android Programming Glossary: mnumcolumns
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen public class AspectGrid extends ViewGroup private int mNumColumns 1 private int mHorizontalSpacing 0 private int mVerticalSpacing.. setNumColumns a.getInt R.styleable.AspectGrid_numColumns mNumColumns setHorizontalSpacing a.getDimensionPixelSize R.styleable.AspectGrid_horizontalSpacing.. ex throw ex public int getNumColumns return mNumColumns public void setNumColumns int numColumns if numColumns 1 throw..
Android: How does GridView auto_fit find the number of columns? 0 Client told us to pick the number of columns mNumColumns availableSpace requestedHorizontalSpacing requestedColumnWidth.. else Just make up a number if we don't have enough info mNumColumns 2 else We picked the columns mNumColumns mRequestedNumColumns.. have enough info mNumColumns 2 else We picked the columns mNumColumns mRequestedNumColumns if mNumColumns 0 mNumColumns 1 ... The..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? The number of columns in the grid view private static int mNumColumns The position of the view cell private int mPosition Public constructor.. static void initItemLayout int numColumns int itemCount mNumColumns numColumns mMaxRowHeight new int itemCount @Override protected.. Do not calculate max height if column count is only one if mNumColumns 1 mMaxRowHeight null return Get the current view cell index..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen class package com.photogrid import android.content.Context public class AspectGrid extends ViewGroup private int mNumColumns 1 private int mHorizontalSpacing 0 private int mVerticalSpacing 0 private float mChildAspectRatio 1.0f public AspectGrid.. a context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs R.styleable.AspectGrid setNumColumns a.getInt R.styleable.AspectGrid_numColumns mNumColumns setHorizontalSpacing a.getDimensionPixelSize R.styleable.AspectGrid_horizontalSpacing mHorizontalSpacing setVerticalSpacing.. mChildAspectRatio a.recycle catch RuntimeException ex throw ex public int getNumColumns return mNumColumns public void setNumColumns int numColumns if numColumns 1 throw new IllegalArgumentException numColumns must be at least..
Android: How does GridView auto_fit find the number of columns? ... if mRequestedNumColumns AUTO_FIT if requestedColumnWidth 0 Client told us to pick the number of columns mNumColumns availableSpace requestedHorizontalSpacing requestedColumnWidth requestedHorizontalSpacing else Just make up a number if.. requestedColumnWidth requestedHorizontalSpacing else Just make up a number if we don't have enough info mNumColumns 2 else We picked the columns mNumColumns mRequestedNumColumns if mNumColumns 0 mNumColumns 1 ... The solution is to measure.. else Just make up a number if we don't have enough info mNumColumns 2 else We picked the columns mNumColumns mRequestedNumColumns if mNumColumns 0 mNumColumns 1 ... The solution is to measure your column size before setting the GridView's..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? cell heights for each row private static int mMaxRowHeight The number of columns in the grid view private static int mNumColumns The position of the view cell private int mPosition Public constructor public GridViewItemLayout Context context super context.. or content data. @param numColumns @param itemCount public static void initItemLayout int numColumns int itemCount mNumColumns numColumns mMaxRowHeight new int itemCount @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec.. super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec Do not calculate max height if column count is only one if mNumColumns 1 mMaxRowHeight null return Get the current view cell index for the grid row int rowIndex mPosition mNumColumns Get the..