android Programming Glossary: left
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps adjust it's location so it is relative to the infoWindow left top corner MotionEvent copyEv MotionEvent.obtain ev copyEv.offsetLocation..
Standard Android Button with a different color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp.. grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp.. grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? terminated since many iPhone apps pick up where the user left off even if the app really was shut down since iPhone only allows..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling all works great except for one problem I need to swipe left to right almost perfectly horizontally for an ACTION_UP to ever.. e2 float velocityX float velocityY try right to left if e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY.. activeFeature getMeasuredWidth 0 return true left to right else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery number of objects i.e. BitmapDrawables or Bitmaps that are left. I use this code in my app to output the current used memory..
How to draw a line in android this one draws 2 lines which form a cross on the top left of the screen import android.content.Context import..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project OK then click the directory name not the checkbox in the left pane then check the relevant JAR in the right pane. This puts..
Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures How to handle right to left swipe gestures I want my app to recognize when a user swipes.. want my app to recognize when a user swipes from right to left on the phone screen. How to do this android swipe gesture recognition.. public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText MyActivity.this left Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeBottom Toast.makeText..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android running service now. The service displays some text on top left corner of screen all the time while user can freely interact..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds @Override protected void onLayout boolean changed int left int top int right int bottom if changed mNeedsResize int widthLimit.. int bottom if changed mNeedsResize int widthLimit right left getCompoundPaddingLeft getCompoundPaddingRight int heightLimit.. resizeText widthLimit heightLimit super.onLayout changed left top right bottom Resize the text size with default width and..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android t mlp setContentView l lp yields something like the left picture but I would want a layout presenting the same widgets..
Custom Adapter for List View android text id android textStyle bold android gravity left android layout_weight 1 android typeface monospace android..
Android Facebook style slide has a clue how it can be achieved On clicking the the top left button the page slide and the following screen is shown YouTube..
Android - basic gesture detection e1.getY e2.getY SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH return false right to left swipe if e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? 1000 setContentView layout layout.getLeftView inflate FragmentA here layout.getMiddleView inflate FragmentB.. FragmentB here layout.getRightView inflate FragmentC here Left Animation set layout.startLeftAnimation Right Animation set.. inflate FragmentC here Left Animation set layout.startLeftAnimation Right Animation set layout.startRightAnimation You..
Android Studio - How to Change Android SDK Path
How can I add an image on EditText about then you just need to either set the Drawable Right Left Top Bottom property in the xml or call the corresponding java..
Android - Making Sliding Drawer to slide from Left-to-Right Making Sliding Drawer to slide from Left to Right I have implemented Sliding Drawer in my application.. but what i am wanting is to Slide the drawer from Left to right Horizontal instead of this right to left how do i make..
Adding Fling Gesture to an image view - Android saying fling right or fling left. public class GestureRightLeft extends Activity implements OnClickListener ImageView peek private.. SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY Toast.makeText GestureRightLeft.this Left Swipe Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if e2.getX e1.getX.. Toast.makeText GestureRightLeft.this Left Swipe Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE..
Android Swipe on List View.OnTouchListener public static enum Action LR Left to Right RL Right to Left TB Top to bottom BT Bottom to Top.. public static enum Action LR Left to Right RL Right to Left TB Top to bottom BT Bottom to Top None when no action was detected.. left or right if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Left to Right mSwipeDetected Action.LR return false if deltaX..
Android Left to Right slide animation Left to Right slide animation I have three activities whose launch..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? from string resource. Normally Hebrew works in Right To Left format. When I set a text it sets the text Right To Left format.. Left format. When I set a text it sets the text Right To Left format in LG Samsung Sony Phone but in HTC it does not work... Sony Phone but in HTC it does not work. It works in Left To Right format in HTC. Even I set Gravity to the TextView in..
Drawing mirrored bitmaps in android now not sure how to go about making my sprite walk to the Left. I had initially thought I could just mirror my rectangle that..
Android - change custom title view at run time findViewById leftButton.setOnClickListener mLeftListener leftButton.setText Left Btn leftButton.postInvalidate.. mLeftListener leftButton.setText Left Btn leftButton.postInvalidate Button rightBtn Button findViewById..
Android - basic gesture detection Math.absvelocityY if velocityX 0 moveRight else moveLeft return true else return false Is it possible to lay a transparent.. Toast.makeText SelectFilterActivity.this Left Swipe Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE..
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? 0 history 1 event.values 1 if xChange 2 direction 0 LEFT else if xChange 2 direction 0 RIGHT if yChange 2 direction..
