android Programming Glossary: leftmargin
How to align TextView around an ImageView? dIcon getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon int leftMargin dIcon.getIntrinsicWidth 10 У анавливаем иконк в ImageView.. дл пе в е ок абаз а ss.setSpan new MyLeadingMarginSpan2 3 leftMargin 0 ss.length 0 TextView messageView TextView findViewById
Android set margin programmatically in dp on Button which do not have the attributes topMargin bottomMargin leftMargin rightMargin . The mc instance you see is just a MarginContainer..
Programmatically set margin for TableRow TableLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT int leftMargin 10 int topMargin 2 int rightMargin 10 int bottomMargin 2 tableRowParams.setMargins.. 10 int bottomMargin 2 tableRowParams.setMargins leftMargin topMargin rightMargin bottomMargin tr.setLayoutParams tableRowParams..
Scaling ImageView to device width this.imageView.getLayoutParams int leftMargin layoutParams.leftMargin int rightMargin layoutParams.rightMargin.. this.imageView.getLayoutParams int leftMargin layoutParams.leftMargin int rightMargin layoutParams.rightMargin Calculate the max width.. max width of the imageView int imageViewWidth displayWidth leftMargin rightMargin Calculate scaling factor and return it return float..
How to align TextView around an ImageView? text getString R.string.text ол аем иконк и ее и ин Drawable dIcon getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon int leftMargin dIcon.getIntrinsicWidth 10 У анавливаем иконк в ImageView icon ImageView findViewById icon.setBackgroundDrawable.. SpannableString ss new SpannableString text авл ем о п дл пе в е ок абаз а ss.setSpan new MyLeadingMarginSpan2 3 leftMargin 0 ss.length 0 TextView messageView TextView findViewById messageView.setText ss And finally here a demo..
Android set margin programmatically in dp on Button Because this.getLayoutParams returns a ViewGroup.LayoutParams which do not have the attributes topMargin bottomMargin leftMargin rightMargin . The mc instance you see is just a MarginContainer which contains offset 3dp margins and oml omr omt omb and..
Programmatically set margin for TableRow new TableLayout.LayoutParams TableLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT TableLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT int leftMargin 10 int topMargin 2 int rightMargin 10 int bottomMargin 2 tableRowParams.setMargins leftMargin topMargin rightMargin bottomMargin..
Scaling ImageView to device width of the ImageView LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams LinearLayout.LayoutParams this.imageView.getLayoutParams int leftMargin layoutParams.leftMargin int rightMargin layoutParams.rightMargin Calculate the max width of the imageView int imageViewWidth.. layoutParams LinearLayout.LayoutParams this.imageView.getLayoutParams int leftMargin layoutParams.leftMargin int rightMargin layoutParams.rightMargin Calculate the max width of the imageView int imageViewWidth displayWidth leftMargin.. int rightMargin layoutParams.rightMargin Calculate the max width of the imageView int imageViewWidth displayWidth leftMargin rightMargin Calculate scaling factor and return it return float imageViewWidth float bm.getWidth Util class public class..