android Programming Glossary: lately
Opening source code from debug view edits .class after Android R18 update deeper I'll elaborate a bit on Thornbjorn's answer. As of lately Google changed the way your Android projects package your external..
Android webview late rendering line the webview is still a harsh environment and although lately it has become a feasible option it requires a lot of thought..
eclipse with Android sdk, ERROR: Java heap space with Android sdk ERROR Java heap space So lately I'm having a problem while working in my apps inside eclipse..
How advantageous is PhoneGap? as another cross platform tool. It has gotten decent press lately and the tools and the documentation and support around it appear..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION necromancer here but I've been working on this stuff a lot lately so I thought I'd throw in my 2¢. The device doesn't contain..
Enabling ProGuard in Eclipse for Android for the same thing and the answers here are outdated lately the base proguard config is here in the sdk dir so you only..
Connecting to a already paired Bluetooth device communicate with. I've been doing some stuff around this lately and I've used the following code which has worked fine for me..
Android: How to create slide (on/off) button
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] easy and mostly based on Javascript It is open source but lately acquired by adobe not a good sign Appcelerator Anything from..
Opening source code from debug view edits .class after Android R18 update some time and good reason to look into this issue a bit deeper I'll elaborate a bit on Thornbjorn's answer. As of lately Google changed the way your Android projects package your external Android libraries. In ADT R17 I think it started packaging..
Android webview late rendering the android logcat stream for full color debugging . Bottom line the webview is still a harsh environment and although lately it has become a feasible option it requires a lot of thought and planning in order to get it right . Hope this helps. share..
eclipse with Android sdk, ERROR: Java heap space with Android sdk ERROR Java heap space So lately I'm having a problem while working in my apps inside eclipse the next message shows up while working with xml files ERROR..
How advantageous is PhoneGap? client. I have recently started to look into Appcelerator as another cross platform tool. It has gotten decent press lately and the tools and the documentation and support around it appear to be more polished and professional than PhoneGap this..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION share improve this question I know I'm playing thread necromancer here but I've been working on this stuff a lot lately so I thought I'd throw in my 2¢. The device doesn't contain compass or inclinometers so it doesn't measure azimuth pitch..
Enabling ProGuard in Eclipse for Android improve this question just a follow up because I was searching for the same thing and the answers here are outdated lately the base proguard config is here in the sdk dir so you only have to put this into your proguard.config..
Connecting to a already paired Bluetooth device which will fail if the device is not available to communicate with. I've been doing some stuff around this lately and I've used the following code which has worked fine for me try Method m device.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket..
Android: How to create slide (on/off) button
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] complex and rather flimsy dev environment. PhoneGap It seems easy and mostly based on Javascript It is open source but lately acquired by adobe not a good sign Appcelerator Anything from Javascript to PHP and to python have a nice range of API Access..
Running the new Intel emulator for Android the new Intel emulator for Android Lately Google and Intel have published a new way to run the emulator which should work much better than the previous version which..
Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1) - PhoneGap signal 11 SIGSEGV at 0x00000000 code 1 PhoneGap I develop Android apps now with PhoneGap. Lately when I try to switch between HTML pages the application closed and in the LogCat the following error appears 12 24 15 43..
Android Bug? : String.substring(5).replace(?œâ€? ?œâ€? // empty string source code than that one . It keeps halting suspect infinite looping upon String.replace with an empty target string. Lately i found it throws this error message 05 10 16 41 13.155 E AndroidRuntime 9384 FATAL EXCEPTION main 05 10 16 41 13.155 E..
Android Drag/Animation of Views Drag Animation of Views I'm not a programmer but I'm trying to learn android development and having a blast. Lately I've hit a fork in the road and I don't know that any of the directions I can identify will meet all my needs. This is where..
Is Android's CameraInfo.orientation correctly documented? Incorrectly implemented? Why are my pics upside down or backwards. within Customer Questions Answers for Samsung SCH A930 regarding the latter Lately my pics have been upside down or backwards. Why is this happening and how can I fix it. This might actually be a bug in..
Publishing an App on Google Play [closed] sooner though put in your own package name and try https store apps details id Lately I've been seeing more and more reports of this process taking longer for people on the order of hours or even a few days..