Making two LinearLayouts have 50% of the screen each without using layout_weight @id title_container android layout_above @ id mobFoxView LEFT COLUMN LinearLayout android id @ id linearLayout1 android layout_width..
Android SQLite performance in complex queries l SUM score_home go SUM score_away ga FROM team_table t LEFT OUTER JOIN match_table m ON m.team_home t._id WHERE t.tournament_id.. l SUM score_away go SUM score_home ga FROM team_table t LEFT OUTER JOIN match_table m ON m.team_away t._id WHERE t.tournament_id..
Custom Android Image Crop private static final int DRAG 0 private static final int LEFT 1 private static final int TOP 2 private static final int RIGHT.. int x int y int movement switch getAffectedSide x y case LEFT movement x leftTop.x if isInImageRange new PointF leftTop.x.. buffer 10 if x leftTop.x buffer x leftTop.x buffer return LEFT else if y leftTop.y buffer y leftTop.y buffer return TOP else..
How to play mp3 continuosly when application starts and stop when user close app in background StopPlayer Toast.makeText xYourClassNamex.this YOU LEFT YOUR APP. MUSIC STOP Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show This part has..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? or perhaps an OS version issue. Try adding a RIGHT TO LEFT MARK character u200F at the start of your text. This might help..
Can I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query()? (LEFT JOIN and CASE) I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query LEFT JOIN and CASE I am looking to perform the following query in.. G.GROUPID 0 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END INGROUP FROM CONTACTS C LEFT JOIN GROUPMEMBERSHIP G ON G.CONTACTID C.ID AND G.GROUPID I am..
Android Stop Background Music player.stop Toast.makeText xYourClassNamex.this YOU LEFT YOUR APP Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else Toast.makeText xYourClassNamex.this.. player.stop Toast.makeText xYourClassNamex.this YOU LEFT YOUR APP Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show so you'll know if the user..
Android - ListView slide left/right like Samsung contact ListView e.getX historicX TRIGGER_DELTA onSlideComplete Direction.LEFT return true else if e.getX historicX TRIGGER_DELTA onSlideComplete.. break default return super.onTouchEvent e enum Direction LEFT RIGHT interface OnSlideCompleteListener void onSlideComplete..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps marker.getPosition Make a copy of the MotionEvent and adjust it's location so it is relative to the infoWindow left top corner MotionEvent copyEv MotionEvent.obtain ev copyEv.offsetLocation point.x infoWindow.getWidth 2 point.y infoWindow.getHeight..
Standard Android Button with a different color angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item android state_focused true shape gradient.. angle 270 stroke android width 3dp android color @color grey05 corners android radius 3dp padding android left 10dp android top 10dp android right 10dp android bottom 10dp shape item item shape gradient android endColor @color..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? the iPhone button does not necessarily feel like the app was terminated since many iPhone apps pick up where the user left off even if the app really was shut down since iPhone only allows one third party app at a time at present . As I said above..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling and it snaps to one screen when you lift your finger. This all works great except for one problem I need to swipe left to right almost perfectly horizontally for an ACTION_UP to ever register. If I swipe vertically in the very least which.. @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY try right to left if e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY activeFeature activeFeature items.size.. items.size 1 activeFeature 1 items.size 1 smoothScrollTo activeFeature getMeasuredWidth 0 return true left to right else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY activeFeature activeFeature..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery doesn't show in a hprof. The hprof should only show you the number of objects i.e. BitmapDrawables or Bitmaps that are left. I use this code in my app to output the current used memory used by the app and native heap public static void logHeap..
How to draw a line in android perhaps with an example android share improve this question this one draws 2 lines which form a cross on the top left of the screen import android.content.Context import import
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project parent directory i.e. where you downloaded it to . Click OK then click the directory name not the checkbox in the left pane then check the relevant JAR in the right pane. This puts the library into your project physically . Right click on..
Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures How to handle right to left swipe gestures I want my app to recognize when a user swipes from right to left on the phone screen. How to do this android.. How to handle right to left swipe gestures I want my app to recognize when a user swipes from right to left on the phone screen. How to do this android swipe gesture recognition share improve this question Toast.makeText MyActivity.this right Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeLeft Toast.makeText MyActivity.this left Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public void onSwipeBottom Toast.makeText MyActivity.this bottom Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show share..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android I have been successful and have a running service now. The service displays some text on top left corner of screen all the time while user can freely interact with rest of apps in normal manner. What I'm doing is subclass..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds mTextSize mMaxTextSize mTextSize Resize text after measuring @Override protected void onLayout boolean changed int left int top int right int bottom if changed mNeedsResize int widthLimit right left getCompoundPaddingLeft getCompoundPaddingRight.. void onLayout boolean changed int left int top int right int bottom if changed mNeedsResize int widthLimit right left getCompoundPaddingLeft getCompoundPaddingRight int heightLimit bottom top getCompoundPaddingBottom getCompoundPaddingTop.. bottom top getCompoundPaddingBottom getCompoundPaddingTop resizeText widthLimit heightLimit super.onLayout changed left top right bottom Resize the text size with default width and height public void resizeText int heightLimit getHeight getPaddingBottom..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android t.setBackgroundColor Color.RED t.setSingleLine true l.addView t mlp setContentView l lp yields something like the left picture but I would want a layout presenting the same widgets like in the right one. Is there such a layout or combination..
Custom Adapter for List View layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text id android textStyle bold android gravity left android layout_weight 1 android typeface monospace android height 40sp TableRow TableRow android layout_height wrap_content..
Android Facebook style slide to see how it can be emulated in my application. Anyone has a clue how it can be achieved On clicking the the top left button the page slide and the following screen is shown YouTube Video android facebook android side navigation share..
Android - basic gesture detection e2 float velocityX float velocityY try if Math.abs e1.getY e2.getY SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH return false right to left swipe if e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY Toast.makeText SelectFilterActivity.this..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? is very fast Usage layout new ThreeLayout this 3 layout.setAnimationDuration 1000 setContentView layout layout.getLeftView inflate FragmentA here layout.getMiddleView inflate FragmentB here layout.getRightView inflate FragmentC here Left Animation.. inflate FragmentA here layout.getMiddleView inflate FragmentB here layout.getRightView inflate FragmentC here Left Animation set layout.startLeftAnimation Right Animation set layout.startRightAnimation You can even set interpolators Explaining.. layout.getMiddleView inflate FragmentB here layout.getRightView inflate FragmentC here Left Animation set layout.startLeftAnimation Right Animation set layout.startRightAnimation You can even set interpolators Explaining Created a new custom RelativeLayout..
Android Studio - How to Change Android SDK Path
How can I add an image on EditText question If something like this is what you're talking about then you just need to either set the Drawable Right Left Top Bottom property in the xml or call the corresponding java command. EditText text EditText findViewById text.setCompoundDrawables..
Android - Making Sliding Drawer to slide from Left-to-Right Making Sliding Drawer to slide from Left to Right I have implemented Sliding Drawer in my application using the below XML layout I got this example from android text Content Button LinearLayout SlidingDrawer LinearLayout but what i am wanting is to Slide the drawer from Left to right Horizontal instead of this right to left how do i make slide drawer to slide from left to right direction pls share..
Adding Fling Gesture to an image view - Android its not what I want. I just want a simple toast to pop up saying fling right or fling left. public class GestureRightLeft extends Activity implements OnClickListener ImageView peek private static final int SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE 120 private static.. swipe if e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY Toast.makeText GestureRightLeft.this Left Swipe Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY.. e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY Toast.makeText GestureRightLeft.this Left Swipe Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY ..
Android Swipe on List import android.view.View public class SwipeDetector implements View.OnTouchListener public static enum Action LR Left to Right RL Right to Left TB Top to bottom BT Bottom to Top None when no action was detected private static final String.. public class SwipeDetector implements View.OnTouchListener public static enum Action LR Left to Right RL Right to Left TB Top to bottom BT Bottom to Top None when no action was detected private static final String logTag SwipeDetector private.. downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX MIN_DISTANCE left or right if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Left to Right mSwipeDetected Action.LR return false if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Right to Left mSwipeDetected Action.RL..
Android Left to Right slide animation Left to Right slide animation I have three activities whose launch modes are single instance. Using onfling I swing them left..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? with TextView for Hebrew text I am setting text in TextView from string resource. Normally Hebrew works in Right To Left format. When I set a text it sets the text Right To Left format in LG Samsung Sony Phone but in HTC it does not work. It.. from string resource. Normally Hebrew works in Right To Left format. When I set a text it sets the text Right To Left format in LG Samsung Sony Phone but in HTC it does not work. It works in Left To Right format in HTC. Even I set Gravity.. I set a text it sets the text Right To Left format in LG Samsung Sony Phone but in HTC it does not work. It works in Left To Right format in HTC. Even I set Gravity to the TextView in Java file. Text in TextView should be span according to the..
Drawing mirrored bitmaps in android sourceRect.x by 45 then redraw and so forth. However I'm now not sure how to go about making my sprite walk to the Left. I had initially thought I could just mirror my rectangle that I am drawing from to get a flipped picture. Something like..
