android Programming Glossary: l1
How to customize listview using baseadapter import android.widget.ListView import android.widget.TextView public class MainActivity extends Activity ListView l1 String t1 video1 video2 String d1 lesson1 lesson2 int i1 R.drawable.ic_launcher R.drawable.ic_launcher @Override protected.. protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main l1 ListView findViewById l1.setAdapter new dataListAdapter t1 d1 i1 class dataListAdapter extends BaseAdapter String.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main l1 ListView findViewById l1.setAdapter new dataListAdapter t1 d1 i1 class dataListAdapter extends BaseAdapter String Title Detail int imge dataListAdapter..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? float 1 Math.sin input Math.PI a.setInterpolator i a.setDuration 2000 layer2.startLayerAnimation a OnClickListener l1 new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View view v.setOnClickListener l1 v.postDelayed action1.. a OnClickListener l1 new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View view v.setOnClickListener l1 v.postDelayed action1 2000 final float values new float 9 final float pts new float 2 final Matrix inverse new Matrix OnTouchListener..
android list view clickable problem correct me if i am wrong. the below is the code for the list. PS This is an normal activity and not list activity. l1.setAdapter new EfficientAdapter this eventTitleArray eventDateArray eventImageLinkArray l1 getListView l1.setClickable true.. and not list activity. l1.setAdapter new EfficientAdapter this eventTitleArray eventDateArray eventImageLinkArray l1 getListView l1.setClickable true l1.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener @Override public void onItemClick AdapterView.. activity. l1.setAdapter new EfficientAdapter this eventTitleArray eventDateArray eventImageLinkArray l1 getListView l1.setClickable true l1.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener @Override public void onItemClick AdapterView arg0 View..
Android Orientation Change mStatusView1.getText testcase1 mStatusView.setText mStatusView.getText testcase initUI public void initUI l1 ListView findViewById EfficientAdapter efficientAdapter new EfficientAdapter mContext l1.setAdapter null.. void initUI l1 ListView findViewById EfficientAdapter efficientAdapter new EfficientAdapter mContext l1.setAdapter null l1.setAdapter efficientAdapter On launch the tabs list button and textview are displayed correctly. When.. findViewById EfficientAdapter efficientAdapter new EfficientAdapter mContext l1.setAdapter null l1.setAdapter efficientAdapter On launch the tabs list button and textview are displayed correctly. When I change the orientation..