android Programming Glossary: mmessagereceiver
How to update some data in a Listview without using notifyDataSetChanged()? service from adapter to 'unbind' adapter to the service mAdapter.setDownloadService null private BroadcastReceiver mMessageReceiver new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent String action intent.getAction if..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState ... Register to receive messages. We are registering an observer mMessageReceiver to receive Intents with actions named custom event name . LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance this .registerReceiver mMessageReceiver.. to receive Intents with actions named custom event name . LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance this .registerReceiver mMessageReceiver new IntentFilter custom event name Our handler for received Intents. This will be called whenever an Intent with an action.. will be called whenever an Intent with an action named custom event name is broadcasted. private BroadcastReceiver mMessageReceiver new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Get extra data included in the Intent..