android Programming Glossary: layerdrawable
overlay two images in android to set an imageview manipulation and do this entirely with Drawables using LayerDrawable . You have one of two choices You can either define it in XML.. it in XML then simply set the image or you can configure a LayerDrawable dynamically in code. Solution #1 via XML Create a new Drawable.. R.drawable.t layers 1 r.getDrawable LayerDrawable layerDrawable new LayerDrawable layers testimage.setImageDrawable..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight.. @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 ViewTreeObserver..
Multi-gradient shapes TextView tv TextView findViewById LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int topInset tv.getHeight.. tv TextView findViewById LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int topInset tv.getHeight 2 does not work ld.setLayerInset.. @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight..
When Can I First Measure a View? the user TextView tv TextView findViewById LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int height tv.getHeight when.. tv TextView findViewById LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int height tv.getHeight when to call this so.. TextView tv TextView findViewById final LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground final ViewTreeObserver obs..
Android - How to change a layer-list drawable? R.drawable.android_purple Get replacement image can't use LayerDrawable or get error. boolean layer_drawable_changed setDrawableByLayerId.. the documentation Step #2 Cast the getDrawable result to a LayerDrawable Step #3 Call mutate if you do not want to affect anyone else..
overlay two images in android to set an imageview share improve this question You can skip the complex Canvas manipulation and do this entirely with Drawables using LayerDrawable . You have one of two choices You can either define it in XML then simply set the image or you can configure a LayerDrawable.. . You have one of two choices You can either define it in XML then simply set the image or you can configure a LayerDrawable dynamically in code. Solution #1 via XML Create a new Drawable XML file let's call it layer.xml layer list xmlns android.. r getResources Drawable layers new Drawable 2 layers 0 r.getDrawable R.drawable.t layers 1 r.getDrawable LayerDrawable layerDrawable new LayerDrawable layers testimage.setImageDrawable layerDrawable I haven't tested this code so there may..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero tv.getViewTreeObserver vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 ViewTreeObserver obs tv.getViewTreeObserver if.. vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 ViewTreeObserver obs tv.getViewTreeObserver if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT..
Multi-gradient shapes can definitely fix the positioning through Java like the following TextView tv TextView findViewById LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int topInset tv.getHeight 2 does not work ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable.. fix the positioning through Java like the following TextView tv TextView findViewById LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int topInset tv.getHeight 2 does not work ld.setLayerInset 1 0 topInset 0 0 tv.setBackgroundDrawable ld.. tv.getViewTreeObserver vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground ld.setLayerInset 1 0 tv.getHeight 2 0 0 And I'm done Whew share improve this answer..
When Can I First Measure a View? as the below so that the background changes upon display to the user TextView tv TextView findViewById LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int height tv.getHeight when to call this so as not to get 0 int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset.. the background changes upon display to the user TextView tv TextView findViewById LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground int height tv.getHeight when to call this so as not to get 0 int topInset height 2 ld.setLayerInset 1 0.. this public void onCreate setContentView R.layout.main final TextView tv TextView findViewById final LayerDrawable ld LayerDrawable tv.getBackground final ViewTreeObserver obs mTv.getViewTreeObserver obs.addOnPreDrawListener new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener..
Android - How to change a layer-list drawable? BitmapDrawable newImage BitmapDrawable res.getDrawable R.drawable.android_purple Get replacement image can't use LayerDrawable or get error. boolean layer_drawable_changed setDrawableByLayerId newImage Set new drawable Error on this.. id attributes on the item elements as illustrated in the documentation Step #2 Cast the getDrawable result to a LayerDrawable Step #3 Call mutate if you do not want to affect anyone else using the Drawable may be optional Step #4 Call setDrawableByLayerId..