android Programming Glossary: launching
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? of libc you have. You'd need to handle dumping that trace launching your separate crash handler process and sending the email in..
How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity? ways Add FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP flag to the Intent when launching the activity and then in the activity class implement onNewIntent..
Launching activities within a tab in Android various interactions with the items in the tabs I end up launching other activities. The client has reviewed this and would like..
How to make a phone call in android and come back to my activity when the call is done? and come back to my activity when the call is done I am launching an activity to make a phone call but when I pressed the 'end..
Android: crashes with getApplicationContext done being built. This is going to be a hack but try launching a new Thread in a few hundred milliseconds IIRC 300 400 seemed..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse 14 11 39 33 uad MediaPlayerExample Automatic Target Mode launching new emulator with compatible AVD '1.6 hvga' 2010 10 14 11 39..
The connection to adb is down and a sever error has occured else that works android command line android emulator adb launching application share improve this question Try below steps..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market Am I going wrong somewhere or is the Market no longer launching these Intents when an app is installed android install google..
How to prevent multiple instances of an activity when it is launched with different intents lauching it from the market uses a different intent then launching it from the phone's applications menu. This is leading to multiple.. I need is A B C HOME A B C Is there a good way to prevent launching multiple activities of the same type without reseting to the..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity the return of an activity I have a question regarding launching new activities. It boils down to this. I have 3 tabs on a view..
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo ComponentInfo I was trying to run a sample code While launching the application in the android 1.5 emulator I got these errors......
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? data public void setData String data data Before launching the activity MyApplication app MyApplication getApplicationContext.. data.get id return objectWeakReference.get Before launching the activity DataHolder.getInstance .save someId someObject.. to disk The idea is to save the data in disk before launching the other activity. Advantages you can launch the activity from..
SIGNAL 11 SIGSEGV crash Android after a QR code scan. Application was keep on scanning and launching the browser fluently but the issue occurs after 15 20 attempts..
Android: Clear the back stack its root state. This is especially useful for example when launching an activity from the notification manager. So your code to launch..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” launch 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo Automatic Target Mode launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 10 25..
Launching activities within a tab in Android activities within a tab in Android Here's the deal. I have..
AVD - PANIC: Could not open… - not a path issue activity launch 2013 02 27 13 37 27 Test2 Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'droidX2' 2013 02 27 13 37..
Slow Android emulator Creating a new AVD with the save snapshot feature. Launching the emulator from the snapshot. share improve this answer..
Launching activity from widget activity from widget I'm trying to do something which really..
HelloAndroid]emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'com.example.helloandroid.HelloAndroid activity launch'! Target Mode Preferred AVD 'xian_avd2' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2010 01 29 00 12 14 HelloAndroid Launching a new.. Launching new emulator. 2010 01 29 00 12 14 HelloAndroid Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'xian_avd2' 2010 01 29 00..
How to stop Eclipse from trying to run XML files? current document selection. Under Preferences Run Debug Launching you can select Always launch the previously launched application..
HelloAndroid emulator problem Target Mode Preferred AVD 'my_avd' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2010 02 23 11 47 55 HelloAndroid Launching a new.. Launching new emulator. 2010 02 23 11 47 55 HelloAndroid Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'my_avd' 2010 02 23 11 48..
android sdk main.out.xml parsing error? Better fixing Eclipse Window Preferences Run Debug Launching Lauch Configuration Cross Filter checked launch configuration..
Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android My app needs..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse AVD '1.6 hvga' 2010 10 14 11 39 33 uad MediaPlayerExample Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device '1.6 hvga' LogCat remains..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file First..
How do I run an Android emulator automatically from Eclipse? do not forget to To go in Eclipse Preferences Run Debug Launching . In the code Launch Operation subsection select code Always..
Eclipse gets stuck when trying to launch Android app I try to run the application Eclipse always stuck at 27 Launching delegate . Which could be the reason android eclipse delegates..
