android Programming Glossary: mmediaplayer.start
Playing video on TextureView mMediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mMediaPlayer.start catch IllegalArgumentException e TODO Auto generated catch block..
Live-stream video from one android phone to another over WiFi pfd.getFileDescriptor mMediaPlayer.prepare mMediaPlayer.start Unfortunately mediaplayer tends to not like this so you have..
MediaController with MediaPlayer mediacontroller implemented methods public void start mMediaPlayer.start public void pause mMediaPlayer.pause public int getDuration..
Play m3u8 video in android holder.setFixedSize mVideoWidth mVideoHeight mMediaPlayer.start In logcat it shows onBufferingUpdate percent 100 But i can't..
SurfaceView height + width gets ignored Log.v TAG startVideoPlayback holder.setSizeFromLayout mMediaPlayer.start android video surfaceview share improve this question ..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android void startVideoPlayback Log.v TAG startVideoPlayback mMediaPlayer.start R.layout.multi_videos_activity_layout xml version 1.0 encoding..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed true if mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed mMediaPlayer.start @Override public void onBufferingUpdate MediaPlayer mp int.. called if mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed playVideo else mMediaPlayer.start @Override public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder surfaceholder..
Playing video on TextureView this mMediaPlayer.setOnVideoSizeChangedListener this mMediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mMediaPlayer.start catch IllegalArgumentException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch SecurityException e TODO Auto generated..
Live-stream video from one android phone to another over WiFi socket mMediaPlayer new MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer.setDataSource pfd.getFileDescriptor mMediaPlayer.prepare mMediaPlayer.start Unfortunately mediaplayer tends to not like this so you have a couple of options either a save data from socket to file..
MediaController with MediaPlayer public void run mcontroller.setEnabled true mediacontroller implemented methods public void start mMediaPlayer.start public void pause mMediaPlayer.pause public int getDuration return mMediaPlayer.getDuration public int getCurrentPosition..
Play m3u8 video in android false private void startVideoPlayback Log.v TAG startVideoPlayback holder.setFixedSize mVideoWidth mVideoHeight mMediaPlayer.start In logcat it shows onBufferingUpdate percent 100 But i can't see the video. Audio is working but suddenly it was struck...
SurfaceView height + width gets ignored false mIsVideoSizeKnown false private void startVideoPlayback Log.v TAG startVideoPlayback holder.setSizeFromLayout mMediaPlayer.start android video surfaceview share improve this question Same problem here I believe the problem is the Vitamio library..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android null mMediaPlayer.release mMediaPlayer null private void startVideoPlayback Log.v TAG startVideoPlayback mMediaPlayer.start R.layout.multi_videos_activity_layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video onPrepared MediaPlayer mediaplayer Log.d TAG onPrepared called mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed true if mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed mMediaPlayer.start @Override public void onBufferingUpdate MediaPlayer mp int percent Log.i TAG percent @Override public void surfaceChanged.. void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder Log.d TAG surfaceCreated called if mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed playVideo else mMediaPlayer.start @Override public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder surfaceholder Log.d TAG surfaceDestroyed called mMediaPlayer.pause..