android Programming Glossary: mnotificationmanager.notify
Create custom notification, android mId allows you to update the notification later on. mNotificationManager.notify 100 widget.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications notificationSound mBuilder.setContentIntent contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_ID Manifest.xml xml version 1.0..
Starting Activity through notification: Avoiding duplicate activities context contentTitle contentText contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify 1 notification However I have detected a case where a bug appears...
resuming an activity from a notification 0 ... notification.flags Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT mNotificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_ID notification The problem with this is that when..
Remove the notification icon from the status bar NotificationManager getSystemService ns mNotificationManager.notify MY_NOTIFICATION_ID notification The example code is not complete...
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? then raise a new notification for this contact ID mNotificationManager.notify Integer.parseInt objContact.getId notification This works like..
How to make notification intent resume rather than making a new intent? context contentTitle contentText intent mNotificationManager.notify SIMPLE_NOTFICATION_ID notifyDetails CookieSyncManager.createInstance.. Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP mNotificationManager.notify SIMPLE_NOTFICATION_ID notifyDetails CookieSyncManager.createInstance..
android memory leak in notification service String text contentView.setTextViewText text mNotificationManager.notify 0 notification Thanks in advance. android memory leaks notifications..
Android: How to resume an App from a Notification? contentText contentIntent final int HELLO_ID 1 mNotificationManager.notify HELLO_ID notification I am guessing that the new Intent line..
The constructor Intent is undefined getApplicationContext ticketTitle ticketText contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify HELLO_ID notification java android share improve this question..
Multiple notifications to the same activity
Changing LED color for notifications context contentTitle contentText contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_ID notification But as I said it doesn't work..
Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS mNotificationManager.notify 2425 notification android android alarms share improve this.. Integer.parseInt intent.getData .getSchemeSpecificPart mNotificationManager.notify 1234 notification Note that if you want to create separate notification..
Android - notification manager, having a notification without an intent context contentTitle contentText null mNotificationManager.notify HELLO_ID notification android notifications android intent..
Notification passes old Intent Extras contentText contentIntent int mynotification_id 1 mNotificationManager.notify mynotification_id notification When I click on the notification..
Create custom notification, android NotificationManager getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE mId allows you to update the notification later on. mNotificationManager.notify 100 widget.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION mBuilder.setSound notificationSound mBuilder.setContentIntent contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_ID Manifest.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 Copyright 2013 Google Inc. Licensed under the..
Starting Activity through notification: Avoiding duplicate activities context 0 notificationIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify 1 notification However I have detected a case where a bug appears. If the user starts the application through clicking the..
resuming an activity from a notification PendingIntent.getActivity this.parent 0 notificationIntent 0 ... notification.flags Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT mNotificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_ID notification The problem with this is that when you press the home button from the app pushing it to the..
Remove the notification icon from the status bar NotificationManager mNotificationManager mNotificationManager NotificationManager getSystemService ns mNotificationManager.notify MY_NOTIFICATION_ID notification The example code is not complete. It depends on how your created your notification. Just..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? ID mNotificationManager.cancel Integer.parseInt objContact.getId then raise a new notification for this contact ID mNotificationManager.notify Integer.parseInt objContact.getId notification This works like this application creates a message for a contact an intent..
How to make notification intent resume rather than making a new intent? android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK notifyDetails.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText intent mNotificationManager.notify SIMPLE_NOTFICATION_ID notifyDetails CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieSyncManager.getInstance .startSync webview.. contentTitle contentText intent notifyIntent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP mNotificationManager.notify SIMPLE_NOTFICATION_ID notifyDetails CookieSyncManager.createInstance this CookieSyncManager.getInstance .startSync webview..
android memory leak in notification service appIntent updateNotification private void updateNotification String text contentView.setTextViewText text mNotificationManager.notify 0 notification Thanks in advance. android memory leaks notifications notificationmanager share improve this question..
Android: How to resume an App from a Notification? when notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent final int HELLO_ID 1 mNotificationManager.notify HELLO_ID notification I am guessing that the new Intent line is where the problem lies... any help would be appreciated..
The constructor Intent is undefined this 0 notificationIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo getApplicationContext ticketTitle ticketText contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify HELLO_ID notification java android share improve this question Change this new Intent this ContactWidget.class to..
Multiple notifications to the same activity
Changing LED color for notifications 0 notificationIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent mNotificationManager.notify NOTIFICATION_ID notification But as I said it doesn't work the way I want it to instead it just blinks in regular green..
Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS mNotificationManager.notify 2425 notification android android alarms share improve this question This is what worked for me. I'm sharing the solution.. other number use below expression to have unique notifications Integer.parseInt intent.getData .getSchemeSpecificPart mNotificationManager.notify 1234 notification Note that if you want to create separate notification the request id can be passed as unique when calling..
Android - notification manager, having a notification without an intent CharSequence contentText Hello World notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText null mNotificationManager.notify HELLO_ID notification android notifications android intent notificationmanager share improve this question You may..
Notification passes old Intent Extras 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent int mynotification_id 1 mNotificationManager.notify mynotification_id notification When I click on the notification it opens the NotificationActivity and inside the Activity..