android Programming Glossary: mmaxzoom
Carousel library for android ImageView will be rotated by. private int mMaxRotationAngle 60 The maximum zoom on the centre Child. private int mMaxZoom 220 The Centre of the Coverflow. private int mCoveflowCenter The image height. private float imageHeight The image width... final int maxRotationAngle mMaxRotationAngle maxRotationAngle Get the Max zoom of the centre image. @return the mMaxZoom public int getMaxZoom return mMaxZoom Set the max zoom of the centre image. @param maxZoom the mMaxZoom to set public.. maxRotationAngle Get the Max zoom of the centre image. @return the mMaxZoom public int getMaxZoom return mMaxZoom Set the max zoom of the centre image. @param maxZoom the mMaxZoom to set public void setMaxZoom final int maxZoom mMaxZoom..