android Programming Glossary: large
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen Size small ~3 inches approx normal ~4 inches approx large Exceeds 4 inches xlarge Exceeds 7 inches Most phones are classified.. approx normal ~4 inches approx large Exceeds 4 inches xlarge Exceeds 7 inches Most phones are classified as small or normal.. 4 inches diagonally . But now there are many phones with large screen such as Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z A small tablet like..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android up the RAM usage across processes you get an ridiculously large number . Pss is as we've seen before and Uss is Priv Dirty... any memory info you get with a grain of salt often a very large grain. Finally there is the command adb shell cat proc meminfo..
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I have a large bitmap say.. Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I have a large bitmap say 3888x2592 in a file. Now I want to resize that bitmap.. image. To sum up my question Is there a way to read a large image file with 10MP or more and save it to a new image file..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? the user does in terms of activities e.g. downloading a large file . You can use an ordered broadcast Intent to either have..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object dalvikvm heap 3896 6291456 byte external allocation too large for this process. 01 25 05 05 49.877 ERROR 3896 VM wont let.. dalvikvm heap 4204 6291456 byte external allocation too large for this process. 01 25 22 13 18.694 ERROR 4204 VM won't let..
Android: How to declare global variables? of this post addressing some criticism and detailing a large philosophical disagreement I have with those who encourage the..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist Search from Large Arraylist I have a recordset of about 29 000 records. My Screen..
How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview? @ id imageView1 android singleLine true android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge.. Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge ImageView android id @ id imageView1 android layout_width wrap_content..
How do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android in android Android defines screen sizes as Normal Large XLarge etc. It automatically picks between static resources.. in android Android defines screen sizes as Normal Large XLarge etc. It automatically picks between static resources in appropriate.. Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE Toast.makeText this Large screen Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL..
selecting contact from autocomplete textview android layout_height wrap_content android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge.. Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge android textColor #A5000000 TextView android id @ id ccontNo..
Large ListView containing images in Android ListView containing images in Android For various Android applications..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled several ways to handle large Bitmaps Efficiently Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options..
How to find the device as LDPI MDPI HDPI or XHDPI [duplicate] Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE Toast.makeText this Large screen Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory whatever you wish just don't forget to change the code... Large bitmaps could take time to store and restore so it might be..
Android: application-wide font-size preference item name font_xlarge 24sp item style style name FontStyle.Large item name font_small 26sp item item name font_medium 28sp item.. Small Medium Medium Large Large private int resId private String.. Medium Large Large private int resId private String title public int getResId..
Load Large Image from server on Android Large Image from server on Android I am trying to display a jpg file..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? 320x480 layout mdpi layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 layout large mdpi layout large land..
Pros and Cons of SQLite and Shared Preferences It really depends on the data you want to store. SQLite Large amounts of same structured data should be stored in a SQLite..
Admob implementation Error android layout_height wrap_content android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge.. Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge LinearLayout android id @ id linearLayout1 android layout_width..
layout-large-land-hdpi error res layout mdpi res layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 res layout large mdpi res layout large..
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture between activities using Intent extras is a fine solution. Large bitmaps though cause problems that way due to memory consumption...
Android how to identify item in listview with checkbox android layout_height wrap_content android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge.. Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge CheckBox android id @ id checkBox1 android layout_width wrap_content..
Android: allow portrait and landscape for tablets, but force portrait on phone? Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE Toast.makeText this Large screen Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else if getResources .getConfiguration..
Android Support Package / Compatibility Library - use v4 or v13? To target API 8 v2.2 you should use the v4 version. Large sections of the v13 will work but if you use any of the features..
Why my App is not showing up on tablets in Google Play? as defined in your application manifest. Screen densities LARGE MDPI LARGE HDPI LARGE LDPI LARGE XHDPI XLARGE MDPI XLARGE HDPI.. in your application manifest. Screen densities LARGE MDPI LARGE HDPI LARGE LDPI LARGE XHDPI XLARGE MDPI XLARGE HDPI XLARGE LDPI.. manifest. Screen densities LARGE MDPI LARGE HDPI LARGE LDPI LARGE XHDPI XLARGE MDPI XLARGE HDPI XLARGE LDPI XLARGE..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 .show if largeImagePath null Toast.makeText this LARGE YES largeImagePath Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show BitmapFactory.Options..
Tablet or Phone - Android Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE return xlarge large LARGE and XLARGE Screen Sizes are determined.. Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE return xlarge large LARGE and XLARGE Screen Sizes are determined by the manufacturer based.. return xlarge large LARGE and XLARGE Screen Sizes are determined by the manufacturer based on the..
