android Programming Glossary: mmsocket.close
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer stopWorker true mmOutputStream.close mmInputStream.close mmSocket.close myLabel.setText Bluetooth Closed private void showMessage String..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” failed e.getMessage Close the socket try mmSocket.close catch Exception e2 Log.e TAG unable to close mSocketType socket..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service try mmSocket.connect catch IOException e try mmSocket.close catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace connectionFailed.. null connected mmSocket mmDevice public void cancel try mmSocket.close catch IOException e Log.e PrinterService close of connect socket.. Exception during write e public void cancel try mmSocket.close catch IOException e Log.e PrinterService close of connect socket..
android bluetooth can't connect the socket and get out try Log.d kent failed to connect mmSocket.close catch IOException closeException return Log.d kent Connected.. connection and close the socket public void cancel try mmSocket.close catch IOException e Here is my logcat. Pretty short. 07 22..
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer 'A' myLabel.setText Data Sent void closeBT throws IOException stopWorker true mmOutputStream.close mmInputStream.close mmSocket.close myLabel.setText Bluetooth Closed private void showMessage String theMsg Toast msg Toast.makeText getBaseContext theMsg..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” Exception e Log.e TAG Connection to mmDevice.getName at mmDevice.getAddress failed e.getMessage Close the socket try mmSocket.close catch Exception e2 Log.e TAG unable to close mSocketType socket during connection failure e2 connectionFailed e.getMessage..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service public void run setName ConnectThread mBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery try mmSocket.connect catch IOException e try mmSocket.close catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace connectionFailed return synchronized PrinterService.this mConnectThread null.. return synchronized PrinterService.this mConnectThread null connected mmSocket mmDevice public void cancel try mmSocket.close catch IOException e Log.e PrinterService close of connect socket failed e private class ConnectedThread extends Thread.. 1 buffer .sendToTarget catch IOException e Log.e PrinterService Exception during write e public void cancel try mmSocket.close catch IOException e Log.e PrinterService close of connect socket failed e public void trace String msg Log.d AbstractActivity..
android bluetooth can't connect catch IOException connectException Unable to connect close the socket and get out try Log.d kent failed to connect mmSocket.close catch IOException closeException return Log.d kent Connected Will cancel an in progress connection and close the socket.. return Log.d kent Connected Will cancel an in progress connection and close the socket public void cancel try mmSocket.close catch IOException e Here is my logcat. Pretty short. 07 22 10 37 05.129 DEBUG kent 17512 trying to connect to device 07..