android Programming Glossary: latlng
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 options new GoogleMapOptions .camera CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom new LatLng 37.4005502611301 5.98233461380005 16 .compassEnabled.. GoogleMapOptions .camera CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom new LatLng 37.4005502611301 5.98233461380005 16 .compassEnabled false .mapType.. mMap null mMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position new LatLng 37.4005502611301 5.98233461380005 .title Marker Thanks android..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? line of code mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude with whatever.. code mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude with whatever functionality.. Location Source mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude @Override..
Google Maps Android api v2 and current location import import import private GoogleMap map private static final LatLng ROMA new LatLng 42.093230818037 11.7971813678741 private LocationManager.. private GoogleMap map private static final LatLng ROMA new LatLng 42.093230818037 11.7971813678741 private LocationManager locationManager..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps import import import .title Prague .snippet Czech Republic .position new LatLng 50.08 14.43 map.addMarker new MarkerOptions .title Paris .snippet.. MarkerOptions .title Paris .snippet France .position new LatLng 48.86 2.33 map.addMarker new MarkerOptions .title London .snippet..
Google map API v2 - get driving directions to get the driving direction between the two positions LatLng 12.917745600000000000 77.623788300000000000 and LatLng 12.842056800000000000.. LatLng 12.917745600000000000 77.623788300000000000 and LatLng 12.842056800000000000 7.663096499999940000 . The code which.. line mMap.addPolyline new PolylineOptions . add new LatLng 12.917745600000000000 77.623788300000000000 new LatLng 12.842056800000000000..
Google Maps api v2 class not found Could not find class '' referenced from method com.apptree.de_luxe.InfoActivity. clinit.. new instance 170 Lcom google android gms maps model LatLng in Lcom apptree de_luxe InfoActivity 05 16 08 53 34.327 D dalvikvm.. 05 16 08 53 34.457 E AndroidRuntime 3422 at com.apptree.de_luxe.InfoActivity...
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue public class MapsFragment extends Fragment static final LatLng NKUT new LatLng 23.979548 120.696745 private GoogleMap map SupportMapFragment.. MapsFragment extends Fragment static final LatLng NKUT new LatLng 23.979548 120.696745 private GoogleMap map SupportMapFragment..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? GoogleMapOptions options new GoogleMapOptions LatLng latLng new LatLng mLatitude mLongitude CameraPosition cameraPosition.. CameraPosition cameraPosition new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom latLng float.. latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom latLng float 14.0 options.mapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE .camera..
Android Maps API v2 draw circle able to draw right circle private void addCircle LatLng latLng double radius double R 6371d earth's mean radius in km double.. d radius R radius given in km double lat1 Math.toRadians latLng.latitude double lon1 Math.toRadians latLng.longitude PolylineOptions.. Math.toRadians latLng.latitude double lon1 Math.toRadians latLng.longitude PolylineOptions options new PolylineOptions for int..
Google Maps API v2: How to make markers clickable? code. googleMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position latLng .title My Spot .snippet This is my spot .icon BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker.. myMarker googleMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position latLng .title My Spot .snippet This is my spot .icon BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker..
GPS myservice doesn't update in time intervals Creating a LatLng object for the current location LatLng latLng new LatLng latitude longitude ... public void postData String..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) int CONTENTS_DESCR 1 public int objectId public LatLng latLng public String title public String snippet public MyMapPoint.. String infoSnippet String infoImageUrl objectId oId latLng point title infoTitle snippet infoSnippet public MyMapPoint.. public MyMapPoint Parcel in objectId in.readInt latLng in.readParcelable LatLng.class.getClassLoader title in.readString..
Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed try GoogleMap map getMapFragment .getMap LatLng latLng getLocation .getAddress .getLatLng getActivity CameraUpdate.. CameraUpdate update CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom latLng DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM map.animateCamera update catch IOException.. LatLng getLatLng Context context throws IOException LatLng latLng null if hasLatLng latLng new LatLng getLatitude getLongitude..