Android Failed to install HelloWorld.apk on device (null) Error Target Mode Preferred AVD 'MY_AVD' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2011 03 08 12 57 35 HelloWorld Launching a new.. Launching new emulator. 2011 03 08 12 57 35 HelloWorld Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'MY_AVD' 2011 03 08 12 57..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” with compatible AVD 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 11..
android emulator error:[2011-08-02 11:14:01 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open: C:\Users\hallo\.android/avd/myemu.ini with compatible AVD 'myemu' 2011 08 02 11 14 00 hello1 Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'myemu' 2011 08 02 11 14..
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? native trace see this other question depending on what sort of libc you have. You'd need to handle dumping that trace launching your separate crash handler process and sending the email in some appropriate ways for your platform but I imagine the general..
How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity? For managing if the activity is already running you have two ways Add FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP flag to the Intent when launching the activity and then in the activity class implement onNewIntent Intent intent event handler that way you can access the..
Launching activities within a tab in Android the deal. I have an application with three tabs. Through various interactions with the items in the tabs I end up launching other activities. The client has reviewed this and would like the activities launched within the tabs so the tabs remain..
How to make a phone call in android and come back to my activity when the call is done? to make a phone call in android and come back to my activity when the call is done I am launching an activity to make a phone call but when I pressed the 'end call' button it does not go back to my activity. Can you please..
Android: crashes with getApplicationContext code in the onCreate is being run before the window is actually done being built. This is going to be a hack but try launching a new Thread in a few hundred milliseconds IIRC 300 400 seemed to work for me but you'll need to tinker that opens your..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse activity launch 2010 10 14 11 39 33 uad MediaPlayerExample Automatic Target Mode launching new emulator with compatible AVD '1.6 hvga' 2010 10 14 11 39 33 uad MediaPlayerExample Launching a new emulator with Virtual..
The connection to adb is down and a sever error has occured combo of versions of Eclipse Java adb emulator and whatever else that works android command line android emulator adb launching application share improve this question Try below steps Close the Eclipse if running Go to the Android SDK platform..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market if the Intent is even broadcast and I get no logging output. Am I going wrong somewhere or is the Market no longer launching these Intents when an app is installed android install google play referrer share improve this question I would try..
How to prevent multiple instances of an activity when it is launched with different intents using the Open button on the android market. It seems that lauching it from the market uses a different intent then launching it from the phone's applications menu. This is leading to multiple copies of the same activity being launched which are.. to root whenever I hit HOME. Example A B C HOME A when what I need is A B C HOME A B C Is there a good way to prevent launching multiple activities of the same type without reseting to the root activity when using HOME android activity android intent..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity Capturing the return of an activity I have a question regarding launching new activities. It boils down to this. I have 3 tabs on a view A contains gMap activity B camera activity C some random..
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo I was trying to run a sample code While launching the application in the android 1.5 emulator I got these errors.... Any one have some hint.. ERROR from LogCat 01 13 02 28..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? private String data public String getData return data public void setData String data data Before launching the activity MyApplication app MyApplication getApplicationContext app.setData someData Then from the launched activity.. Object retrieve String id WeakReference Object objectWeakReference data.get id return objectWeakReference.get Before launching the activity DataHolder.getInstance .save someId someObject From the launched activity DataHolder.getInstance .retrieve.. ™s extras. It all depends on your specific problem. Persist objects to disk The idea is to save the data in disk before launching the other activity. Advantages you can launch the activity from other places and if the data is already persisted it should..
SIGNAL 11 SIGSEGV crash Android linux android crashlog I need to launch the browser after a QR code scan. Application was keep on scanning and launching the browser fluently but the issue occurs after 15 20 attempts of same steps.. I researched a lot and found that its the..
Android: Clear the back stack of that task to the foreground and then clear it to its root state. This is especially useful for example when launching an activity from the notification manager. So your code to launch A would be Intent intent new Intent this A.class intent.addFlags..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” 07 10 07 10 24 demo Performing com.demo.DemoActivity activity launch 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo Automatic Target Mode launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'vishal'..
