android Programming Glossary: level.severe
Trouble writing internal memory android Media.getBitmap getContentResolver picUri catch FileNotFoundException ex Logger.getLogger getClass .getName .log Level.SEVERE null ex catch IOException ex Logger.getLogger getClass .getName .log Level.SEVERE null ex Getting creating it if necessary.. getClass .getName .log Level.SEVERE null ex catch IOException ex Logger.getLogger getClass .getName .log Level.SEVERE null ex Getting creating it if necessary a private directory named app_Pictures Using MODE_PRIVATE seems to prefix the.. 100 bos bos.flush bos.close catch FileNotFoundException ex Logger.getLogger EvaluationActivity.class.getName .log Level.SEVERE null ex catch IOException ex Logger.getLogger EvaluationActivity.class.getName .log Level.SEVERE null ex Update picture..
How to find Location near by my Current location? pontoReferencia.getString id return result catch JSONException ex Logger.getLogger Place.class.getName .log Level.SEVERE null ex return null @Override public String toString return Place id id icon icon name name latitude latitude longitude.. place catch Exception e return arrayList catch JSONException ex Logger.getLogger PlacesService.class.getName .log Level.SEVERE null ex return null https maps api place search json location 28.632808 77.218276 radius 500 types..