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 Creates initial configuration for the map GoogleMapOptions options new GoogleMapOptions .camera CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom new LatLng 37.4005502611301 5.98233461380005 16 .compassEnabled false .mapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL .rotateGesturesEnabled.. configuration for the map GoogleMapOptions options new GoogleMapOptions .camera CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom new LatLng 37.4005502611301 5.98233461380005 16 .compassEnabled false .mapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL .rotateGesturesEnabled false.. Check if we were successful in obtaining the map. if mMap null mMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position new LatLng 37.4005502611301 5.98233461380005 .title Marker Thanks android google maps android fragments share improve this question..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? in Google Maps Android API v1. So you can simply replace this line of code mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude with whatever functionality you need to be executed when the location.. Maps Android API v1. So you can simply replace this line of code mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude with whatever functionality you need to be executed when the location changes... on that location the reason for we created this custom Location Source mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng new LatLng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude @Override public void onStatusChanged String s int i Bundle bundle..
Google Maps Android api v2 and current location import import import import import android.content.Context.. class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements LocationListener private GoogleMap map private static final LatLng ROMA new LatLng 42.093230818037 11.7971813678741 private LocationManager locationManager private String provider @Override.. extends FragmentActivity implements LocationListener private GoogleMap map private static final LatLng ROMA new LatLng 42.093230818037 11.7971813678741 private LocationManager locationManager private String provider @Override protected void..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps import import import import import android.os.Bundle.. Let's add a couple of markers map.addMarker new MarkerOptions .title Prague .snippet Czech Republic .position new LatLng 50.08 14.43 map.addMarker new MarkerOptions .title Paris .snippet France .position new LatLng 48.86 2.33 map.addMarker new.. Republic .position new LatLng 50.08 14.43 map.addMarker new MarkerOptions .title Paris .snippet France .position new LatLng 48.86 2.33 map.addMarker new MarkerOptions .title London .snippet United Kingdom .position new LatLng 51.51 0.1 public..
Google map API v2 - get driving directions map API v2 get driving directions I am trying to get the driving direction between the two positions LatLng 12.917745600000000000 77.623788300000000000 and LatLng 12.842056800000000000 7.663096499999940000 . The code which i have.. trying to get the driving direction between the two positions LatLng 12.917745600000000000 77.623788300000000000 and LatLng 12.842056800000000000 7.663096499999940000 . The code which i have tried Polyline line mMap.addPolyline new PolylineOptions.. 7.663096499999940000 . The code which i have tried Polyline line mMap.addPolyline new PolylineOptions . add new LatLng 12.917745600000000000 77.623788300000000000 new LatLng 12.842056800000000000 7.663096499999940000 .width 5 .color Color.RED..
Google Maps api v2 class not found This is the logcat output 05 16 08 53 34.327 E dalvikvm 3422 Could not find class '' referenced from method com.apptree.de_luxe.InfoActivity. clinit 05 16 08 53 34.327 W dalvikvm 3422 VFY unable to resolve.. clinit 05 16 08 53 34.327 W dalvikvm 3422 VFY unable to resolve new instance 170 Lcom google android gms maps model LatLng in Lcom apptree de_luxe InfoActivity 05 16 08 53 34.327 D dalvikvm 3422 VFY replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0000 05 16 08 53.. 05 16 08 53 34.457 E AndroidRuntime 3422 Caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError 05 16 08 53 34.457 E AndroidRuntime 3422 at com.apptree.de_luxe.InfoActivity. clinit 35 05 16 08 53 34.457..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue R.string.title_achievement return null public class MapsFragment extends Fragment static final LatLng NKUT new LatLng 23.979548 120.696745 private GoogleMap map SupportMapFragment mMapFragment public MapsFragment @Override.. return null public class MapsFragment extends Fragment static final LatLng NKUT new LatLng 23.979548 120.696745 private GoogleMap map SupportMapFragment mMapFragment public MapsFragment @Override public View onCreateView..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? LATITUDE mLatitude bundle.getDouble LONGITUDE else finish GoogleMapOptions options new GoogleMapOptions LatLng latLng new LatLng mLatitude mLongitude CameraPosition cameraPosition new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom.. new GoogleMapOptions LatLng latLng new LatLng mLatitude mLongitude CameraPosition cameraPosition new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom latLng float 14.0 options.mapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE .camera.. mLongitude CameraPosition cameraPosition new CameraPosition latLng 0 0 0 cameraPosition CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom latLng float 14.0 options.mapType GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE .camera cameraPosition .zoomControlsEnabled true .zoomGesturesEnabled..
