android Programming Glossary: leverage
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling then use a custom URL protocol handler within your app to leverage the power of iOS's URL loading system Create a your own subclass..
Parse JSON into a ListView friendly output opcodes on the fly so it's not going to be fast and won't leverage multiple cores very well. So in effect I need a preferably simple..
Custom filtering of intent chooser based on installed Android package name based on installed Android package name I'd like to leverage the built in intent chooser to display a custom filtered list..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar can obviously use a completely custom view but I'd rather leverage the ActionBar if possible. Manifest activity android name videoplayer..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet I am attempting to leverage the USB host capability on the Samsung Galaxy Tablet. I purchased..
Android: how to draw a border to a LinearLayout tested but it should work. Update I think that's better to leverage the xml shape drawable resource power if that fits your needs...
scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag using viewport meta tag I'm trying to figure out how to leverage the mobile viewport meta tag to automatically zoom the contents..
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling to get the system to launch your app for a given URL and then use a custom URL protocol handler within your app to leverage the power of iOS's URL loading system Create a your own subclass of NSURLProtocol . Override canInitWithRequest usually..
Parse JSON into a ListView friendly output chipset running on your PC converting ARM opcodes into x86 opcodes on the fly so it's not going to be fast and won't leverage multiple cores very well. So in effect I need a preferably simple way to pass the items_last_week data to a ListView. There..
Custom filtering of intent chooser based on installed Android package name filtering of intent chooser based on installed Android package name I'd like to leverage the built in intent chooser to display a custom filtered list of apps for user to select from and launch. I know how to..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar still leveraging the benefits of a built in UI component. I can obviously use a completely custom view but I'd rather leverage the ActionBar if possible. Manifest activity android name videoplayer android theme @android style Theme.Holo android launchMode..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet I am attempting to leverage the USB host capability on the Samsung Galaxy Tablet. I purchased the attachment dongle from samsung http
Android: how to draw a border to a LinearLayout background @drawable my_custom_background . I've not tested but it should work. Update I think that's better to leverage the xml shape drawable resource power if that fits your needs. With a from scratch project for android 8 define res layout..
scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag I'm trying to figure out how to leverage the mobile viewport meta tag to automatically zoom the contents of a HTML page to fit into a web view. Constraints The HTML..