Launching activities within a tab in Android activities within a tab in Android Here's the deal. I have an application with three tabs. Through various interactions..
AVD - PANIC: Could not open… - not a path issue 2013 02 27 13 36 26 Test2 Performing com.example.test2.MainActivity activity launch 2013 02 27 13 37 27 Test2 Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'droidX2' 2013 02 27 13 37 27 Emulator PANIC Could not open droidX2 I've been sifting..
Slow Android emulator
Launching activity from widget activity from widget I'm trying to do something which really ought to be quite easy but it's driving me crazy. I'm trying..
HelloAndroid]emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'com.example.helloandroid.HelloAndroid activity launch'! activity launch 2010 01 29 00 12 13 HelloAndroid Automatic Target Mode Preferred AVD 'xian_avd2' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2010 01 29 00 12 14 HelloAndroid Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'xian_avd2' 2010 01 29 00 12.. Target Mode Preferred AVD 'xian_avd2' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2010 01 29 00 12 14 HelloAndroid Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'xian_avd2' 2010 01 29 00 12 37 HelloAndroid New emulator found emulator 5554 2010 01..
How to stop Eclipse from trying to run XML files? instead of attempting to create a launch configuration for the current document selection. Under Preferences Run Debug Launching you can select Always launch the previously launched application . EDIT You probably have a plugin which defines a launch..
HelloAndroid emulator problem activity launch 2010 02 23 11 47 55 HelloAndroid Automatic Target Mode Preferred AVD 'my_avd' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2010 02 23 11 47 55 HelloAndroid Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'my_avd' 2010 02 23 11 48 09.. Target Mode Preferred AVD 'my_avd' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2010 02 23 11 47 55 HelloAndroid Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'my_avd' 2010 02 23 11 48 09 HelloAndroid New emulator found emulator 5554 2010 02 23..
android sdk main.out.xml parsing error? found xml parsing android avd share improve this question Better fixing Eclipse Window Preferences Run Debug Launching Lauch Configuration Cross Filter checked launch configuration types and Cross also XSL at the end of the list Make the problem..
Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android My app needs to show Google Maps directions from A to B but I don't want..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse Automatic Target Mode launching new emulator with compatible AVD '1.6 hvga' 2010 10 14 11 39 33 uad MediaPlayerExample Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device '1.6 hvga' LogCat remains empty blank. And if I then try to re run the same app the console..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file First of all let me say that this questions is slightly connected..
How do I run an Android emulator automatically from Eclipse? your project to execute itself as an Android executable. Then do not forget to To go in Eclipse Preferences Run Debug Launching . In the code Launch Operation subsection select code Always launch the previously launched application share improve..
Eclipse gets stuck when trying to launch Android app devices and the mobile is properly recognized. However when I try to run the application Eclipse always stuck at 27 Launching delegate . Which could be the reason android eclipse delegates share improve this question Had the same 27 problem..
Android Failed to install HelloWorld.apk on device (null) Error activity launch 2011 03 08 12 57 35 HelloWorld Automatic Target Mode Preferred AVD 'MY_AVD' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2011 03 08 12 57 35 HelloWorld Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'MY_AVD' 2011 03 08 12 57 39 HelloWorld.. Automatic Target Mode Preferred AVD 'MY_AVD' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2011 03 08 12 57 35 HelloWorld Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'MY_AVD' 2011 03 08 12 57 39 HelloWorld New emulator found emulator 5554 2011 03 08 12..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” 07 10 07 10 25 demo Automatic Target Mode launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 11 06 Emulator invalid command line parameter Files Android android..
android emulator error:[2011-08-02 11:14:01 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open: C:\Users\hallo\.android/avd/myemu.ini 02 11 14 00 hello1 Automatic Target Mode launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'myemu' 2011 08 02 11 14 00 hello1 Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'myemu' 2011 08 02 11 14 01 Emulator PANIC Could not open C Users hallo .android avd..