android Programming Glossary: mmediaplayer.release
Play m3u8 video in android void onDestroy super.onDestroy releaseMediaPlayer doCleanUp private void releaseMediaPlayer if mMediaPlayer null mMediaPlayer.release mMediaPlayer null private void doCleanUp mVideoWidth 0 mVideoHeight 0 mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed false mIsVideoSizeKnown..
SurfaceView height + width gets ignored Log.d TAG onBufferingUpdate percent percent public void onCompletion MediaPlayer arg0 Log.d TAG onCompletion called mMediaPlayer.release public void onVideoSizeChanged MediaPlayer mp int width int height Log.v TAG onVideoSizeChanged called if width 0 height.. void onDestroy super.onDestroy releaseMediaPlayer doCleanUp private void releaseMediaPlayer if mMediaPlayer null mMediaPlayer.release mMediaPlayer null private void doCleanUp mVideoWidth 0 mVideoHeight 0 mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed false mIsVideoSizeKnown false..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android public void onDestroy super.onDestroy releaseMediaPlayer private void releaseMediaPlayer if mMediaPlayer null mMediaPlayer.release mMediaPlayer null private void startVideoPlayback Log.v TAG startVideoPlayback mMediaPlayer.start R.layout.multi_videos_activity_layout..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video surface any more. mSurfaceHolder null if mMediaController null mMediaController.hide release true release actually mMediaPlayer.release is the second key point it is also called in other two VideoView's public methods stopPlayback and suspend make sure you.. path getIntent .getExtras .getString videoUrl @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy if mMediaPlayer null mMediaPlayer.release mMediaPlayer null mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed false private void playVideo mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed false try Create a new media..