Android Market - This application is available to over 0 devices? in your application manifest. Screen layouts SMALL NORMAL LARGE XLARGE Required device features android.hardware.screen.portrait.. application manifest. Screen layouts SMALL NORMAL LARGE XLARGE Required device features android.hardware.screen.portrait android.hardware.touchscreen..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen size Android defines four generalised screen sizes Qualifier Size small ~3 inches approx normal ~4 inches approx large Exceeds 4 inches xlarge Exceeds 7 inches Most phones are classified as small or normal roughly 3 to 4 inches diagonally.. four generalised screen sizes Qualifier Size small ~3 inches approx normal ~4 inches approx large Exceeds 4 inches xlarge Exceeds 7 inches Most phones are classified as small or normal roughly 3 to 4 inches diagonally . But now there are many.. Most phones are classified as small or normal roughly 3 to 4 inches diagonally . But now there are many phones with large screen such as Galaxy S4 HTC One Xperia Z A small tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Tab is classified as large larger than..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android address space and RAM usage of a process where if you add up the RAM usage across processes you get an ridiculously large number . Pss is as we've seen before and Uss is Priv Dirty. Interesting thing to note here Pss and Uss are slightly or more.. accurate one... but really this just leave the point take any memory info you get with a grain of salt often a very large grain. Finally there is the command adb shell cat proc meminfo that gives a summary of the overall memory usage of the system...
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I have a large bitmap say 3888x2592 in a file. Now I want to resize that bitmap to 800x533.. Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I have a large bitmap say 3888x2592 in a file. Now I want to resize that bitmap to 800x533 and save it to another file. I normally would.. would be poor compared to a direct resizing of the original image. To sum up my question Is there a way to read a large image file with 10MP or more and save it to a new image file resized to a specific new width and height without getting..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? to be done may be long and should go on regardless of what the user does in terms of activities e.g. downloading a large file . You can use an ordered broadcast Intent to either have the activity respond to the work being done if it is still..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object is a ButtonImage . Here is my LogCat 01 25 05 05 49.877 ERROR dalvikvm heap 3896 6291456 byte external allocation too large for this process. 01 25 05 05 49.877 ERROR 3896 VM wont let us allocate 6291456 bytes 01 25 05 05 49.877 ERROR AndroidRuntime.. resolveUri failed on bad bitmap uri 01 25 22 13 18.694 ERROR dalvikvm heap 4204 6291456 byte external allocation too large for this process. 01 25 22 13 18.694 ERROR 4204 VM won't let us allocate 6291456 bytes 01 25 22 13 18.694 DEBUG skia 4204..
Android: How to declare global variables? Android development. I have added a long addendum at the bottom of this post addressing some criticism and detailing a large philosophical disagreement I have with those who encourage the use of Singletons rather than subclassing Application. Read..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist Search from Large Arraylist I have a recordset of about 29 000 records. My Screen contains EditText Box for Search Criteria and Listview..
How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview? android layout_toLeftOf @ id checkBox1 android layout_toRightOf @ id imageView1 android singleLine true android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge ImageView android id @ id imageView1 android layout_width wrap_content.. @ id imageView1 android singleLine true android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge ImageView android id @ id imageView1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_centerVertical..
How do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android Android defines screen sizes as Normal Large XLarge etc. It automatically picks between static resources in appropriate folders. I need this data about the current device.. do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android Android defines screen sizes as Normal Large XLarge etc. It automatically picks between static resources in appropriate folders. I need this data about the current device in.. Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK switch screenSize case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE Toast.makeText this Large screen Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL Toast.makeText this Normal screen Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
selecting contact from autocomplete textview TextView android id @ id ccontName android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge android textColor #A5000000 TextView android id @ id ccontNo.. android layout_height wrap_content android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge android textColor #A5000000 TextView android id @ id ccontNo android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..
Large ListView containing images in Android ListView containing images in Android For various Android applications I need large ListView s i.e. such views with 100..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled have a look at Displaying Bitmaps Efficiently which includes several ways to handle large Bitmaps Efficiently Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inJustDecodeBounds true BitmapFactory.decodeResource..
How to find the device as LDPI MDPI HDPI or XHDPI [duplicate] Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK switch screenSize case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE Toast.makeText this Large screen Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL Toast.makeText this Normal screen Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory are in ARGB_8888 format. of course you can change it to whatever you wish just don't forget to change the code... Large bitmaps could take time to store and restore so it might be wise to do it on a background thread. This is not a full OOM..
