android Programming Glossary: mobiles
How to get current music track info? Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show It is working fine for some mobiles only. I want to implement code to get current music track info.. get current music track info in all android Htc Samsung... mobiles. If anyone knows the solution please help me. android music..
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? with especially on intermittently connected devices like mobiles. XML RPC if you like pain There are some JAX RS quickstarts..
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application it ™s name to ARDemo1.apk Then I shipped this apk file to mobiles SD Card and started the installation I got the above error...
Tamil font in android Tamil Language support in Android OS except few Samsung SE mobiles till ICS 4.0 . Even then it had bugs and full support is provided..
Android Web App : Position:fixed broken? I'm in the process of developping a Web Application for mobiles. I went with web applications because to me it seems a winning..
Android OutOfMemoryError : bitmap size exceeds VM budget orientation of the Droid mobile but not in any of other mobiles like Android normal and Android small .I am displaying 10 images..
Connecting to oracle in android idea. IMHO given that Android apps are intended to run on mobiles where connectivity might be an issue or be lost temporarily..
Sip Manager api support USE_SIP permissions. I have Samsung galaxy young and ace mobiles both are 2.3 i have checked with the methods SipManager.isApiSupported.. to make it Sip supported Or Where can I have a list of mobiles that support SIP Edit How is Sip Droid working on 2.1 phone..
How to get current music track info? track Toast.makeText CurrentMusicTrackInfoActivity.this track Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show It is working fine for some mobiles only. I want to implement code to get current music track info in all android Htc Samsung... mobiles. If anyone knows the.. fine for some mobiles only. I want to implement code to get current music track info in all android Htc Samsung... mobiles. If anyone knows the solution please help me. android music share improve this question This might help. I use this..
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? have tools for SOAP WSDL but it's kind of crappy to work with especially on intermittently connected devices like mobiles. XML RPC if you like pain There are some JAX RS quickstarts on the JBoss AS 7 quickstarts list just search for JAX RS ...
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application code signing also. I got the ARDemo.apk file Then I changed it ™s name to ARDemo1.apk Then I shipped this apk file to mobiles SD Card and started the installation I got the above error. I googled they say that problem with unpacking manifest file...
Tamil font in android First of all you have to understand that there is no Tamil Language support in Android OS except few Samsung SE mobiles till ICS 4.0 . Even then it had bugs and full support is provided with Jelly Bean 4.2 . You will only see boxes if you use..
Android Web App : Position:fixed broken? Web App Position fixed broken I'm in the process of developping a Web Application for mobiles. I went with web applications because to me it seems a winning situation having to develop one application that could run..
Android OutOfMemoryError : bitmap size exceeds VM budget that is bitmap size exceeds vm budget while changing the orientation of the Droid mobile but not in any of other mobiles like Android normal and Android small .I am displaying 10 images in gridview each one size is less than 20kb. If i insert..
Connecting to oracle in android this question yes I'm one that'll tell u it is a bad idea. IMHO given that Android apps are intended to run on mobiles where connectivity might be an issue or be lost temporarily I claim each good app should have some degree of offline capabilities...
Sip Manager api support SIP APIs. Your application must also request the INTERNET and USE_SIP permissions. I have Samsung galaxy young and ace mobiles both are 2.3 i have checked with the methods SipManager.isApiSupported SipManager.isVoipSupported but both of them return.. return false in both the cases. Is there anything to be done to make it Sip supported Or Where can I have a list of mobiles that support SIP Edit How is Sip Droid working on 2.1 phone android api sip support share improve this question All..