

2014/10/16 ¤W¤Č 08:17:37

android Programming Glossary: lata

How to get Distance Kilometer in android?


locationA new Location œpoint A locationA.setLatitude latA locationA.setLongitude lngA Location locationB new Location..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


range double bearing double EarthRadius 6371000 m double latA Math.toRadians point.x double lonA Math.toRadians point.y double.. Math.toRadians bearing double lat Math.asin Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance.. Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos trueCourse double dlon Math.atan2..

how to find the distance between two geopoints?


locationA new Location point A locationA.setLatitude latA locationA.setLongitude lngA Location locationB new Location..

Calculating distance between two geographic locations


locationA new Location point A locationA.setLatitude latA locationA.setLongitude lngA Location locationB new Location..

Using gps get the distance a person has walked


double lat1 double lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double latA Math.toRadians lat1 double lonA Math.toRadians lon1 double latB.. double lonB Math.toRadians lon2 double cosAng Math.cos latA Math.cos latB Math.cos lonB lonA Math.sin latA Math.sin latB.. Math.cos latA Math.cos latB Math.cos lonB lonA Math.sin latA Math.sin latB double ang Math.acos cosAng double dist ang 6371..

How to get Distance Kilometer in android?


but you want to convert in kilometer. double distance Location locationA new Location œpoint A locationA.setLatitude latA locationA.setLongitude lngA Location locationB new Location œpoint B locationB.setLatitude latB LocationB.setLongitude lngB..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


static PointF calculateDerivedPosition PointF point double range double bearing double EarthRadius 6371000 m double latA Math.toRadians point.x double lonA Math.toRadians point.y double angularDistance range EarthRadius double trueCourse Math.toRadians.. double angularDistance range EarthRadius double trueCourse Math.toRadians bearing double lat Math.asin Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos trueCourse double dlon Math.atan2 Math.sin trueCourse.. double trueCourse Math.toRadians bearing double lat Math.asin Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos trueCourse double dlon Math.atan2 Math.sin trueCourse Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos..

how to find the distance between two geopoints?


find the distance between two geopoints double distance Location locationA new Location point A locationA.setLatitude latA locationA.setLongitude lngA Location locationB new Location point B locationB.setLatitude latB LocationB.setLongitude lngB..

Calculating distance between two geographic locations


create a Location object from a latitude and longitude Location locationA new Location point A locationA.setLatitude latA locationA.setLongitude lngA Location locationB new Location point B locationB.setLatitude latB locationB.setLongitude lngB..

Using gps get the distance a person has walked


function for calculating distance... public double getDistance double lat1 double lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double latA Math.toRadians lat1 double lonA Math.toRadians lon1 double latB Math.toRadians lat2 double lonB Math.toRadians lon2 double.. double lonA Math.toRadians lon1 double latB Math.toRadians lat2 double lonB Math.toRadians lon2 double cosAng Math.cos latA Math.cos latB Math.cos lonB lonA Math.sin latA Math.sin latB double ang Math.acos cosAng double dist ang 6371 return dist..