag intent.getStringExtra playMusic mPos intent.getIntExtra mPos 0 if playMusicFlag.equalsIgnoreCase Y if VERBOSE..
Filtering a cursor the right way? that extends CursorWrapper and override these methods like so private int filterMap new int 0 1 3 5 6 private int mPos 1 @Override public int getCount return filterMap.length @Override public boolean moveToPosition int pos boolean moved super.moveToPosition.. @Override public boolean moveToPosition int pos boolean moved super.moveToPosition filterMap pos if moved mPos pos return moved @Override public final boolean move int offset return moveToPosition mPos offset @Override public final.. filterMap pos if moved mPos pos return moved @Override public final boolean move int offset return moveToPosition mPos offset @Override public final boolean moveToFirst return moveToPosition 0 @Override public final boolean moveToLast return..