android Programming Glossary: legacy
Parsing data from hdp device for android (API 15) else if data 0 byte 0xE7 Log.i TAG E7 work for legacy device... if data 18 byte 0x0d data 19 byte 0x1d fixed report..
how can meteor be coupled to an android app? can connect anything to Meteor from native mobile apps to legacy databases to Arduinos. Just implement the simple DDP protocol...
SharedPrefences not being updated of communication between processes though. This was the legacy but undocumented behavior in and before Gingerbread Android..
Saving files on external storage on Nexus 7 and retrieving from PC storage sdcard0 storage emulated 0 and storage emulated legacy. And each of them I can open from within the device using texteditor.. there. There is an additional directory storage emulated legacy but nothing in there either and no sdcard0 or 0 folders either... Sensor_Data.csv' does not exist adb pull storage emulated legacy Sensor_Data.csv 243 Kb s 1495 bytes in 0.006s adb pull storage..
Listen to ActivityManager events? this question I suppose there is no actually other legacy way to handle glabal system state only ActivityManager getSystemService..
Android Bluetooth Pairing the Secure Simple pairing SSP gets used instead of the legacy pairing legacy pairing is the one where user was required to.. Simple pairing SSP gets used instead of the legacy pairing legacy pairing is the one where user was required to enter same PIN..
android - show menu button on galaxy nexus has been deprecated in ICS. Your options are 1 run in legacy mode targetSdkVersion 14 2 use an action bar with or without..
How to understand the directory structure of android root tree? Bootable boot and startup related code. Some of it is legacy the fastboot protocol info could be interesting since it is..
Parsing data from hdp device for android (API 15) e e.printStackTrace count 2 new WriteThread mFd .start else if data 0 byte 0xE7 Log.i TAG E7 work for legacy device... if data 18 byte 0x0d data 19 byte 0x1d fixed report count 3 set invoke id so get correct response invoke..
how can meteor be coupled to an android app? says in bullet point 8 interoperability You can connect anything to Meteor from native mobile apps to legacy databases to Arduinos. Just implement the simple DDP protocol. Question Android is Java how can it connect to meteor js..
SharedPrefences not being updated same SharedPreferences file. Generally there are better forms of communication between processes though. This was the legacy but undocumented behavior in and before Gingerbread Android 2.3 and this flag is implied when targetting such releases...
Saving files on external storage on Nexus 7 and retrieving from PC device I see a Sensor_Data.csv file in four locations sdcard storage sdcard0 storage emulated 0 and storage emulated legacy. And each of them I can open from within the device using texteditor or documentviewer and all the data is there. The problem.. contents not actual internal storage but the .csv file isn't there. There is an additional directory storage emulated legacy but nothing in there either and no sdcard0 or 0 folders either. When I Log Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath.. 0 Sensor_Data.csv remote object ' storage emulated 0 Sensor_Data.csv' does not exist adb pull storage emulated legacy Sensor_Data.csv 243 Kb s 1495 bytes in 0.006s adb pull storage sdcard0 Sensor_Data.csv 243 Kb s 1495 bytes in 0.006s adb..
Listen to ActivityManager events? ideas Thanks Christian android activity logcat share improve this question I suppose there is no actually other legacy way to handle glabal system state only ActivityManager getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE ActivityManager.getRecentTasks..
Android Bluetooth Pairing improve this question When both devices are 2.1 and above the Secure Simple pairing SSP gets used instead of the legacy pairing legacy pairing is the one where user was required to enter same PIN on both devices to connect and most of the cases.. question When both devices are 2.1 and above the Secure Simple pairing SSP gets used instead of the legacy pairing legacy pairing is the one where user was required to enter same PIN on both devices to connect and most of the cases PIN used to..
android - show menu button on galaxy nexus galaxy nexus s share improve this question The Menu button has been deprecated in ICS. Your options are 1 run in legacy mode targetSdkVersion 14 2 use an action bar with or without an overflow menu button 3 add a menu button somewhere in your..
How to understand the directory structure of android root tree? source for the c library math and other core runtime libraries. Bootable boot and startup related code. Some of it is legacy the fastboot protocol info could be interesting since it is implemented by boot loaders in a number of devices such as the..