android Programming Glossary: lab
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? Hardware Abstracted LCD Density Max VM application heap size Device RAM size Etc. I tried Samsung's online remote test lab but I've found that too restrictive can't seem to use it at Internet hotspots that have certain ports closed slow to start.. 2G webcam0 sdcard.size 200M You may want to edit the last 3 entries to change how much storage is available and how whether the camera is changed. I've found that if I make the disk.dataPartition.size as big as it ought to be..
Using Android Speech Recognition APIs from Google Glass no activity found to handle intent when running on Google Glass SpeechRecognizer.IsRecognitionAvailable context This always returns false on Google Glass. I'm curious if anyone else has run into these issues or has any suggestions... okay glass to activate the voice recognition. But therefore you have to root your device and activate this so called lab feature. This side is a good starting point for the activation of lab features glassxe I have not tried it by myself but..
Getting decibel from an android microphone or some of the frequency range. Then you'd have to take some calibration measurements for example frequency sweeping a lab source of controlled known spl and recording the resulting amplitude vs frequency which if you sweep slowly is essentially.. impulse such as an electric spark starter pistol whatever that you are also measuring across frequency with good lab equipment in a radiation symmetric position or as a last resort you use some known physical property of the source to estimate..
Remote Test Laboratory (RTL) for Android android developer ^^ Just known Samsung support RTL for Samsung android device http bbs lab platformId 1 Question Anyone known other free RTL for other mobile device as HTC LG ... etc UPDATE2 08 07 2011 Thanks..