android Programming Glossary: later
Slow Android emulator this question Android Development Tools ADT 9.0.0 or later has a feature that allows you to save state of the AVD emulator.. feature while creating a new AVD or you can just create it later by editing the AVD. Also I have increased the Device RAM Size..
handle textview link click in my android app share improve this question Coming at this almost a year later there's a different manner in which I solved my particular problem...
How to create Transparent Activity in Android? file. You can also use @android color transparent in later Android versions Then apply the style to your activity for example..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity for any help. EDIT For anyone who's interested in this later on there is sample code from Google for handling this via AIDL..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio one ImageView. 2 This comment was edited significantly later than othe original post was written You should also see android..
Detect application heap size in Android Android app I heard there's a function that does this in later versions of the SDK. In any case I'm looking for solution that.. probably return a 16MB value but I do see that in my much later CyanogenMod versions the user can select a heap value as low..
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android? allowed my screen shot to be stored on sd card and used later for whatever your needs are image naming and path to include..
Change the background color of the options menu idea would be welcome android user interface layout inflater share improve this question This is clearly a problem that.. Several posters have suggested a hack involving LayoutInflater.Factory. The suggested hack worked for Android 2.2 and failed.. an undocumented assumption that one could call LayoutInflater.getView directly without currently being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate..
notifyDataSetChanged example a member of an Activity and change that Activity member later the ArrayAdapter is still holding a reference to the original..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? no parallel computations for a bunch of AsyncTasks. But later they fixed that and now the size is 5 so at most 5 AsyncTasks..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging use a layout id because it is a unique number. We use it later to cancel. nm.notify R.string.service_started notification @Override..
Repeat a task with a time delay? int mInterval 5000 5 seconds by default can be changed later private Handler mHandler @Override protected void onCreate Bundle..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences user leaves the activity and then wants to come back at a later time however I don't need the array available after the application..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider call deactivate on the given Cursor and when it is later restarted it will call requery for you. When the activity is.. be closed automatically. If you are targeting HONEYCOMB or later consider instead using LoaderManager instead available via getLoaderManager..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import.. List String list private final Activity context LayoutInflater inflater TextView CItv COtv static ViewHolder holder View view.. list private final Activity context LayoutInflater inflater TextView CItv COtv static ViewHolder holder View view public..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? receive either onRestart onDestroy or nothing depending on later user activity. Note that this method may never be called in..
AsyncTask Android example show any results of processing. See these lines where you later yout TextView TextView txt TextView findViewById
How to implement a button that gets all checkbox's state and adds the value of checked item into arraylist? check the box and save its state in boolean arraylist. Later you can retrieve your states from arraylist. If you havn't understand..
checkbox unchecked when i scroll listview in android to print the text which is in the listview one by one. Later i will insert it in the database Toast.makeText getBaseContext..
How do you to check if a user has rated your app on the android market? the user on the sixth run to rate it with options for Yes Later and Never . Later delays it by two days. share improve this..
How To Read/Write String From A File In Android The File Back I Need To Store It In This String For Later Use save.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public..
Android logging Log.v TAG Message here if WARN Log.w TAG WARNING HERE Later you can just change the LOGLEVEL for all debug output level...
How to show a balloon above a marker in a MapActivity? Isn't there a widget? want to assign a geopoint the layout of a basic balloon Later on I might want to implement a xml based layout the number of..
How to inflate XML-Layout-File correctly inside Custom ViewGroup? i getChildCount i getChildAt i .layout l t r b ... Note Later you should also override the Method onMeasurement but currently..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function length of the recording before over running unread data'. Later it's suggested that a larger buffer should be used when polling..
Sync Adapter without Account to use a SyncAdapter to integrate with the Android System. Later I learned that one has to use an Account to implement SyncAdapter...
How to know if a specific user has rated a Android App? do is ask the user with a dialog that offers Review and Later buttons. If the user clicks on Review you never ask him again... on Review you never ask him again. if the user clicks on Later you ping him in couple of days again. if the user clicked Later.. you ping him in couple of days again. if the user clicked Later two times chances that he will leave a review are slim. In fact..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread good for fetching data for instance fetching webservices. Later you can interact with the UI. Threads however can't interact..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android thinking something is wrong with the build paths. Edit Later on it was not sufficient I was getting the error again. Then..
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx the solutions that really worked for me was posted above. Later on when I proceeded with implementing the touchDown methods.. depending on the resize and this was obviously undesired. Later on I came to know that the stage class has its own native functionality..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off to let the screen on dimmed and ignore battery consuption. Later on I will perform the tests for battery usage using another..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method this.model model this.description description TO BE LOADED LATER OR CAN SET TO A DEFAULT IMAGE this.image null this.thumbImage..
Android Swipe on List long click and I can use the ListView item info. ADDED LATER Since ListView catches a scrolling action it is sometimes hard..
android RadioButton button drawable gravity class from RadioButton and override onDraw . EXAMPLE ADDED LATER Ok so here's what you do. Firstly here's a layout xml version..