Android - change custom title view at run time Some Text databar.postInvalidate Button leftButton Button findViewById leftButton.setOnClickListener mLeftListener leftButton.setText Left Btn leftButton.postInvalidate Button rightBtn Button findViewById rightBtn.setOnClickListener.. Button leftButton Button findViewById leftButton.setOnClickListener mLeftListener leftButton.setText Left Btn leftButton.postInvalidate Button rightBtn Button findViewById rightBtn.setOnClickListener mRightListener..
Android - basic gesture detection a button push if Math.abs dx MAJOR_MOVE Math.abs velocityX Math.absvelocityY if velocityX 0 moveRight else moveLeft return true else return false Is it possible to lay a transparent view over the top of my screen to capture flings If.. e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY Toast.makeText SelectFilterActivity.this Left Swipe Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY ..
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? 0 float yChange history 1 event.values 1 history 0 event.values 0 history 1 event.values 1 if xChange 2 direction 0 LEFT else if xChange 2 direction 0 RIGHT if yChange 2 direction 1 DOWN else if yChange 2 direction 1 UP builder.setLength..
Making two LinearLayouts have 50% of the screen each without using layout_weight android layout_height wrap_content android layout_below @id title_container android layout_above @ id mobFoxView LEFT COLUMN LinearLayout android id @ id linearLayout1 android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android..
Android SQLite performance in complex queries 1 END t COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END l SUM score_home go SUM score_away ga FROM team_table t LEFT OUTER JOIN match_table m ON m.team_home t._id WHERE t.tournament_id GROUP BY t._id UNION ALL SELECT t._id team_id.. 1 END t COUNT CASE WHEN score_home score_away THEN 1 END l SUM score_away go SUM score_home ga FROM team_table t LEFT OUTER JOIN match_table m ON m.team_away t._id WHERE t.tournament_id GROUP BY t._id GROUP BY team_id team_name s..
Custom Android Image Crop 300 private static Point leftTop rightBottom center previous private static final int DRAG 0 private static final int LEFT 1 private static final int TOP 2 private static final int RIGHT 3 private static final int BOTTOM 4 private int imageScaledWidth.. imageScaledHeight 2 true false private void adjustRectangle int x int y int movement switch getAffectedSide x y case LEFT movement x leftTop.x if isInImageRange new PointF leftTop.x movement leftTop.y movement leftTop.set leftTop.x movement.. private static int getAffectedSide float x float y int buffer 10 if x leftTop.x buffer x leftTop.x buffer return LEFT else if y leftTop.y buffer y leftTop.y buffer return TOP else if x rightBottom.x buffer x rightBottom.x buffer return RIGHT..
How to play mp3 continuosly when application starts and stop when user close app in background if topActivity.getPackageName .equals context.getPackageName StopPlayer Toast.makeText xYourClassNamex.this YOU LEFT YOUR APP. MUSIC STOP Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show This part has to be in EVERY activity's onResume Play music automatically..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? That it works on some devices and not others may be a font issue or perhaps an OS version issue. Try adding a RIGHT TO LEFT MARK character u200F at the start of your text. This might help the display on an HTC and will not hurt anything on devices..
Can I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query()? (LEFT JOIN and CASE) I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query LEFT JOIN and CASE I am looking to perform the following query in pseudo code on Android SELECT C.ID C.NAME CASE ISNULL G.GROUPID.. query in pseudo code on Android SELECT C.ID C.NAME CASE ISNULL G.GROUPID 0 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END INGROUP FROM CONTACTS C LEFT JOIN GROUPMEMBERSHIP G ON G.CONTACTID C.ID AND G.GROUPID I am looking to select the ID and Name of ALL contacts in the system..
Android Stop Background Music if topActivity.getPackageName .equals context.getPackageName player.stop Toast.makeText xYourClassNamex.this YOU LEFT YOUR APP Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else Toast.makeText xYourClassNamex.this YOU SWITCHED ACTIVITIES WITHIN YOUR APP Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. if topActivity.getPackageName .equals context.getPackageName player.stop Toast.makeText xYourClassNamex.this YOU LEFT YOUR APP Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show so you'll know if the user left your app from ANY of the activities. this is good to..
Android - ListView slide left/right like Samsung contact ListView e.getX historicY e.getY break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if e.getX historicX TRIGGER_DELTA onSlideComplete Direction.LEFT return true else if e.getX historicX TRIGGER_DELTA onSlideComplete Direction.RIGHT return true break default return super.onTouchEvent..