Android Maps API v2 draw circle with canvas.drawCircle UPDATE OK after improving math I was able to draw right circle private void addCircle LatLng latLng double radius double R 6371d earth's mean radius in km double d radius R radius given in km double lat1 Math.toRadians.. radius double R 6371d earth's mean radius in km double d radius R radius given in km double lat1 Math.toRadians latLng.latitude double lon1 Math.toRadians latLng.longitude PolylineOptions options new PolylineOptions for int x 0 x 360 x .. in km double d radius R radius given in km double lat1 Math.toRadians latLng.latitude double lon1 Math.toRadians latLng.longitude PolylineOptions options new PolylineOptions for int x 0 x 360 x double brng Math.toRadians x double latitudeRad..
Google Maps API v2: How to make markers clickable? a method to be able to link it in with the rest of the required code. googleMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position latLng .title My Spot .snippet This is my spot .icon BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_AZURE If.. setUpMap ....... googleMap.setOnMarkerClickListener this myMarker googleMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position latLng .title My Spot .snippet This is my spot .icon BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_AZURE..
GPS myservice doesn't update in time intervals of the current location longitude location.getLongitude Creating a LatLng object for the current location LatLng latLng new LatLng latitude longitude ... public void postData String lat String lo String code Create a new HttpClient and Post..
Restoring map state (position and markers) of Google Maps (V2) on rotate and on back (MapView in Fragment) class MyMapPoint implements Parcelable private static final int CONTENTS_DESCR 1 public int objectId public LatLng latLng public String title public String snippet public MyMapPoint int oId LatLng point String infoTitle String infoSnippet String.. snippet public MyMapPoint int oId LatLng point String infoTitle String infoSnippet String infoImageUrl objectId oId latLng point title infoTitle snippet infoSnippet public MyMapPoint Parcel in objectId in.readInt latLng in.readParcelable LatLng.class.getClassLoader.. objectId oId latLng point title infoTitle snippet infoSnippet public MyMapPoint Parcel in objectId in.readInt latLng in.readParcelable LatLng.class.getClassLoader title in.readString snippet in.readString public MarkerOptions getMarkerOptions..
Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed void run if checkGooglePlayServicesStatus ConnectionResult.SUCCESS try GoogleMap map getMapFragment .getMap LatLng latLng getLocation .getAddress .getLatLng getActivity CameraUpdate update CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom latLng DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM.. LatLng latLng getLocation .getAddress .getLatLng getActivity CameraUpdate update CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom latLng DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM map.animateCamera update catch IOException e Log.e TAG e.getMessage e Toast.makeText getActivity Unable.. null Convenience method for use with Google Maps API public LatLng getLatLng Context context throws IOException LatLng latLng null if hasLatLng latLng new LatLng getLatitude getLongitude else String locationString getStreet AddressUtil.makeCityStateZipString..
moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes This is using the following pseudo code LatLngBounds.Builder builder new LatLngBounds.Builder while data LatLng latlng getPosition builder.include latlng CameraUpdate cameraUpdate CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds 10 map.moveCamera.. pseudo code LatLngBounds.Builder builder new LatLngBounds.Builder while data LatLng latlng getPosition builder.include latlng CameraUpdate cameraUpdate CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds 10 map.moveCamera cameraUpdate The call to map.moveCamera..
TileProvider method getTile - need to translate x and y to lat/long reversing the calculations of MaciejGórski's and marcin's answer with no luck. public static Point fromLatLng LatLng latlng int zoom int noTiles 1 zoom double longitudeSpan 360.0 noTiles double mercator fromLatitude latlng.latitude int y int mercator.. fromLatLng LatLng latlng int zoom int noTiles 1 zoom double longitudeSpan 360.0 noTiles double mercator fromLatitude latlng.latitude int y int mercator 360 noTiles 180 int x int latlng.longitude longitudeSpan 180 return new Point x y Any help is.. longitudeSpan 360.0 noTiles double mercator fromLatitude latlng.latitude int y int mercator 360 noTiles 180 int x int latlng.longitude longitudeSpan 180 return new Point x y Any help is appreciated android google maps google maps android api 2..
ZipCode from location turned down on September 9th 2013. Here's the new URL of API service http maps api geocode json latlng your_latitude your_longitude http maps api geocode json latlng 10.32 123.90 sensor true share improve..
Service not available in geoCoder Map private String fetchCityNameUsingGoogleMap String googleMapUrl http maps api geocode json latlng location.getLatitude location.getLongitude sensor false language fr try JSONObject googleMapResponse new JSONObject..