Android: application-wide font-size preference name font_medium 20sp item item name font_large 22sp item item name font_xlarge 24sp item style style name FontStyle.Large item name font_small 26sp item item name font_medium 28sp item item name font_large 30sp item item name font_xlarge 32sp.. and FontStyle is public enum FontStyle Small Small Medium Medium Large Large private int resId private String title public int getResId return resId public String getTitle.. enum FontStyle Small Small Medium Medium Large Large private int resId private String title public int getResId return resId public String getTitle return title FontStyle..
Load Large Image from server on Android Large Image from server on Android I am trying to display a jpg file from a server into an imageView. When I try to load a smaller..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? layout ldpi layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 layout mdpi layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 layout large mdpi layout large land mdpi High density Normal screens WVGA800 480x800 x854 layout..
Pros and Cons of SQLite and Shared Preferences sharedpreferences data storage share improve this question It really depends on the data you want to store. SQLite Large amounts of same structured data should be stored in a SQLite database as databases are designed for this kind of data. As..
Admob implementation Error TextView android id @ id textView1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge LinearLayout android id @ id linearLayout1 android layout_width.. android layout_height wrap_content android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge LinearLayout android id @ id linearLayout1 android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android orientation..
layout-large-land-hdpi error res layout land ldpi Medium density Normal screens HVGA 320x480 res layout mdpi res layout land mdpi Medium density Large screens HVGA 320x480 res layout large mdpi res layout large land mdpi High density Normal screens WVGA800 480x800 x854 res..
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture and display in a new Activity. In most cases passing data between activities using Intent extras is a fine solution. Large bitmaps though cause problems that way due to memory consumption. This is one case where I would carefully use a static..
Android how to identify item in listview with checkbox TextView android id @ id textView1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge CheckBox android id @ id checkBox1 android layout_width wrap_content.. android layout_height wrap_content android text Large Text android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge CheckBox android id @ id checkBox1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text LinearLayout..
Android: allow portrait and landscape for tablets, but force portrait on phone? .screenLayout Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE Toast.makeText this Large screen Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else if getResources .getConfiguration .screenLayout Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK..
Android Support Package / Compatibility Library - use v4 or v13? android support library share improve this question To target API 8 v2.2 you should use the v4 version. Large sections of the v13 will work but if you use any of the features in it that rely on the platform 13 APIs your app will blow..
Why my App is not showing up on tablets in Google Play? application is only available to devices with these features as defined in your application manifest. Screen densities LARGE MDPI LARGE HDPI LARGE LDPI LARGE XHDPI XLARGE MDPI XLARGE HDPI XLARGE LDPI XLARGE XHDPI NORMAL MDPI NORMAL HDPI NORMAL XHDPI.. is only available to devices with these features as defined in your application manifest. Screen densities LARGE MDPI LARGE HDPI LARGE LDPI LARGE XHDPI XLARGE MDPI XLARGE HDPI XLARGE LDPI XLARGE XHDPI NORMAL MDPI NORMAL HDPI NORMAL XHDPI Required.. to devices with these features as defined in your application manifest. Screen densities LARGE MDPI LARGE HDPI LARGE LDPI LARGE XHDPI XLARGE MDPI XLARGE HDPI XLARGE LDPI XLARGE XHDPI NORMAL MDPI NORMAL HDPI NORMAL XHDPI Required device features..
Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3 .show Toast.makeText this uriThumbnailImage Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show if largeImagePath null Toast.makeText this LARGE YES largeImagePath Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show BitmapFactory.Options opts new BitmapFactory.Options opts.inSampleSize OG ..
Tablet or Phone - Android .getConfiguration .screenLayout Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE return xlarge large LARGE and XLARGE Screen Sizes are determined by the manufacturer based on the distance from the eye.. .screenLayout Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE return xlarge large LARGE and XLARGE Screen Sizes are determined by the manufacturer based on the distance from the eye they are to be used at thus.. Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE return xlarge large LARGE and XLARGE Screen Sizes are determined by the manufacturer based on the distance from the eye they are to be used at thus the idea..
Android Market - This application is available to over 0 devices? is only available to devices with these features as defined in your application manifest. Screen layouts SMALL NORMAL LARGE XLARGE Required device features android.hardware.screen.portrait android.hardware.touchscreen This application is available.. available to devices with these features as defined in your application manifest. Screen layouts SMALL NORMAL LARGE XLARGE Required device features android.hardware.screen.portrait android.hardware.touchscreen This application is available to..