android Programming Glossary: mnyannyan
Receiving package install and uninstall events
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? private final int mNyanDuration private final Runnable mNyanNyan float mScaleX float mScaleY int mWhen long mStart NyanEngine.. throw new IOException Unable to open R.raw.nyan mWhen 1 mNyanNyan new Runnable public void run nyan @Override public void.. onDestroy super.onDestroy mNyanHandler.removeCallbacks mNyanNyan @Override public void onVisibilityChanged boolean visible ..
Receiving package install and uninstall events
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? null class NyanEngine extends Engine private final Movie mNyan private final int mNyanDuration private final Runnable mNyanNyan float mScaleX float mScaleY int mWhen long mStart NyanEngine throws IOException InputStream is getResources .openRawResource.. is mNyanDuration mNyan.duration finally is.close else throw new IOException Unable to open R.raw.nyan mWhen 1 mNyanNyan new Runnable public void run nyan @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy mNyanHandler.removeCallbacks mNyanNyan.. new Runnable public void run nyan @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy mNyanHandler.removeCallbacks mNyanNyan @Override public void onVisibilityChanged boolean visible super.onVisibilityChanged visible if visible nyan else mNyanHandler.removeCallbacks..