People can't download our specific product in Android Market guide topics manifest manifest element.html#install ADDED LATER Hoo boy this sucks... You can browse the source code for Android's..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash player share improve this question THIS ANSWER ADDED LATER So the problem is that Adobe's Flash Player creates a SurfaceView..
Force scan files after taking photo 17 13 54.688 VERBOSE MediaProvider 1320 key exists EDITED LATER I've got sth like this in other activity mCursorThumbnails MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.queryMiniThumbnails..
NFC card emulation Android to the RF interface Thanks a lot Regards STeN ADDED LATER Please visit following link on as well..
Slow Android emulator android performance android emulator qemu share improve this question Android Development Tools ADT 9.0.0 or later has a feature that allows you to save state of the AVD emulator and you can start your emulator instantly. You have to enable.. can start your emulator instantly. You have to enable this feature while creating a new AVD or you can just create it later by editing the AVD. Also I have increased the Device RAM Size to 1024 which results in very fast emulator. Refer the given..
handle textview link click in my android app value of the link as an input parameter android textview share improve this question Coming at this almost a year later there's a different manner in which I solved my particular problem. Since I wanted the link to be handled by my own app..
How to create Transparent Activity in Android? is the color value #00000000 which I put in res values color.xml file. You can also use @android color transparent in later Android versions Then apply the style to your activity for example activity android name .SampleActivity android theme @style..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity readFromParcel . Is there an easier or better way Thanks for any help. EDIT For anyone who's interested in this later on there is sample code from Google for handling this via AIDL in the samples directory apis app android..
How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio things like displaying a frame around the main image using just one ImageView. 2 This comment was edited significantly later than othe original post was written You should also see android adjustViewBounds to make the ImageView resize itself to..
Detect application heap size in Android detect the application heap size available to an Android app I heard there's a function that does this in later versions of the SDK. In any case I'm looking for solution that works for 1.5 and upwards. android memory heap heap memory.. way back to API level 1. maxMemory on a pre 2.0 version will probably return a 16MB value but I do see that in my much later CyanogenMod versions the user can select a heap value as low as 12MB which would presumably result in a lower heap limit..
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android? to use for sharing with social media. Here is the code that allowed my screen shot to be stored on sd card and used later for whatever your needs are image naming and path to include sd card appending name you choose for file String mPath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Change the background color of the options menu it doesn't work. I don't know if this is doable or not. Any idea would be welcome android user interface layout inflater share improve this question This is clearly a problem that a lot of programmers have and to which Google has yet to provide.. p android issues detail id 4441 SUMMARY OF SOLUTIONS SO FAR Several posters have suggested a hack involving LayoutInflater.Factory. The suggested hack worked for Android 2.2 and failed for Android 2.3 because the hack made an undocumented assumption.. Android 2.2 and failed for Android 2.3 because the hack made an undocumented assumption that one could call LayoutInflater.getView directly without currently being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate on the same LayoutInflater instance. New..
notifyDataSetChanged example that was passed in. If you were to pass in a List that was a member of an Activity and change that Activity member later the ArrayAdapter is still holding a reference to the original List . The Adapter does not know you changed the List in the..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? in early Android OS versions the pool size was just 1 meaning no parallel computations for a bunch of AsyncTasks. But later they fixed that and now the size is 5 so at most 5 AsyncTasks can run simultaneously. Unfortunately I don't remember in..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging text contentIntent Send the notification. We use a layout id because it is a unique number. We use it later to cancel. nm.notify R.string.service_started notification @Override public int onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int..
Repeat a task with a time delay? UI thread so you will be able to update UI controls. private int mInterval 5000 5 seconds by default can be changed later private Handler mHandler @Override protected void onCreate Bundle bundle ... mHandler new Handler Runnable mStatusChecker..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences and numbers. I need the array to stick around even if the user leaves the activity and then wants to come back at a later time however I don't need the array available after the application has been closed completely. I save a lot of other objects..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider That is when the activity is stopped it will automatically call deactivate on the given Cursor and when it is later restarted it will call requery for you. When the activity is destroyed all managed Cursors will be closed automatically... When the activity is destroyed all managed Cursors will be closed automatically. If you are targeting HONEYCOMB or later consider instead using LoaderManager instead available via getLoaderManager So I would like to use CursorLoader . But how..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view import android.content.Context import android.util.SparseBooleanArray import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.ArrayAdapter import android.widget.CheckBox.. class DemoAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String private final List String list private final Activity context LayoutInflater inflater TextView CItv COtv static ViewHolder holder View view public DemoAdapter Activity context List String list super.. extends ArrayAdapter String private final List String list private final Activity context LayoutInflater inflater TextView CItv COtv static ViewHolder holder View view public DemoAdapter Activity context List String list super context..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? when you are no longer visible to the user. You will next receive either onRestart onDestroy or nothing depending on later user activity. Note that this method may never be called in low memory situations where the system does not have enough..
AsyncTask Android example pass the result of the long operation to postExecute to then show any results of processing. See these lines where you later yout TextView TextView txt TextView findViewById txt.setText Executed put them in PostExecute You will then..
How to implement a button that gets all checkbox's state and adds the value of checked item into arraylist? in your arraylist. Whenever checkbox will be clicked just check the box and save its state in boolean arraylist. Later you can retrieve your states from arraylist. If you havn't understand then let me know I will try to send some lines of..
checkbox unchecked when i scroll listview in android @Override public void onClick View v I want to print the text which is in the listview one by one. Later i will insert it in the database Toast.makeText getBaseContext EditText Value checkbox value and other values Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
How do you to check if a user has rated your app on the android market?
How To Read/Write String From A File In Android Button findViewById final String myID When Reading The File Back I Need To Store It In This String For Later Use save.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub ..
Android logging
How to show a balloon above a marker in a MapActivity? Isn't there a widget? dont want to care about... the position of the balloon I just want to assign a geopoint the layout of a basic balloon Later on I might want to implement a xml based layout the number of shown balloons only display one at a time the open close behaviour..
How to inflate XML-Layout-File correctly inside Custom ViewGroup? t int r int b TODO Auto generated method stub for int i 0 i getChildCount i getChildAt i .layout l t r b ... Note Later you should also override the Method onMeasurement but currently the content is also showing correctly without overriding..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function and 'the size of the buffer being filled determines the time length of the recording before over running unread data'. Later it's suggested that a larger buffer should be used when polling less frequently. They never actually show an example in..
Sync Adapter without Account v xHXn3Kg2IQE t 43m58s It recommends in the final slides to use a SyncAdapter to integrate with the Android System. Later I learned that one has to use an Account to implement SyncAdapter. My app does not use an account. Users can freely download..
How to know if a specific user has rated a Android App? the user has rated reviewed your application. The best you can do is ask the user with a dialog that offers Review and Later buttons. If the user clicks on Review you never ask him again. if the user clicks on Later you ping him in couple of days.. that offers Review and Later buttons. If the user clicks on Review you never ask him again. if the user clicks on Later you ping him in couple of days again. if the user clicked Later two times chances that he will leave a review are slim... Review you never ask him again. if the user clicks on Later you ping him in couple of days again. if the user clicked Later two times chances that he will leave a review are slim. In fact the more you bug the user the more likely they will leave..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread make use of Handlers but doesn't run in the UI thread so its good for fetching data for instance fetching webservices. Later you can interact with the UI. Threads however can't interact with the UI provide more basic threading and you miss all the..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android I do not know I just did above after seen the error message thinking something is wrong with the build paths. Edit Later on it was not sufficient I was getting the error again. Then I checked all the dependencies listed in that view. Now it..
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx maintain the aspect ratio on different screen sizes One of the solutions that really worked for me was posted above. Later on when I proceeded with implementing the touchDown methods for the screen I found that due to scaling on resize the co.. on the texture region some pixels to the right or left depending on the resize and this was obviously undesired. Later on I came to know that the stage class has its own native functionality to maintain the aspect ratio boolean stretch false..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off I decided that the temporary solution for my cellphone was to let the screen on dimmed and ignore battery consuption. Later on I will perform the tests for battery usage using another android phone which works with the screen turned off. More information..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method this.transmission transmission this.carType carType this.model model this.description description TO BE LOADED LATER OR CAN SET TO A DEFAULT IMAGE this.image null this.thumbImage null public String getCarId return carId public void setCarId..
Android Swipe on List action This way I can support 3 actions swipe click long click and I can use the ListView item info. ADDED LATER Since ListView catches a scrolling action it is sometimes hard to swipe. To fix it I made the following change to SwipeDetector.onTouch..
android RadioButton button drawable gravity y height You will have to derive a new class from RadioButton and override onDraw . EXAMPLE ADDED LATER Ok so here's what you do. Firstly here's a layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http
People can't download our specific product in Android Market to Should be preferExternal see http guide topics manifest manifest element.html#install ADDED LATER Hoo boy this sucks... You can browse the source code for Android's download manager here http codesearch..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash my code and the demo apk. android flash adobe webview flash player share improve this question THIS ANSWER ADDED LATER So the problem is that Adobe's Flash Player creates a SurfaceView inside the WebView and there is a delay between the SurfaceView..
Force scan files after taking photo VERBOSE MediaProvider 1320 sdcard volume ID 1149784819 02 24 17 13 54.688 VERBOSE MediaProvider 1320 key exists EDITED LATER I've got sth like this in other activity mCursorThumbnails MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.queryMiniThumbnails mContentResolver..
NFC card emulation Android connectors in the slot and on the SD card to be connected directly to the RF interface Thanks a lot Regards STeN ADDED LATER Please visit following link on as well Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers..